Second in Bible Reading Plan December-Mark Sermons
Mark 8:21 CSB
And he said to them, “Don’t you understand yet?”
Mark 8.
So…were there one or two feeding miracles? [Mt & Mk = 2; Lk & Jn = 1…]
What about v. 4?
What could be going on here?
…vv 15 & 16 — metaphorical v. literal
…vv 19-21 — is it the number of baskets? if not, what?
…v 21 — is there any hope to be found?
…vv 22-26 — another reminder of the nearness of the Kingdom based on the presence of the King.
The Disciples & discipleship...
…these vv’s are the linch-pin (focal point) of Mark’s Gospel account.
…vv 27-30 — Peter gets it...
…vv 31-33 — …until he doesn’t.
…vv 34-9.1 — This is a (the ?) key challenge, encouragement, reminder for us, today.
Mark 8:34 CSB
Calling the crowd along with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.