The WHEN of the Incarnation - are you in the fulness of time?

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We have looked at the why/goal of God coming in our human nature - friendship with God . We have looked at the how - -taking your human nature - perfectly joined to His divine nature - he is redoing Adam’s career for you and me, and our humanity can be healed in His - your story and life career is either out of the fountain of Adam I or Adam II the Christ. Then last Sunday we looked at the what / what did have to do and - remember Christ coming would be God directly and personally coming to shepherd His people, knowing his sheep, not driving them, but guiding, healing, feeding - Christ by Spirit and Word still doing that, Christ laying his life done - God providing real atonement. The what of the incarnation is all that shepherding. But now we get a little more personal and looking at the event of the Son of God’s coming to us, we ask this morning when, and tonight where. The timing of Christ's incarnation is important if we are not miss it, miss the significance of this event in our own lives.
What happens if you miss the timing of an event like a TV program - it starts at 4pm totally forget about it - life continues no ig deal. But imagine missing the timing of an event like your 1pm wedding start. You don’t show Long term ramifications. Or I think of a story in the Pacific theatre after World Wart II, remote islands didn’t get the memo even a year after, soldiers living as if still at war, could have gone home to families, living in tents and eating rations, distrusting everyone when they could have been rebuilding a new life for themselves. The war is over man..
You see there are some events that are just run of the mill, one at a time calendar events, in the Bible the word for that kind of event - chronos -these historical things that happened. But there is another word fo truly historic, we would say EPIC events that are not just time one thing after another, but the big world and life changing events. Creation, Exodus. And of all the events the Coming of the Son of God is described as the biggest of the big,
a But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son,
Galatians 4:4 ESV
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,
That word, actually a philosophical term - regular world of earthly existence down here, and then there is a realm of pure fulness , overflowing life, goodness - And Paul is saying all time and all the events of the world, like little drops of water, filling up a contniainer - but don’t add up to the big deal, and then the last drip happens and that cup is filled to overflowing - this is the real deal and this is fulness overflowing now - And Paul says when God the Father sent - a word for a comander dispatching an emissary, a missionaion impossible agent to get a job done,e to give a vital message - God sent His eternal Son, down into this world and this changed time, forevr - has it chagned your time, has the fulness come uopon you?
Key Truth: The time of Receiving the Son Incarnate ushers you into a radical liberation and an intimate adoption!
A. All of us Have a Before-Christ, an emptiness of time
Our text tells us that this world and everyone of our lives has a period, may still be stuck in it - that we could call BC. Before Christ. Have you felt it? No fulness, just filing time, lonely, bored, tired of same old things,. Well our text explains that before the coming of faith, before the Son of God became incarnate in our world, before you could really be friends of God by faith in Christ, even though there was religion, even good religion, all of life and even all religion even the good stuff, was just little drip drops.
And even if people before receiving Christ as the Son of God incarnate - mediator and Saviour Second Adam they were to live united too, even if they had the promise of eternal life - they still were just living BC preparatory lives, that had two big empty holes in it.
The first hole in their lives, in BC lives, are we are under bondage.
I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, though he is the owner of everything,
Galatians 4:1 ESV
I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, though he is the owner of everything,
A very particular type of bondage, its like being a slave under the kindergarten laws of a child, toddler. Kind of like how a teenager feels in those months with a beginner s permit, but a dad like me - saying slow down, do you see the brake lights. break so you see those tires, hand over hand, looking the rear mirror, check your blind spot. Can you see the exasperated look on the teenagers face. Now can you imagine that teen a couple years down the road going to college, but guess what mom is moving in with her. And then comes marriage, but Dad is going to supervise that one and move in. Now think back to the driving, there comes a time when the preparatory oversight and guidance, fades away and the real thing is yours - freedom from that kind of oversight and real driving begins. So to in all these area of life.
Well, this is what Paul said BC you have elementary laws of life, of religion , even of our conscience. For those with Jewish background, involved rituals, calendar dates with all sorts of festivals, , ceremonies - had a purpose, preparatory, but not the fulness.
Galatians 3:24 ESV
So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.
Obliged like that teenage r to keep them, there is even a terrible curse for having broken them, imagine not getting the licence and keep driving like that. And these Galatians who were pagans before - in bondage to other elementary principles.
n the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world.
Galatians 4:3 ESV
In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world.
These Galatians Christians were being told that they weren’t real Christian, weren’t really experiencing fulness of God unless what - they get some sort of religious routines, ceremonies, special knowledge down. Paul says, no - your in BC living with just bondage, emptiness, until the BIG TIME OF THE UNIVERSE BECOMES THE BIG TIME IN YOUR OWN LIFE.
And that were we must see how Christ comoing the time , is the Fulness of Time for two speicifc reasons, this is the gorunding for what you must recevie from Christ by reciving HIm come to you.
