Mark pt.29

Gospel of Mark  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Jesus in the Agony in the garden

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Previously in MARK.....

Gospel, Good News of Mark

Passion Week, Passover in Jerusalem, Eucharist in the Upper Room..

He and the disciples have just eaten the passover feast, which he did not finish, he didn’t drink the 4th cup..

Mark 14:18 NASB95
18 As they were reclining at the table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me—one who is eating with Me.”
Mark 14:

He then explained the New Passover, the bread represented His body and the wine His blood.

They then sing the Great Hallel and go out to the Mount of Olives.

Mark 14:27 NASB95
27 And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, because it is written, ‘I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.’
Mark 14:
Mark 14:29 NASB95
29 But Peter said to Him, “Even though all may fall away, yet I will not.”
Mark 14:28 NASB95
28 “But after I have been raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.”
Mark 14:29 KJV 1900
29 But Peter said unto him, Although all shall be offended, yet will not I.

And Jesus says before the cock crows twice, three times you will deny me.

Mark 14:
Mark 14:31 NASB95
31 But Peter kept saying insistently, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” And they all were saying the same thing also.

“Vehemently” KJV


Peter (and the rest) all make bold assertions. And they all fail.

Making them all look very weak and foolish.

That this failure is recorded in the Gospels shows that this is authentic history. The early church would NOT make up such a story about it’s leaders.

And Now gives us...

Mark 14:31 ESV
31 But he said emphatically, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you.” And they all said the same.


Mark 14:32–34 NASB95
32 They came to a place named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, “Sit here until I have prayed.” 33 And He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be very distressed and troubled. 34 And He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch.”
Mark 14:32-

14:32 Gethsemane. Gethsemane was located in an orchard of olive trees in the Kidron Valley outside the eastern wall of Jerusalem below the Mount of Olives. The name means “oil press.”

He takes Peter, James and John… The Inner Circle

The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel according to Mark Gethsemane: Prelude to the Cross (14:32–42)

The Greek word for “overwhelmed with sorrow” (perilypos), again a rare word, means “burdened with grief,” and in the present context “despair unto death.” Withdrawing from the three disciples, Jesus collapses on the earth in prayer that the ordeal before him might be avoided (v. 35). Nothing in all the Bible compares to Jesus’ agony and anguish in Gethsemane—neither the laments of the Psalms, nor the broken heart of Abraham as he prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac (Gen 22:5), nor David’s grief at the death of his son Absalom (2 Sam 18:33). Luke 22:44 even speaks of Jesus’ “sweat falling to the ground like drops of blood”

Mark 14:34 NLT
34 He told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

His soul is crushed with grief...

Gethsemane means oil press. Where they crush the olives.

Jesus is being crushed. Not a coincidence.

Isaiah 53:5 NASB95
5 But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed.


Mark 14:35–38 NASB95
35 And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass Him by. 36 And He was saying, “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.” 37 And He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? 38 “Keep watching and praying that you may not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Mark 14:35-

Why do people say Jesus spoke in Aramaic?

Abba, Pater First in Aramaic, and then in Greek..

Abba - 3 times in our Bibles. always with Pater..
Galatians 4:6 NASB95
6 Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
Romans 8:15 NASB95
15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!”

The cup of wrath, representing God’s judgment.


Mark 14:39–40 NASB95
39 Again He went away and prayed, saying the same words. 40 And again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him.
Mark 14:39–42 NASB95
39 Again He went away and prayed, saying the same words. 40 And again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him. 41 And He came the third time, and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough; the hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. 42 “Get up, let us be going; behold, the one who betrays Me is at hand!”
Mark 14:39-

The Greek here says “said the same word”

The Third Prayer

Mark 14:41–42 NASB95
41 And He came the third time, and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough; the hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. 42 “Get up, let us be going; behold, the one who betrays Me is at hand!”
Mark 14:41-

Yu-dah Ish-kar-e-oath

No passage shows the human side of Jesus more vividly than this text. He openly came to grips with death, asked to bypass it, and then expressed his submission to the Father’s will. He first asked that the cup of suffering—even the cup of God’s wrath—pass from him. Jesus knew that drinking the cup meant taking God’s judgment and wrath upon himself on behalf of others (see note on 14:36). Knowing that he could not escape this, he told the Father, “I want your will to be done, not mine” (14:36). The spirit and example of this prayer express Jesus’ submission to the Father’s will. This attitude is reflected in the prayer Jesus gave to the disciples, “Your will be done on earth as in heaven.”

