Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
(insert intimate picture here)
Intimate, intimacy, when you think of that what comes to mind?
In our “Living together” series as well as coupling with our “Let your light shine series” we are living together as a church family so that we may be a shining light in the midst of a dark world.
Intimate is defined as: (adj) closely acquainted; familiar, close; private, personal.
We all have some intimate relationships of one sort or another, one level or another in life.
(insert personal story, Jim/Tabby)
This series as mentioned before is about living together here on earth so we can live together in heaven one day, we are to live together now as a church family.
We have previously looked at, discussed that there is a possibility of the church to be a group of anonymous worshipers.
Also, that we are to be a community of believers who are truly concerned for one another.
One who works together to grow, to improve, to protect one another as we grow as the Church.
Last week we started this series and maybe you thought I was lax in the number of scriptures used.
Well, that won’t be the case today, I may not read them all, but will reference many, so pick up a handout when you leave if you don’t have one so you can be a good Berean and search the scriptures to see if what I say is true.
This morning as we look at the scripture we will start with the words of Jesus concerning the church.
World view
Everyone has a world view, how they look at the world and how they relate to the world.
How we see things will impact how we do things, such as how we live together.
(insert world view picture here)
Today’s world view can be a humanistic world view or a religious, christian world view, and even that may be tainted too, can’t it?
When the world looks at the church it see’s us as Institutional or denominational as well as an organization.
Is that right?
Is that who we are?
No, and will back that up in just a minute.
Even the church has a tainted world view adding in things that are not in the bible such as:
Pastor as head of the church
Associate pastor, associate minister
Director of children’s ministry, Director of music
Now are we talking about the church, a fellowship of believers, or are we talking about a business a corporation?
In our worldview may we remember God is not the God of confusion (1Cor14:33)
(expand on this, in our living together we are to live in peace, in unity, not in confusion or division)
In our worldview may we remember that we are called to do things in an orderly manner (1Cor14:40)
since God is not the God of confusion, but of peace, of unity, things must be done in an orderly manner.
So, even the church can have a misqued view.
So may we look at Jesus world view.
Jesus world view; a relational, obedient family (Mt12:46-50)
Jesus view of a relational family is one that does the Father’s will.
Jesus worldview, a loving father over the family who listens and knows our needs (Mt6:8-9)
Don’t be like those of the world who have traded the traditions of God for the traditions of man, pray, ask, and believe.
Apostles world view
We are a brotherhood (1Pt2:17)
We are to be a brotherhood, a family of believers who honor the king and all people.
We are a household (1Tim3:15)
We are a household, the church, under the care and protection of the living God
We are not an institution, we are not a denomination, we are not a corporation we are a family, a relational, intimate family that is united as the family of God, in the household of God.
That now leads us to intimacy within the family.
Intimacy in our living together
As a family, as a relational family that is to have intimacy with one another there are a few things we can learn about this from the scripture.
We are to be like little children (Mt18:1-4)
We are to be teachable, reachable as a family that has intimate relations with one another we are to be humble in the kingdom of heaven.
We are to be submissive to one another (Eph5:21)
Expand on mutual submissiveness
We are not to lord over one another, but to serve one another (Mt20:25)
We are not to lord over one another, but to serve one another in love
We are to be interdependent on one another (1Cor12:12-13)
expand on in the family we make up one body, but each has a part to play each brings his light so we can shine like a city set on a hill.
(insert together we can picture here)
Together we can impact this community for Jesus, starting within the family that strives together
Together we can be a city set on a hill, because of our love
Together we can raise up disciples by being simply Christians studying God’s Word
Together we can continue to grow spiritually, numerically and yes financially too.
For 2020 the year of together we can may we consider these verses as our theme!
Together we can do what we cannot do alone.
Together we can shine the light of Jesus in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation!
OK, I think you have the idea, now back to the regularly scheduled message to be delivered in an orderly fashion because God is not the God of confusion.
We are to have concern for one another (Mt18:5-7)
We are to help everyone in the faith, the little children, babes in faith, we are to build up not to put stumbling blocks before each other.
Together we can help one another not to be a stumbling block, or to help one another over stumbling blocks so not to stumble.
And if they stumble to help them to be restored.
We are to help one another (Gal6:1)
help one another in restoration if one gives in to sin, and do it because we are a relational family, an intimate family with a spirit of gentleness which is love!
We are to be willing to look for the lost sheep (Mt18:10-14)
We need to be willing in our living together to go look for the lost sheep, and the straying sheep to bring them back into the sheepfold.
We are to be corrective with one another (Mt18:15-17; 2The3:6-15)
(Insert Discipline with gentleness picture here)
Now in family there may be some issues that come up with one another that need some corrective action, may we be willing to do it, in love with the goal being to be restored and reconciled to the body.
Recently we have worked through the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians and if you were to look at 2The3:6-15 you would be able to consider some family things some living as a family, in intimacy with one another too.
We would see we are commanded to stay away from the unruly (v.6)
We are given an example we should follows (vv.7-10)
Don’t be a busy body, work for a living (V.11)
As a family we don’t live are not to lead an unruly life, nor are we to allow unruly behavior.
We have scripture example on what we are to do, including not gossiping and not living off of others, we are all to be contributors to the household of God and to the wellbeing of the relational family, the intimate family.
Tough love for the erroring brother maybe hard, but it necessary.
Witholding family relationship is geared to bring them back into the fold and not force them or put them out.
It is about saving the soul!
As intimate, relational family we are to forgive one another (Mt18:21-22)
Then we go from there when it comes to forgiveness
Family not only forgives but forgets too (1Cor13:5)
For love keeps no records of wrongs
Family forgives because forgiveness offered to us (Col2:13; Mt18:35)
While we were dead in our transgressions God made us alive in Christ when our sins were forgiven.
We are to forgive as our heavenly Father has forgiven us!
From forgiveness comes loving and bearing service
Our relational family serves on another (Mt20:25-28)
we are to follow Jesus example not to be served, but to serve one anotehr!
Do you remember an old song that had a line “he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother?”
Our intimate, relational family carries one another (Gal6:2)
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9