Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Introduction: Defining the Pain
Names and titles mean so much to us.
When I was growing we had names of respect.
Ma’am and Sir
Mister and Miss or Misses
There are names of endearment
Bubba, Sister, Brother, Bro, Buddy, Pal, Friend
Honey, Babe, Angel, Princes, Snookums, or Shorty
Names of Authority
Police, Pastor, President, Boss, Madam, Your Honor, Teacher
And We have names for God
The Big guy, the man upstairs, Lord, Savior, Father, Creator, Healer, Counselor, Almighty, Provider, Comforter, and King.
All these names strike emotion in us it means something.
Sometimes people long to be called by certain names:
Lover, Best friend, Manager, Mentor, Mamma, Daddy.
Long before Jesus was born he was given names that he would be called.
Names that would define is relationship with mankind.
Names that would set the tone of his existence and ministry.
Names that would define his meaning and significants his our lives.
The names that you call Jesus reveals your relationship with him.
This morning we are going to look at the Names of Christmas.
These names prophesied about Jesus over 700 hundred years before his birth give us an understanding of what Jesus is in the life of his followers.
These names given so long ago still resinated at the time of Jesus’ birth and still echo in our hearts today.
Before we get into the scriptures I want you to think about the names you call Jesus.
Is 9:6
Message: Defining the Passage
Emmanuel: "God with us"
Emmanuel: "God with us"
The Son of God
Emmanuel: "God with us"
humanity "child" Deity "Son" ,
The Son of Man
Isaiah 9:6
humanity "child" Deity "Son" ,
“A Child” showing the humanity of Christ
The Creator God was willing to take on human flesh and live as we live.
The Son of God
“A Son” Showing the Deity of Christ
humanity "child" Deity "Son" ,
humanity "child" Deity "Son" ,
Fulfilling our need for Salvation
Wonderful Counselor-The spirit of the Lord
Wonderful Counselor: “The Spirit of the Lord”
Isaiah 11:1
The Spirit resting on Jesus
Spirit of wisdom and understanding
Spirit of counsel and might
Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord
Luke 4:18
The Spirit resting on us.
The Spirit of the Lord gives us wisdom and understanding for our walk.
The Spirit of the Lord gives us power and might for the battle.
The Spirit of the Lord fills us with the knowledge of Christ as we witness for Him.
The Spirit of the Lord bring the fear of the Lord.
We have a “Wonderful Counselor” to guide us through the maze of life.
He is constantly speaking into our hearts with wisdom and truth.
Needed for Guidance
Fulfilling our need for Spiritual power, wisdom, and guidance.
Mighty God-Everlasting Father
Mighty to save-Redeemer ()
Father-Family-Adoption ()
Needed for security
Mighty God-Everlasting Father
A Mighty Redeemer
He is mighty to save.
A strong tower.
He bring power to the powerless
Father of Adoption
Eph 1:6
Fulfilling our need for security.
Jesus ()
Prince of Peace-Everlasting king
Luke 1:31
King Jesus
1. Everlasting Peace-Rule, Authority
Everlasting Peace-Rule, Authority
2. Everlasting Throne-Dominion
Everlasting Throne-Dominion
He is the Lord of my life.
I bow down to him.
I worship him.
I extol him with honor and praise.
I obey him
I am loyal to him
Fulfilling our need for Rule and safety
Next Steps: Defining the Process
By what names do you call Jesus?
You see, what you call him reveals who he is to you.
Wonderful Counselor, Might God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,
My favorite name for Jesus is “Lover of my soul.”
It’s not a name I found in the scripture.
But it means something between him and I.
I don’t call anyone else by that name.
The Names of Christ can save you.
What does Jesus call you?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9