Death and the return of Jesus - 1 Thes 4:13-5:11
In this section of Thessalonians, Paul writes to the church and tells them to be encouraged even in the face of death by the good news that Jesus died and rose and will return to be with everyone who has put their faith and trust in Jesus, whether they happen to be alive or dead at the time of his return. Paul wants us to be ready for that day by encouraging one another to keep on living out the basics of our faith so that we are not surprised by Jesus' return.
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Christians who have died
Relatives or friends of theirs had now died before Christ’s advent. They had not anticipated this; it took them by surprise and greatly disturbed them. How would the Christian dead fare when Jesus came for his own? Would they stand at a disadvantage? Would they miss the blessing of the Parousia? Were they even lost? It seems clear that the Thessalonians had addressed such questions as these to Paul, either directly or through Timothy.
we are eagerly expecting a cosmic event which will include the personal, visible appearing of Jesus Christ and the gathering to him of all his people, whether dead or alive at the time) with agnosticism about the full reality behind the imagery.
Jesus’ Return
1. We don’t know when it will happen.
2. It will happen suddenly.
3. So be prepared/stay awake.
In other words, if we belong to the day (the new day which dawned with Christ), our behaviour must be daytime behaviour. Let’s not sleep or even yawn our way through life, or live in our pyjamas. Let’s stay awake and alert. For then we shall be ready when Christ comes and we will not be taken by surprise.