Miracle of Christmas

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Matthew 1:18–25 NKJV
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly. But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name Jesus.
Do you still believe in miracles?
In our culture it has become easy to be a skeptic . Even within the Church there seems to be more that fail to rely on God that He will provide even when a miracle is what is needed but instead upon themselves.
But, have you ever seen a late night tv info commercial and thought that's just to good to be true?
At some point its hard to remain gullible when so many outrageous claims are made every day
it’ a no wonder there is a saying “everyone is a skeptic”
But you must remember that Christmas is presented to us through the Word of God that is infallible that in God breathed as s true miracle. That God in a moment of love for you, in a moment of forbearance towards you in a moment of mercy towards you became a mere mortal man through that Of Jesus Christ
That Through Him Through His Grace Through The miracle of Christmas leads to the Forgiveness of Sin
Matthew 1:20–21 NKJV
But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
Matt 1:
Nearly everybody knows of the story of Joseph and the Virgin Mary
Who had planned to be married, Then Joseph recieved news that Mary was already Pregnant. That the baby was not his.
Joseph had planned to divorce her quietly , He had the right to have her stoned to death if he had wished according to the laws of the time. But he did not. That night while he was praying or at least Id like to think thats what he was doing as it is written he was thinking about these things......................... Now there is something to say about this If He was praying... about this issue, One that seemed to turn his life upside down in the moment, Could you imagine the pain he must have felt the anger the feeling of betrayal . But instead he Prayed about it..............................................
Then he fell asleep ............................. never let the sun set upon your wrath take everything to Him lay all your troubles at his feet before the day is over so that He can lighten you load..................He fell asleep .........And the Angel of the Lord appeared to Him saying
Matthew 1:20 NKJV
But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
Matt 1:
Think about all the questions you might have if you were in Josephs position. The Angel didn't explain everything but he was emphatic on one thing you shall call his name Jesus. Why Because it is written
Matthew 1:21 NKJV
And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
If Jesus never had been born of a virgin we would not had heard from him at all. But Joseph was not his father. God is his Angel declared his Name to be Jesus in Hebrew Yeshewah meaning the Lord whom Saves
The miracle of Christmas leads to the forgiveness of your sin
For the God who created all that is became flesh so that He might die in exchange for you that you sin that your transgressions could be through him removed as far as the east is from the west
He came as flesh so that he might experience the temptation of the flesh
as it is written
Hebrews 4:15 NKJV
For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
He Came as flesh to become the perfect Sacrifice in place of your failures before him.
If you would only put your faith in Christ in Christ alone
Not the World , Not your friends, not the cool thing to do, not the easy thing to do, the big one not yourselves, But in Christ alone You may have forgiveness of Sin
Put away yourselves and praise God that He came as flesh in the womb of a virgin only to die on your behalf.
There was a Movie called John Q
based on a true story took hostages because he could get no help from the insurance to help his son who needed a new heart He went in to talk to the surgeon to give his life so that His son could live To die so that His son would have a new heart the heart of His father
If a man gave his life so that you might live you would you honor Him
This is what Christ has done for you sparing you from Spiritual Death
Ezekiel 36:26 NKJV
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
eze 36:26
So be grateful Live life in thanksgiving to the Lord for the best Gift anyone could ever receive that of Life
Find a heart that is Like the heart of David “ A Man after Gods own Heart
1 Samuel 13:14 NKJV
But now your kingdom shall not continue. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.”
But Give God the Glory in His righteousness in His rich mercy God Dealt with this problem ipon the Cross for a wretched sinner like you like me. Praise be the God and GLory
Romans 10:9–10 NKJV
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
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