Grinched Part 4 Coniah

Grinched Part 4  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The virgin birth was required in light of the curse on Coniah


Some things never change

Series: Grinched
Topic: Our Hearts are Grinched
Big Idea: Some things never change and some things do!!!!
Text: ,
Point of Depravity:
Key Verse :
Date: Dec22, 2019
"Since stories are best told with pictures, bullet points and text-heavy slides are increasingly avoided at Google," Pichai says. He uses lots of white space and few words.
Research suggests the average PowerPoint slide contains 40 words. From the beginning of a Pichai presentation that Gallo studied, it took about 12 slides to reach 40 words. When text did appear, it showed up as a few words to describe the photo or image.
If that approach can work for high-tech Google — which even developed its own presentations software — it can work for yothey have differences, and maybe in the process they, like him, can “put the greater good
Box #1 Front Door- pair of pants, ketchup on fries, Santa, mark and rhonda, bunch of kings with crooked crowns)
Ppt- Some things never change!
Ever heard the saying?
Like…putting ketchup on fries, or Christmas Eve traditions, or what pant leg you put on first, or morning routines, or in a marriage- weekend routines- coffee, news, cards loose…. or….
How about leadership that abuses position, power?
Thousands of years ago… United Kingdom then divided… Saul, David Solomon then division
Kings of Israel- 19 kings
Kings of Judah- 20 kings
How many in the northern kingdom abused power and position? 100%- Jehu was a mix
What about southern kingdom?- 14 of 20 evil
You know what is interesting is that some of the names of Kings show up in Jesus ancestral line on his fathers side. Turn to ….

David- did right (but)

Solomon- did right in youth, evil in old age

Rehoboam- did evil

Abijah- did evil

Jehoshaphat- did right

Joram- did evil

Uzziah- did right

Jotham- did right

Ahaz- did evil

Hezekiah- did right

Manasseh- did evil

Josiah- did right

Jechoniah- did evil (Can go by Jehoiachin aka Coniah or Jeconiah)

Some things never change- where positions of leadership become opportunities of abuse.

“Experience has shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson (check out who he is)

