Sunday December 15, 2019

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"Let There Be Pace On Earth"  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  25:14
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time to go to Bible Adventures our children are dismissed to Bible adventures and pray that the Lord will richly bless them as he

Has He blesses us today?

We're continuing in our Advent. Time together we've looked at the hope. We've looked at the joy of the Lord that we've looked at today.

That's a piece.

peace on Earth

You know, sometimes it is exactly what we are praying for Let There Be Peace On Earth. We pray for God's peace. But we do realize that these are troubling times. These are difficult times and these are times when it's hard to find. Peace.

Just go to one of the Walmart special all night sales. when there's a limited amount of those big screen TVs and Game Station Whatever you're looking for that's on special. And see how the real Spirit of Christmas comes out in the pushing the cheffy and the Klein through things to try to get our share. of the blessings and you wouldn't you would swear there is no peace on Earth and those times at the mall.

There are things that you know that you just ask yourself and you wonder about

why? Did arm boards have to be born in a stable. instead of a palace


Did the Shepherds receive these good news of glad tidings when they were probably lowest on the spectrum of of ranking of importance of people Shepherds were the least in the community if you couldn't get a job doing anything else. Well, maybe you could be a shepherd.

I can just see some young boy coming home to his mom and dad and saying I've decided. As my career choice, I'm going to be a shepherd.

Osun, where did we fail you? But I remember that God chose a Shepherd boy. David to be his King over the nation.

Well our scripture this morning that we are starting with is actually going to be in Isaiah and then we will get to Luke Chapter 2 8 through 19, but Isaiah 9:6 through 7 talks about that the Prince of Peace as we had heard a little earlier with our lighting of the peace candle. for Advent Isaiah some 700 years before the birth of Christ and then kind of clock down another two thousand years to us. Isn't it amazing? How Isaiah pointed to the very Act of what was going to happen that night in Bethlehem a child has been born to us. God has given a son to us and he will be responsible for Leading the People his name shall be his name will be wonderful counselor powerful, Mighty God

and Father who lives forever and he will be called The Prince of Peace. Isaiah foretold it that he would come. and bring peace on Earth And then we look at.

this powerful and peace power and peace will be in his kingdom and will continue to grow forever. And he will rule as King David's. Are on the throne? Andover David's Kingdom men he will make it strong by ruling with Justice and goodness Justice and goodness. from now on and forever more and then I say app in these words. The Lord all-powerful will do this because of his strong love. for his people

the Lord Almighty the Lord all-powerful will do this because of his strong love for his people and it reminds me of John's words for God so loved the world. That he gave the greatest gift. He could ever give the greatest gift of Christmas was his one and only son that all who believe in him would not perish but have eternal life. It was God's promise that was his gift on that very first Christmas. And I say you saw it so perfectly for 700 years before the birth of Christ and then on that night in which Jesus was born. Luke tells us in his gospel these words. And in the same region as where Christ was being born in Bethlehem. There were shepherds out in their field keeping watch over their flocks by night.

And the angel of the Lord appeared to them at night. And the glory of the Lord Shone about them. I mean in the middle of the night. In the middle of the gloom and discouragement of the people of this time. It was. Only that it was dark. Pitch dark there were no Street lamps out there. It was not only dark as night. But this good news came. But there was a darkness in the mines and in the hearts of the people Isaiah tells us this as well. Let the people were in darkness in Thief Darkness. and a light show

price would come

And there were shepherds out in the field keeping watch over their flocks at night. And the angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord Shone around about them and it was as bright as day.

And I underscored this because it's important to note and they were filled with great. beer You Were Trouble

But course things were troubling times. But the coming of the Angel brought trouble the coming of Christ in our lives and in this world brings trouble to so many. at first

and the angel said to them because they were fearful be or not for behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy. That will be for all people for unto you is born this day this very day this very night. in the city up David a savior who is Christ the lord and this will be a sign for you, you know, people need signs people want signs all the time. Don't they? I mean when you're going someplace you'd like to have some directional signs to help you find your way.

In This Very word that he is speaking The people always want to know is this really true like Gideon? When the angel of the Lord came to him and said greetings highly favored one.

The Lord wants to use you. He says well if it's really the Lord wanting to do this Give Me A Sign show me that it is real. And this will be a sign for you that you will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a Manger. You'll have proof you'll know this is the child because we're telling you.

You're going to go and you're going to find a baby wrapped in birthing rags. That's what it is.

Line in the stall in a manger and you'll know this is the savior of the world who's come. to bring good news to all people of great joy and suddenly there was with the angel who brought this news a multitude of the heavenly host a lot of angels a plethora of Angels were in the heavenlies. Praising God and saying these words glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace among those whom he is pleased. Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace. Peace on Earth the Angels predicted the Angels declared it. Have we received it?

and when the Angels had gone away they went from these Shepherds back into the heavens and the shepherd said to one another and I Mark these words. Don't miss them. First they said let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened. Let us go and let us see. This thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us. And then these work. And they went with haste. Let us go. Let us see. And they went with haste. And when they found Mary and Joseph and the baby as described lying in a Manger wrapped in birthing cloth. swaddling clothes

the when they saw it they made known to Mary and Joseph.

They laid down the saying that had been told them by the angels concerning this child. That he would bring great joy. Great joy and peace on Earth. And all who heard about it wondered at what the Shepherds have told them. And they went out and they told others and those people told others and the News went out and they all were in Wonder and amazement. I bought these Shepherds that seen and heard. But I love these words that Luke a doctor.

