Living in Gospel Community - 1 Thes 5:12-28
Paul wraps up his letter to the Thessalonians with instructions for the church in how to live together in gospel community. How to treat leaders, how to treat each other, and how to worship together.
Brotherly Love
Leadership (1 Thes 5:12-13)
happy is the church family in which pastors and people recognize that God calls different believers to different ministries, exercise their own ministries with diligence and humility, and give to others the respect and love which their God-appointed labour demands! They will live in peace with each other.
Church Community (1 Thes 5:14-15)
he is laying on the whole congregation the responsibility to care for each other as sisters and brothers, to give appropriate support, encouragement or admonition to the church’s problem children, and to ensure that all its members follow the teaching of Jesus, cultivating patience, renouncing retaliation and pursuing kindness