How cynical is our culture when it comes to leaders that abuse?
How suspicious are people of leaders in various fields… politician, religious leaders, media, corporate leaders…..
How skeptical are people today?
“ Millennials and Gen Z lack trust in traditional institutions. 26% of Millennials and 24% of Gen Z have zero trust in business leaders, while the rate is 27% and 30% for traditional media, 45% versus 41% for political leaders, and 45% and 49% for religious leaders.” Deloitte Global Millenial Survey 2019)
What does that mean when they walk in our doors?
Does it not seem that every time you turn around there is another story of abuse- someone in a leadership position that has exploited that position?
Some things never change!
Ever think- who can we trust, who can we vote for, who can we get behind….
Front entrance- Grinch- Tamar, Judah, Ruth, Rahab)
Ppt- Grinched
This morning we continue our series Grinched. (broken, sin)
Genealogy of Jesus- ancestry- family tree or family bush or family forrest…. Tree termites….
Grinched- Jesus stepped into grinched and extended grace- - ancestry showed why the mission of dealing with sin was so important
Grinched- ……. Ruth
Grinched….. Rahab Rahab: she may have been a prostitute, but God didn’t care –her faith showed that all the losers get a crown.
This morning- we continue to look at Jesus ancestry
What we find is what disturbs us today- abuse- Grinched!
Some things never change!- Leadership that abuses position and power! RIGHT IN JESUS ANCESTERAL LINE.
Question: What is God’s response?
He like you has a response- turn to….
To discover that response- lets go to Jeremiah- keep finger in because we will come back here.
(Front room- Picture of Old man with gray beard with a hammer smashing table and Jeremiah standing beside him with a mega phone ann God’s displeasure)
Jeremiah was born in Anathoth, northeast of Jerusalem, about 627 BC. He was called by God as a boy to be a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah during its final years. He proclaimed the word of the Lord under the last five kings of Judah: Josiah, Jehoahaz (Shallum), Jehoiachin (Coniah), and Zedekiah.
First note how Jeremiah expresses the emotion of God.
(read and explain- interact with audience- God mad, ticked?)
V24- SYMBOL Coniah is a form of jechoniah (
Signet ring A signet ring was most valuable because it was used to impress its owner’s signature or seal on various documents.- Perhaps imagine if married taking your wedding ring off and throwing it into the lake…
V25-26 (ACTION) deportation– which is referenced in
Jehoiachin followed his father Jehoiakim to the throne. After a three-month reign Jehoiachin surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar and was deported to Babylon where he lived the rest of his life (cf. 52:31–34).
V28- SYMBOL- broken pot- the message is clear- the imagery is sufficient but 28b makes it clear!
How much of this charged emotion resonates with us as we at times look at what happens in leadership?
V29 EMOTION- Land three times….. emphasis sake- what do we need to hear?
Then listen to this
Ppt V30- JUDGMENT (corporately read- key word- offspring meaning seed)
He was to be considered childless because none of his offspring would be allowed to sit on the throne of David to rule as king of Judah.
Sure enough- Turn to (read) “ not a king”- say after each name….)
Wow- guess God meant what he said. I guess God could join the millennials and Gen Z with their anger at leadership.
Do you see a problem? No more kings from the line of David!!!
What were they guilty of that could bring down such harsh judgment?
What is leadership often guilty of that makes you mad?
Let me give you a small sample size
Here are some descriptive words
Unjust, Unrighteous v13
Selfish 13b
Lavish v14
- cedar- extremely expensive
- vermilion
V15- Jeremiah points him back to his father Josiah (verses 15, 16): "'Did not your father eat and drink and do justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him. He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Is not this (what it means) to know me?' says the Lord." But Shallum only had eyes for gain, not for giving. And so he had no business on the throne of David.
Arrogant/pride/conceit v15
Abuse of the office v17
From 21:11-22:9- Jeremiah says- "You and your subjects must let justice and righteousness rule in all your dealings. You must devote your time and energy for those who are oppressed. You must help and never take advantage of those who are most vulnerable: the refugee, the orphan, and the widow."
Trafficking in violence, oppression and murder v17b
How relevant is this list today?
What words on this list represent the reason for your anger at times with leadership?
Some things never change!
So anyone happy that God has taken action?
Anyone relate to the anger that God expresses?
But anyone see a problem?
Transition to office:
( office- bright lights in a glowing crown on a throne)
There is a really interesting chapter that comes after - it is - note in particular
. Big Idea: Some things never change but somethings do!
How is that possible in light of ?
Ppt (read)
How do you get a righteous branch out of a family tree filled with termites??- That is essentially cursed!
Turn to
V16- The genealogy concludes with Joseph, described as the husband of Mary but not as the father of Jesus.
Why not say the father of Jesus?
Up to this point, he has said, “So and so was the father of so and so,” etc. But when he gets to Joseph, he changes that formula and states that Joseph was “the husband of Mary, by whom Jesus was born.”
Ppt Some things never change but some things do!!!!Some things never change but some things do!!!!
This is not hisJesus family tree- biological family tree!
Is it good that Jesus is not the biological son of Joseph?
In light of how significant is this?
Ppt- - (corporately read)
But how does Jesus then come from the line of David?
You see Matthew would need to demonstrate to his predominantly Jewish audience that Jesus has legal right to be a king and is from the line of David on his Fathers side but he would need to get around the fact that no king will come again from the offspring of Coniah.
How does he do that?
Answer: The Adoption Option!. Adoption extended all the rights and privileges to the adoptee. An act by which a man or woman acknowledges a person of different blood as his or her son or daughter and bestows on that person the legal rights and duties of a true child.
Raccah, W. (2016). Adoption in the Ancient Near East. In J. D. Barry, D. Bomar, D. R. Brown, R. Klippenstein, D. Mangum, C. Sinclair Wolcott, … W. Widder (Eds.), The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
You see you received the legal right to rule through your father- therefore it was important for Matthew to prove that Jesus came from a line that proceeded from David through Solomon. Has he done that? But Jeremiah says that Jeconiah is cursed and no son of his will ever sit on the throne of Israel- ever! No son of his ever did sit on the throne.
How does Matthew solve the problem? More accurately how does God solve the problem- how does God get a righteous branch out of a cursed tree?
Jesus was not the son of Joseph- not his offspring ESV- says offspring- meaning seed- not of his seed- his adopted son. Because he married Mary whose son Jesus was, he became the legal father of Jesus. Joseph extended his genealogy to Jesus through adoption. Therefore, from Joseph Jesus receives the legal right to the throne. He received the legal right but he was not the natural child- the seed. So the curse was intact.