Sensitive band that he was and Mary treasured up all of these things in her heart mothers do that. Don't they? every memory about their child They treasure it in their hearts. And she pondered them. thought about them

what kind of child? If I just birth that did this world.

Next Sunday. We're going to have a special song Mary Did You Know?

And that speaks so much Mark Lowry wrote in words that are gripping. Did you know? little baby that you're holding The Son of God Mary did you know you've got to come and hear the song?

John PEMDAS words

He penned these words because he remembered what Jesus had said so graphically. He said that he was going to be leaving.

And if he left that he would come again and he would take them to be with him.

And it says that the disciples were trouble. It said seen that they were trouble they they didn't understand what was happening or going to happen before he went to the cross. He says I leave you. Peace.

One of the last things that Jesus commands to his disciples I Leave You Peace by peace? I give to you. I do not give it to you as the world does. It's not the world's piece that I give I'm giving you my peace. So don't let your hearts be troubled and don't be afraid.

We need to know that piece. What's a common Hebrew salutation used in greeting someone or a farewell? You might say peace to you as your left? My brother my older brother Fred living in Hawaii. What I was in college and all of the kids being grown up and gone in different directions. I thought I'd like to spend Christmas with kiss kits be around little kids is there opening presents there wide-eyed anticipation and the joy that comes at the time of Christmas toy. Got a ticket after I asked him if I could come. and I flew to Oahu to Hawaii And spend a week with my brother and his wife Karen and their kids and enjoyed Christmas in Hawaii Mele, Kalikimaka. Merry Christmas

and while I was there, I learned that Aloha had a double meaning. You said Aloha as a greeting and you said Aloha, when you were leaving, it was just a blessing that you were giving and so it is with the term. Peace in Hebrew shalom. Shalom means a greedy of Peace on this house. Peace with you brothers and sisters. It is also as you leave a farewell that you give you give Shalom you give peace. It appears is a salutation throughout the New Testament and Jesus when he came back from the grave and he entered into that room that upper room with his disciples. They were trouble they thought they were seeing a ghost in his first word was. peace

when he came back a second time because doubting Thomas or Thomas the disciple apostle. Was was not there the first time it went heard that Jesus had returned alive from the grave. He said I won't believe it until I see his hands and I see this side and I see the marks where he was stabbed with the spear and The nail prints in his hands, I won't believe and then Jesus appears the moment. He says that in the room with them and the first word he says to all of those disciples in to Thomas. peace peace refers to the Hebrew greeting Shalom for Jesus refers to the aim of his work on Earth was to bring peace.

Bring a peaceful relationship. Jesus died on the cross for you. And I that we can have true shalom. True. Peace

you and I deserve. Peace. with all of the troubling things in this world We need his piece.

It's interesting that we think of Jesus coming to bring peace on Earth.

but the truth of what Jesus said was You say I came to bring peace? I did not come to bring peace on Earth, but I came to bring a sword. I came to bring Division. I came to trouble people.

John Wesley When we get a lot of our theology for the Church of God.

Said it this way. He said in everyone's life they have what is called a crisis moment. When you were going in One Direction seeking your own way doing your own thing and the Lord Jesus Christ himself appears to you comes to you in such a way. It could be in the preached message. It could be in a passage that you read in the Bible. It could be in a prayer time when you're alone, but a crisis moment will come when you realize that you've been going your own way and you need to stop. Turn around. 180 degrees and go in a different direction with Christ. Jesus to serve the Lord.

That crisis moment is the troubling moment when he comes in and divides. as Christ said families will be divided brothers and sisters. mothers and daughters sons and fathers Because there will be come a time when we need to choose to follow the lord and make a directional change in our lives and find real Shalom real peace. I leave you peace. Jesus said my peace I give you I do not give you as the world gives peace. The world's. Peace.

In fact, we've been told in the end times there will be news that comes to us of wars and rumors of wars but looked up. For the Advent of the Lord comes again. We're celebrating his first coming that already happened, but he promised he is coming again if I leave you he told his disciples and John record zit. If I leave you I will come again because I want to take you where I am in. My father's house are many mansions many rooms. I am back going there to prepare a place for you that where I am. You will be also if it were not true. I would not tell you this. But I'm telling you this I leave you my peace. Peace. I give to you. trust in my shovel If we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and savior. We will have eternal life. We will have through Shalom Jesus mentions again to his disciples to not be troubled in. And John 14:27. The encouragement. Is that the benefit? Of a relationship an intimacy with God himself brings us. Peace. That the world cannot give us. Within the promise I am going away, but I'm coming back to you in 1428. The later phrase is all that concerns his disciple. You're going away.

But he says I'm coming again.

Be faithful. Be ready and receive my Shalom receive my peace. Heavenly Father we ask that you would invade our hearts and Minds. Come into the darkness of our night and bring the brightness of your lights in your lungs. Your hope and your peace this Christmas. That we would receive true shalom in a relationship with you, but it's not faltering or failing. It's a promise given.

Then if we would accept you as our Lord and savior and live for you, we will never see death. But it'll be a transition from this life to eternal life with you. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but true. The active your son dying on the cross for us that we would all receive eternal life. So father invade us with your presence your peace this Christmas. The greatest proof Shalom true peace and rest that we would not be troubled by all that surrounds Us in this world, but have the home this Christmas of your peace forever and ever on that. Thank you. Amen.

Ladies are going to come and leave us in one final song. No, they're not. No. The song is going to be up on the screen. panda

you're going to sing the the part that's in the parentheses. So it's kind of an echoing.

I'm telling you it advance so you can kind of get ready for this.

Let's sing together.

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