Session 01 & CONTENTS
Jesus of Nazareth: Our Hebrew Lord – Online Edition – Session 1
By Dwight A. Pryor (DAP)
“Orientation & Course Overview”
1. Introduction & Course Overview
2. Quest for the Historical Jesus
3. The Jesus Seminar & the Third Quest
4. The Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research
5. Second Temple Jewish Thought
6. Galilee in the Time of Jesus
7. The Pious Galilean Sages
8. The Jewish Value of Talmud Torah
9. Church & Synagogue: Parting of the Ways
10. Church & Synagogue: Rejection & Replacement
11. Jesus’ Jewish Identity and Heritage
12. Jesus’ Devout Jewish Parents
13. First Century Jewish Women & Mary, the Mother of Jesus
14. Jesus’ Childhood Education
15. The Boy Jesus Sitting with the Sages
16. What’s In the Name “Yeshua”?
17. Did Jesus Speak Hebrew or Aramaic?
18. From Hebrew Sayings to Greek Gospels
19. Jewish Ritual Immersion
20. The Baptism of God’s Beloved Son
21. The Anointed of God: Jesus & the Holy Spirit
22. “You Must be Born of Water & the Spirit”
23. Jesus’ First Sermon at Nazareth Synagogue
24. Jesus’ Creative Reading of Isaiah 61
25. Of Tallits and Tzitzit
26. Touching the Hem of Jesus’ Garment
27. The “Rabbi” Jesus
28. Rabbis & the Raising Up of Disciples
29. Jesus’ Role as Rabbi and Lord
30. Rav Yeshua’s Teaching Methods
31. Tzedakah & Treasure in Heaven
32. The Single Eye & Being Filled with Light
33. Scripture & Rabbinic Hermeneutics
34. The Son of Man & Linking of Scriptures
35. “The Kingdom Suffers Violence”
36. “By the Finger of God”
37. The Eternal Torah
38. Abolishing & Fulfilling Torah
39. Light & Heavy Commandments
40. Messiah & the Mishnah (Oral Law)
41. Lord of the Sabbath
42. The Two Ways
43. “You Have Heard … But I Say Unto You”
44. Jesus’ Explication of So-Called Antitheses
45. Summarizing the Torah: The Double Love Command
46. “You Shall Love the Lord Your God”
47. “You Shall Love Your Neighbor”
48. Jewish Sources for Jesus’ Teaching on the Kingdom
49. Shavu’ot, the Torah and the Kingdom
50. Kingdom of Heaven & God’s Righteousness
51. “The Kingdom is at Hand”
52. The Kingdom of God & the Coming of the Son of Man
53. The Kingdom: a Person, a Power, a People
54. John the Baptist’s Confusion about the Coming Kingdom
55. The Messianic Task & Kingdom Agendas
56. Walking in the Light of Kingdom Priorities
57. The Practice of Jewish Prayer
58. “Lord, Teach Us to Pray”
59. Parables Illustrating How We Should Pray
60. Parable of the Talents
61. Jewish Backgrounds to Jesus’ Parables
62. Parables of Two Debtors & A Prodigal Son
63. Parable of the Soil & the Secrets of God
64. A Good Heart & the Pearl of Great Price
65. The Divine Messiah & the Transfiguration
66. “Son of Man” as a Messianic Title
67. Jesus’ High Self-Awareness & Messianic Identity
68. The Christology of the First Church
69. “On this Rock I will Build My Church”
70. Binding & Loosing for the Church
71. Ekklesia: Assembly or Congregation?
72. Jesus, John the Baptist & Herod Antipas
73. “Go Tell that Fox”
74. Jesus’ Great Love & Lament for Jerusalem
75. Render to Caesar, Render to God
76. “Whose Image Is On It?”
77. Parable of the Wicked Tenants
78. Anti-Jewish Sentiments in Matthew
79. House of Prayer and Den of Robbers
80. Collision Course with Corrupt Chief Priests
81. Confusion & Controversy about Jesus’ Passover Meal
82. Filling Full the Passover
83. A Crowd Cries, “Crucify Him!”
84. Who Killed Christ?
85. Jewish Objections to an Atoning Sacrifice of Messiah
86. Jesus’ Jewish Resurrection
87. The Parousia (Advent) of the Son of Man
88. How Shall We Live in Light of His Coming?
89. The Centrality of Repentance for the Sages & for Rav Yeshua
90. The Torah-Incarnate Jesus of Nazareth: Summation and Exhortation