James 1:13b-27 (Part 5) Our Relationship to the Word of Truth
The truth to be learned to correct the error—vv. 13b-18
• The truth about God’s sinless nature, v. 13b
• Man’s sinful nature, vv. 14-15
• Don’t be deceived about what is just said, v. 16
• Statement about God’s good nature, vv. 17-18
o In the nature realm, v. 17
The gifts
The giver
o In the spiritual realm, v. 18, the new birth . .
The cause
The means
The purpose
How we relate to the Word of Truth, 19-27
• Our duty toward the Word of Truth, vv. 19-21
o Swift to hear
o Slow to speak
o Slow to anger
• Our obedience toward the Word of Truth, vv. 22-25
o Be doers not just hearers
o Two kinds of hearers . . .
The hasty forgetful hearer
The attentive sustained look
• The manifestation of the Word of Truth, vv. 26-27
o Manifestation by our tongue
o By benevolence
o Our relationship to the world in terms of purity