B. All of US Need the Fullness of Time to Come Upon Us
This is how Pal describes the hinge of time , the pivot
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law
Galatians 4:4 ESV
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,
The birthday of Jesus Christ, the Son of God become human was the day of coming of age for his church for his people. Before HIs coming we were just heirs, no betteer than a slave, had come into our inheritance. Teenager in drivers seat but only with the law in the car with us. The Son comes, and its graduation day for us, why?
Because God the Son was now born of what? The woman, amwoman, virgin mary - that would be true and the emphsais would be on the miracle of the Virgin Birth. But this was actually a fairly common phrase to describe someones humanity. For example Jesus said of John the Bpatist of those born of a woman , none greater than JOhn. Anyone one here born of woman. Why does Paul say this about Jesus - the conception was indeed miraclous Holy Spirit overshaodwed, receive human nature from Mary but preserved sinless in concpetion by Spiirt, perfectly nite dinvine and human nature. But Paul is emphasisziing that the baby in the cradle was God - and now something God never was before - truly and fully human. And you need to underatnd he is being born inot the prioson house of our bondage where his people are held in bondage.
And that is where the second part of this foundation comes in. He was born under the law. Elsewhere for us this means that we are born under the power and dominion of sin, but Christ though he enter s our humannature with all its brokeness and the conequences of sins and the curse on sin, he himself though a broken humananture, does not share our sinful nature. And so this means that Christ is born under all the requirements of the whole legal system that God set up for huamnity. INcluding under the consequences of the puniishment and curse of the sin ad sins we’ve comitted. All the ritual and cermonieal law, have a rpepraotyry point but need to be done compeltely - to be ceeremonial clean, - Christ takes the whole law, and taking it off our our sholulders as the requirement to be right with God, he puts it on his his shoulders.
Do underatnd that from the time of the 8th day circumscison, at the begining of his life, right up until the end where he not ony ldies with the exact penatly of sin, but even in his crucficxion and burial being treated by God’s law for you and me. Listen to what Paul had just written in
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”
Galatians 3:13 ESV
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”—
DO you undettand it everything in the middle - his perfect live, service, character - it is all doing the alw perfectly - absolutely fulfilled in the life and in the death of our subsittue and mediator. He weas born to now finally and once for all meet the moral, cermeionial, civl requirement of the law for humanity before God!
But now we come sto the best part of God’s fulness of time coming - not just to this world ing erneral but to you and me perosnally. This is show you can know and experience that the fulness of time, the treasure of the ages, has come upon you. What are the reasons fort Christ’s coniong and waht are the results. Why did God send him at such cost and in sucha miracoulous way?
C. When Christmas really comes to you, you receive redemption and adoption!
Are you redeemed? Adopted? Sounds like a religious abstract thing.
to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
Galatians 4:5 ESV
to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
But the word is actually from the market place, agora is actually in that word. You and I Before Chtistmas really ahppens to us as we receive the incanrate God as mediator, we are a people UNDER sin, under condemnation, under gaurdiansihiup , iike teenage r going through life wihtout inheritance, all lobligations under law. But Christmas happens, and this Chrsit hchyild says, no longer do you have to be UDNER law like that.You ar slave to trying to please God by your works, but now I’ve got a big change for you.
But the word is actually from the market place, agora is actually in that word. You and I Before Chtistmas really ahppens to us as we receive the incanrate God as mediator, we are a people UNDER sin, under condemnation, under gaurdiansihiup , iike teenage r going through life wihtout inheritance, all lobligations under law. But Christmas happens, and this Chrsit hchyild says, no longer do you have to be UDNER law like that.You ar slave to trying to please God by your works, but now I’ve got a big change for you.
Paul says its like a slave in a Roman family, the manager and pater failias -s o values and loves that household slave that like with the heir coming into the inheritance, he sets a date for this beloved slave to bedcome a freedman. - the law could only imprison in the end, for us, but Christ fulfilling it for us, Christ can liberate us from being under that law - as a way of being right with God. Gets rid of the law as a guardian like that in our lives. Receiving Christ, a fulness, a freedom is given, and the way is not just the legal title and freedom from Christ dying on the Cross, but look what happens at the same time as this freedom is purchased for us: so that we might receive adoption as sons
And this is where we see the redemption, adoption are not abstract religious words. But relationships words. Paul is using two concepts that the Galatians in Roman culture so familiar with: Tutela impuberis - guardianship of a minor, guardianship by a testament. When the child comes of age the whole inheritance is given, the full promise and privileges are put into effect. It is the same with Paul’s image of a household slave, not just being redeemed and freedom purchased, but often a step, to the master, adopting that slave with the status of first-born son - inheritor of his whole estate.
Can you picture it like Ben Hur - on that day identity changes and given brilliant white toga and ring. We have a friends who adopted, hard change of identity, sometime issues of attachment, but truly one of the most beautiful relationships in the world. One younger couple I was able to marry - now years into adoption of two boys hen a third sibling - their identity so rooted in that family!
