Go Home and Tell This Christmas
It is not, “Tell thy friends how great things thou hast done thyself,” but “how great things the Lord hath done for thee.” The man who always dwells upon free will and the power of the creature, and denies the doctrines of grace, invariably mixes up a great deal of what he has done himself in telling his experience; but the believer in free grace, who holds the great cardinal truths of the gospel, ignores this, and declares, “I will tell what the Lord hath done for me. It is true I must tell how I was first made to pray; but I will tell it thus—
‘Grace taught my soul to pray,
Grace made my eyes o’erflow.’
It is true, I must tell in how many troubles and trials God has been with me; but I will tell it thus.—
‘’Twas grace which kept me to this day,
And will not let me go.’ ”