As Jesus prayed to bring himself into submission to the Father’s will, the disciples fell asleep. He came to them and asked, “Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour?” (14:37). That Peter and the others failed to stay awake suggests their lack of preparation for what was to come. Jesus told them, “Keep watch and pray, so you will not give in to temptation” (14:38). The disciples needed to prepare for the important spiritual battle ahead, and even at this late point in the Gospel, the disciples still had much to learn. Temptation to sin must be met with prayer. Jesus told them, “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (14:38). This saying expresses well the status of Peter and the others. They may have desired to be faithful and stand with Jesus, but fear would overtake them as they sought to preserve their lives. Jesus came to the disciples three times, and all three times they had failed to stay awake. Peter will fail three more times with his three denials. Jesus stood alone at the time of trial. On behalf of others, Jesus would drink the cup of suffering and punishment that God would send his way. He was ready as the betrayer approached

The betrayal and arrest of Jesus

Mark 14:43–52 NASB95
43 Immediately while He was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, came up accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs, who were from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. 44 Now he who was betraying Him had given them a signal, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him and lead Him away under guard.” 45 After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying, “Rabbi!” and kissed Him. 46 They laid hands on Him and seized Him. 47 But one of those who stood by drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear. 48 And Jesus said to them, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me, as you would against a robber? 49 “Every day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize Me; but this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures.” 50 And they all left Him and fled. 51 A young man was following Him, wearing nothing but a linen sheet over his naked body; and they seized him. 52 But he pulled free of the linen sheet and escaped naked.
Mark 14:43-

Judas Iscariot is not spoken of again in Mark. He is mentioned in , and then at the anointing of Jesus which he finds an extravagant waste, and now here at the betrayal kiss.

We know how his story ends in Matthew, without going into it again, Judas was disappointed with Jesus’ goals as a Messiah, especially politically, he would have wanted an overthrow of the Roman occupancy of Jerusalem and Israel at the least.

No passage shows the human side of Jesus more vividly than this text. He openly came to grips with death, asked to bypass it, and then expressed his submission to the Father’s will. He first asked that the cup of suffering—even the cup of God’s wrath—pass from him. Jesus knew that drinking the cup meant taking God’s judgment and wrath upon himself on behalf of others (see note on 14:36). Knowing that he could not escape this, he told the Father, “I want your will to be done, not mine” (14:36). The spirit and example of this prayer express Jesus’ submission to the Father’s will. This attitude is reflected in the prayer Jesus gave to the disciples, “Your will be done on earth as in heaven.”

As Jesus prayed to bring himself into submission to the Father’s will, the disciples fell asleep. He came to them and asked, “Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour?” (14:37). That Peter and the others failed to stay awake suggests their lack of preparation for what was to come. Jesus told them, “Keep watch and pray, so you will not give in to temptation” (14:38). The disciples needed to prepare for the important spiritual battle ahead, and even at this late point in the Gospel, the disciples still had much to learn. Temptation to sin must be met with prayer. Jesus told them, “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (14:38). This saying expresses well the status of Peter and the others. They may have desired to be faithful and stand with Jesus, but fear would overtake them as they sought to preserve their lives. Jesus came to the disciples three times, and all three times they had failed to stay awake. Peter will fail three more times with his three denials. Jesus stood alone at the time of trial. On behalf of others, Jesus would drink the cup of suffering and punishment that God would send his way. He was ready as the betrayer approached

Bart Ehrman, in his book the gospel of Judas says: Behind the question of who is Judas Iscariot is a bit of rare historical knowledge. In Jesus’ day there was a group of Jewish insurrectionists supporting a violent overthrow of the Roman occupancy who were called “Sicarii” — literally “people who wield daggers.” They had a reputation for mingling in a crowd and stealing up to an aristocrat and killing him with a dagger, mixing in then with everyone else and escaping.

The name Iscariot is very odd and no one really knows what it means. Could it mean that Judas was actually a zealot seeking a military uprising against Rome, so that when he realized Jesus was not in support of that kind of thing, he turned on him and handed him over to the authorities?

It’s an interesting idea, but it hinges, to some extent, on the meaning of Iscariot. What does the world/name mean? I talk about the matter in my book The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot.

Judas enters the grove or garden with a group of sell swords, how many? How do we see this scene? 10, 50, 100?

Bible scholars believe it was a 1/4 of an army which would have been 200 men. NOT JEWISH. Not the temple guards(Jewish) but sent from the Jewish leaders.

They had been sent by

The leading priests (chief priests)
The teachers of the religious law (scribes)
The elders

Judas then makes the signal....

He calls him Rabbi.

Matthew 23:7 NASB95
7 and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called Rabbi by men.

A kiss in the first century for a Jew on Passover meant you were a friend. Not the intimate meaning it does now.

Mark 14:47 NASB95
47 But one of those who stood by drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear.
Then one of those who stood by

cut off literally here means took off.

and then Jesus gives His “Why didn’t you arrest me in the Temple” speech, but what part did Mark leave out?

Jesus rebuking the disciples which is found in the other accounts

Live by the sword die by the sword and do you not know I could tell my Father to draw down Legions of Angels?