And Paul is saying that the reason Christ came at Christmas, is so you can be truly adopted. He was going from riches to rage . One who was a Son in glory became a slave into order tah those who were slaves might become sons.
And don’t balk at that word son, not speaking first of all of male or female. But that image of the inheritor of the estate. God doesn’t just forgive your sin, justify you by faith, so not lived by performance or pretending, but he adopts you in the first born Son, the inheritor of the blessing, co -heirs with Christ. Actually that kind of sonship right in the word - adoption in the Gk. Are you still under the law, in emptiness, fearing commendation, come to this Son - that you night receive your adoption even today.
This is really the question when it comes to Christmas -the fulness of time has come to our world, but has it come to you? Did you notice how Paul actually describes this Christmas moment with not one coming but two? Not one sending of God the Father with the Son. But two sending; first of the Son and then look at verse 6.
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
Galatians 4:6 ESV
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
The adoption brings the inheritance you need and Christ has earned and freely bestows to all who come to him in faith. Do you see that God the Father sent the Son 2000 years ago, but now in your lifetime even in your life, He send s forth His Spirit. Our Triune not only divinely planned this salvation , not only accomplished it through His Son, He now applies it through His Spirit.
The Spirit of his Son, the Holy Spirit who represents the son to us, who brings his character and power - where does he do this, where is he sent, but into your hearts. Do you understand that through God’s moral law still good don’t need it as the guardian any more if adopted as Son and filled with his Spirit. Sure we still have the law , but not under its bondage but under its grace law of love written inwardly at the core of our being:
Now this Spirit of Jesus and His character cries out in His fulness - any anguish in your life, any struggle in temptation, any sorrow in loss, the very same Spirit that came upon and filled Jesus human nature is now at the centre of any one who has become first-born son by faith in Christ. You don’t cry out into a black-hole like the rest of the, but you cry to the Father who loves you and receive s you on the merit’s of Christ.
He does not obliterate your will, but fulness of the new the fulfilled covenant , enliven your will, to move at the Spirit’s impulse to be empowered to do and love the Father's will.
DO you this day, receive the Triune work of our God, Father Sent Jesus as your subsitute, theat the Son has a liberation and adoption for you, That the Spiriit will appkly this gospel to your life, so no longer livinga a minor, , no longer waiting for fullness, under bondage to law, The age of curse is gone and the age of blessing has begun. If you are living by law for acceptance , relgiously relying on your works, strength of your erecord, - your life is a contradticton to the gospel.
But Paul says
2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
That child in the manger received is the new covenant of commuion and intiatcy with God, liberation from the bondag eof the law and adotion He is the new covenant
Ezekiel 36:26–27 ESV
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.
Come to HIm and rest in the Father’s adoption of sinners who beliver and live in the new freedom from the tyurnanry of the law and teh devil. Now know the HOly Spirit’s indwelling because of Christ’s incarnation.
Spurgeon: You O child of God, now this Spirit of God as your present guide and comfort and He shall be with you forever. This life of Christ is your life, the Spirit of Christi s your Spirit. For this reason be exceedingly glad today for you have not been given a Spirit of Bondage again to fear, but a Spirit of Adoption!.
And the inheritance is not just some good stuff, you are not just heirs through God, but of God, you get Himself. That’s the result:
One of the most fascinating theological studies of our day has been the careful biblical examination of the concept of time. Oscar Cullmann has written a book called Christ and Time, and in it he analyses the biblical structure of time. He points out that two different Greek words in the New Testament are translated by our English word, time. But those two Greek words have dramatically different meanings. The most commonly found word, chronos, has come over into the English language. We use it in many ways: chronometer, a word for watch; chronology, a sequence of events in a historical manner; chronicle, sometimes used for newspapers. It refers to the normal passage of time, what we call history.
The other word translated as ‘time’ is kairos. It refers to a single significant moment in time, a moment that determines the future and destiny of all of history. In English we distinguish between that which is historical and that which is historic. Everything that happens is historical, but not everything is historic. The word historic describes moments of special significance; these could be called kairotic moments. In the Old Testament, such moments are the day of creation, the Exodus, the giving of the Law on Sinai, and so on. The death, resurrection, ascension and return of Jesus, too, are all moments in time for which the rest of time exists.
The New Testament uses the word, pleroma, to refer to the coming of Jesus. It is a single Greek word, but it is usually translated by the phrase ‘fullness of time’. That fullness may be illustrated by a glass of water. If you fill a glass of water to the brim it is full, but that is not pleroma. When the fullness of pleroma takes place, the water flows over the edges. The world was absolutely ripe for the coming of Christ.
But there was a sad note from a religious perspective during the reign of Augustus, for it was then that religious worship of the emperor took hold and he took the title, Dominus et Deus: Lord and God. It was this title and allegiance to it that would produce grave crises in early church history, bringing Christians into severe trials and tribulations, because they refused to worship the emperor.
R. C. Sproul, A Walk with God: An Exposition of Luke (Great Britain: Christian Focus Publications, 1999), 28–29.
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