The Highs and Lows of Gospel Ministry

Book of Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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This passage bring us from the high of the supernatural healing of a man lame from birth to the low of being stoned and left for dead for preaching the truth.

Paul and Barnabas have now come to Lystra and we see that they were there to preach the gospel to them (Vs. 7).
This would be somewhat of a new experience as there is no mention of a synagogue and it seems the entire audience are gentiles.
We will see the pattern of the highs and lows of the gospel ministry continue as they preach the Word of God to these pagan people.
We see in this passage of scripture:

The Demonstration of the Power of God

Paul recognizes the development of faith in a man who was lame from birth and proceeds to miraculously heal him.
Notice Paul’s confidence in the power of God as he boldly lifts his voice to command this man to stand. He had no doubt that God was able to perform such a mighty miracle.
The gift of supernatural instantaneous healing that the apostles possessed is not available to present day believers.
Yet God still desires to demonstrate His power in the life and ministry of His servants today. The power of God is still miraculously changing lives today through the work of those who will yield themselves to the Spirit’s control.
God still desires to demonstrate His power in the lives of His servants today, but we must be vessels fit for the master’s use.
We ought to have a desire to be used of God in such a way that others look at our lives and readily see the supernatural hand of God at work!
It was certainly not Paul’s intention to provoke the people of the city to worship he and Barnabas. His intent was most definitely to present the healing of this man as evidence of the power of God to gain a wider audience with the people for the preaching of the gospel. (- Peter used this same strategy)

The Display of the Humility of the Apostles

The miraculous healing of the man lame from birth provokes a significant response among the people of the city.
They immediately begin to declare, in their own language, that Paul and Barnabas are Gods in human form.
Paul and Barnabas may have at first thought that the people were responding in a positive manner to the gospel but they would soon realize that their response was not as they had hoped.
Now Paul and Barnabas could have played along and received their praise and admiration, even with the hope of ultimately convincing them of the truth of the gospel.
This was not however, their response. They immediately rent their clothes, as a sign of their disgust, and ran in among the people declaring the truth.
Paul and Barnabas well understood that they were not worthy of worship, and that God alone deserved the praise that was not directed to them.
They cry out that they are simply men, not to be the objects of worship. They do not stop with merely proclaiming themselves to be men but they proceed to cry out against the pagan idolatry of the city.
The apostles clearly present their intentions of turning the people from vain idol worship to the worship of the living God, confronting error head on.
They did not try to mix their paganism with Christianity but presented the exclusivity of the God of the Bible.
Notice the grounds that Paul built his message upon in this instance. The people of Lystra had no knowledge of the scriptures so Paul does not begin to tell them about Abraham, Moses, or Isaac. Instead he makes his appeal based upon the knowledge they do have, which is the general revelation of God clearly seen in creation.
The apostles refused worship, and instead used the circumstances to redirect the people’s attention to the true and living God. Ultimately they were able to restrain the people from their worship, but certainly the people would have gone away frustrated and confused by the situation.

The Determination of the Apostles to Preach the Gospel

Ultimately the Jews who opposed Paul and Barnabas at Antioch and Iconium make their way now to Lystra and seize upon the people’s frustration bringing them to the point of stoning Paul.
Paul is now left for dead outside the city and the disciples have now gathered around his supposed corpse. Then suddenly Paul rises up, dusts himself off and reenters the city.
The very next day Paul and Barnabas travel a great distance to Derbe where once again they would preach the gospel!
There was nothing that could stop these men from doing what God had called them to do! What would the world look like today if every Christian were so determined to pursue God’s call on their lives?
This determination surely did not go unnoticed by the population of Lystra. We can only imagine the impact made as Paul walked back into the city before leaving for Derbe.
It is quite possible that a young Timothy may have been greatly influenced by the determination and endurance of these men, just as Paul had been influenced by the testimony of Stephen.
What we do in the most difficult days of serving the Lord, will reveal the nature of our true commitment to the Lord. - listing
- none of these things move me
Proverbs 24:16 KJV 1900
For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: But the wicked shall fall into mischief.
What will you do when you get knocked down? Will you retreat in self-pity and fear or will you get up and stay the course that God has set for you?
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