Jesus the promise of hope
Jesus is the promise of hope that brought mankind the audacity to hope for better future and eternal joy with God.
Jesus brings Hope
The barren southern desert (Heb. “Arabah”) will blossom as gloriously as Canaan’s densely vegetated north (vv. 6–7); spiritual and physical healing will abound (vv. 5–6; cf. Matt. 11:6); and God’s redeemed will travel the peril-less “Holy Way” to return to Zion, where they will find never-ending joy. This picture far surpasses Judah’s actual restoration following the Babylonian exile and later that of the returned Diaspora. Ultimately, the prophecy anticipates the glorious final age envisioned in Revelation 21–22.
Hope of Regeneration
Hope of Power and Stength
Hope of Redemption
REDEEMER, REDEMPTION English words derived from a Latin root meaning “to buy back,” thus meaning the liberation of any possession, object, or person, usually by payment of a ransom. In Greek the root word means “to loose” and so to free. The term is used of freeing from chains, slavery, or prison.