Philippians 2:5-8
The example, vv. 6-8
• The pre-incarnate Jesus, v. 6a
o His eternal existence
o Had an equal nature with the Father
o He is distinct from the Father
The issue is glory
He gave up glory for suffering
“Form”—outer expression of inner nature (reality)
7 Statements Concerning Jesus Leaving the Place of Glory, vv. 6b-8
1. Thought it not robbery to be equal with God
o He gave up the prerogatives of deity
2. But made Himself of no reputation
o Emptied Himself
o “Kenotic”—to empty—of what? (the next 5 things answer this):
3. Took upon Him the form of a servant
4. Was made in the likeness of men
5. Being found in fashion as a man
6. He humbled Himself
o Submission (see Hebrews 10:7)
7. Became obedient unto death even the death of the cross
Don’t focus on the “emptying”—the lesson is to consider/emulate this attitude (v. 5)