He also doesn't heal the man with the ear on the ground. (Only in Luke, not in Matthew)

Mark 14:50 NASB95
50 And they all left Him and fled.
Matthew 26:56 NASB95
56 “But all this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures of the prophets.” Then all the disciples left Him and fled.
Matthew 26 NASB95
1 When Jesus had finished all these words, He said to His disciples, 2 “You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man is to be handed over for crucifixion.” 3 Then the chief priests and the elders of the people were gathered together in the court of the high priest, named Caiaphas; 4 and they plotted together to seize Jesus by stealth and kill Him. 5 But they were saying, “Not during the festival, otherwise a riot might occur among the people.” 6 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the leper, 7 a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it on His head as He reclined at the table. 8 But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, “Why this waste? 9 “For this perfume might have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor.” 10 But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you bother the woman? For she has done a good deed to Me. 11 “For you always have the poor with you; but you do not always have Me. 12 “For when she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial. 13 “Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her.” 14 Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, “What are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?” And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him. 16 From then on he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus. 17 Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover?” 18 And He said, “Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, “My time is near; I am to keep the Passover at your house with My disciples.” ’ ” 19 The disciples did as Jesus had directed them; and they prepared the Passover. 20 Now when evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the twelve disciples. 21 As they were eating, He said, “Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me.” 22 Being deeply grieved, they each one began to say to Him, “Surely not I, Lord?” 23 And He answered, “He who dipped his hand with Me in the bowl is the one who will betray Me. 24 “The Son of Man is to go, just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.” 25 And Judas, who was betraying Him, said, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” Jesus said to him, “You have said it yourself.” 26 While they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” 27 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; 28 for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. 29 “But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” 30 After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 31 Then Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away because of Me this night, for it is written, ‘I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered.’ 32 “But after I have been raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.” 33 But Peter said to Him, “Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away.” 34 Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you that this very night, before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” 35 Peter said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You.” All the disciples said the same thing too. 36 Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to His disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” 37 And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and distressed. 38 Then He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me.” 39 And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.” 40 And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “So, you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour? 41 “Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 42 He went away again a second time and prayed, saying, “My Father, if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done.” 43 Again He came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. 44 And He left them again, and went away and prayed a third time, saying the same thing once more. 45 Then He came to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold, the hour is at hand and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. 46 “Get up, let us be going; behold, the one who betrays Me is at hand!” 47 While He was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came up accompanied by a large crowd with swords and clubs, who came from the chief priests and elders of the people. 48 Now he who was betraying Him gave them a sign, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him.” 49 Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, “Hail, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. 50 And Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you have come for.” Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and seized Him. 51 And behold, one of those who were with Jesus reached and drew out his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear. 52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword. 53 “Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54 “How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it must happen this way?” 55 At that time Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me as you would against a robber? Every day I used to sit in the temple teaching and you did not seize Me. 56 “But all this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures of the prophets.” Then all the disciples left Him and fled. 57 Those who had seized Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were gathered together. 58 But Peter was following Him at a distance as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and entered in, and sat down with the officers to see the outcome. 59 Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus, so that they might put Him to death. 60 They did not find any, even though many false witnesses came forward. But later on two came forward, 61 and said, “This man stated, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days.’ ” 62 The high priest stood up and said to Him, “Do You not answer? What is it that these men are testifying against You?” 63 But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest said to Him, “I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God.” 64 Jesus said to him, “You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.” 65 Then the high priest tore his robes and said, “He has blasphemed! What further need do we have of witnesses? Behold, you have now heard the blasphemy; 66 what do you think?” They answered, “He deserves death!” 67 Then they spat in His face and beat Him with their fists; and others slapped Him, 68 and said, “Prophesy to us, You Christ; who is the one who hit You?” 69 Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard, and a servant-girl came to him and said, “You too were with Jesus the Galilean.” 70 But he denied it before them all, saying, “I do not know what you are talking about.” 71 When he had gone out to the gateway, another servant-girl saw him and said to those who were there, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.” 72 And again he denied it with an oath, “I do not know the man.” 73 A little later the bystanders came up and said to Peter, “Surely you too are one of them; for even the way you talk gives you away.” 74 Then he began to curse and swear, “I do not know the man!” And immediately a rooster crowed. 75 And Peter remembered the word which Jesus had said, “Before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.
Matthew 23:56
ALL the disciples were at the scene now. The group from the home, from the Upper Room. They were all there and then the scene closes in a very unique way....
Mark 14:51-53
Mark 14:51–52 NASB95
51 A young man was following Him, wearing nothing but a linen sheet over his naked body; and they seized him. 52 But he pulled free of the linen sheet and escaped naked.

Who was this man and why is his story and actions mentioned in one of the most important scenes of Mark???

We first met him in earlier in the chapter......
Mark 14:13 NASB95
13 And He sent two of His disciples and said to them, “Go into the city, and a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him;

John Mark himself.

Next week.... The Trial of Jesus Christ and Peter denies the Lord

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