No virgin birth no king
No King no Christmas
No Christmas salvation
Matthew goes on to explain the virgin birth more fully in 1:18-25.) The seed came from God the Father.
There is deep mystery in a virgin birth but it tells us
it would need to be completely done by God- just like our salvation
Who was the father of Jesus? God the Father- and with God being the Father we realize Some things never change but some things do!!!! We have a King that looks very different than his ancestors because his Father is different!!! Not that his eyes are a different color or his hair is different or physical features … it goes deeper than that-
Unjust and Unrighteous versus
Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch….”- only a virgin birth produces a righteous branch
Agape love is a selfless, self-giving love. Everyone knows that God loved the world enough to give his only Son, as says. It’s the most famous verse in the Bible. But through his letters, Saint Paul clarified what it looks like for us to love that way. He wrote, “Love [agape] is patient and kind; love [agape] does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude…. Love [agape] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (, )
Lavish (a great house) versus Ephesian 1:3-10- note v8
Ephesian 1:3-10- note v8
Lavish (a great house)
Could Jesus be described as lavish? - Extravagant?
Yes but in a very different way!
Ppt Ephesian 1:3-10- note v8
Ppt Arrogance versus humility
He is born of a virgin, something that had never happened before, nor since. Jesus is unique. A miraculous birth should not surprise us, though. Something unusual like this is to be expected for such an unusual event—God entering the world. What was not expected, though, was that the One who made the entire universe would enter history quietly, in humble circumstance. Yet when we think about it, that makes perfect sense too. God was, after all, getting small, stepping down, bowing low. The place of Jesus’ birth is a modest village of no consequence, Bethlehem, “little among the clans of Judah.”1 His crib is a livestock feeding trough filled with straw, the same bedding used by the animals resting around him. His parents are the poorest of the poor and his first visitors, shepherds, are of Israel’s lowliest vocation.
Ppt - read
Abuse of the office ( in their prosperity they did not listen)
- I have done
“ I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.!”
Trafficking in violence, oppression and murder
Trafficking in love justice and mercy
, (The Message)
God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!”
, (ESV)
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
The only person who dares wake up a king at 3am for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access. Kellar
Ppt- Season, Reason
Ppt Some things never change but some things do!!!!
Box #3
(Kitchen- table- the so what- picture of someone falling back into the arms of Jesus who has big holes in his hands)
Action: Jesus is worthy of our trust and worship.
If you are not a Christ follower this is why Jesus is who we worship.
This is why we say- We are Christ followers – to keep the true beauty at the center
This is why Christmas was not a silent night but an invasion into darkness into a cursed royal line and into a grinched world.
Christmas is an invasion an affront to that which holds us captive and in bondage. It is the storming of the gates to set men free. It is the unleashing of heavens weapon to confront the prince of the air, it is the clash of the titans and the defeat of the enemy of our souls.
Christmas reminds us that there still is one Leader worthy of our trust and our worship.
Jesus is worthy of our trust
- With your salvation
- With your child who has wondered off
- You can trust him for your future
- You can trust his words and teachings
- You can trust his promises
- You can trust him for your burdens
- You can trust him when He says he will never leave you….
- You can trust him when you cannot see the next step
- You can trust him with your health
- You can trust him in the valley of death
- You can trust him in tragedy, in …
Jesus is worthy of our trust and our worship.
(Kitchen- Aha- open up the oven- Jesus handing us adoption papers)
Aha: It is interesting to see the power of adoption. In Jesus being adopted he became a legal heir, entitled to, had access to the royal line of David. The power of adoption at his PHYSICAL birth demonstrates the power of adoption at our SPIRITUAL birth. Remember the text I read to you?
Perhaps you missed a key word….
5 he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,
What a King!
So bring him incense, gold and myrrh
Come peasant king to love him;
The king of kings salvation brings
Let loving hearts enthrone him
This, this is Christ the king
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
Haste, haste to bring him praise
The babe, the son of Mary
Put your trust in this leader- accept to be your leader and forgiver.
There is another argument that comes from the theme, purpose, and audience of the two gospels. Matthew was written to the Jews to prove that Jesus was in the legal line of David by adoption through Joseph. However, this was not Luke’s purpose. Luke was writing to show and emphasize the humanity of Christ. He was writing to Gentiles or Greeks to show Jesus’ involvement with the needs of men. In keeping with this focus, we might naturally expect Luke, the doctor, to present the genealogy of Jesus through Mary, the source of his true humanity.
Huey, F. B. (1993). Jeremiah, Lamentations (Vol. 16, p. 212). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
Matthew will tell us a little later that the child was conceived as a result of the activity of the Holy Spirit (v. 20). The passive form here is probably the “divine passive,” indicating an activity of God; it certainly points to something different from what precedes and it prepares us for the narrative of the virgin birth. That the virginal conception is in mind in the genealogy is probably another way of bringing out the truth that Jesus was the “son of David.” There is another passive in verse 20, and twice Matthew speaks of Jesus’ conception as due to the Holy Spirit (vv. 18, 20). He also cites prophecy to show the real significance of the child who was to be born (vv. 22–23); further, he tells us that Mary was a virgin (v. 23) and that Joseph had no sexual relations with her before the birth of Jesus (v. 25). All this combines to make it clear that Matthew is writing about the coming into the world not simply of another baby, but of the very Son of God.[1] Pillar
Abuse of positional power (Grinched)
Explain prove apply, image, stats, …story
Abuse of people (Grinched)
Explain prove apply, image, stats, …story
Tension: Do you see the tension in this story?
Why is this a problem?
But what is very interesting is…
- Whom…
- Virgin birth
In other words a different kind of King.
If you are not a Christ follower this is why Jesus is who we worship.
This is why we say- We are Christ followers – to keep the true beauty at the center
This is why Christmas was not a silent night but an invasion into darkness
Christmas is an invasion an affront to that which holds us captive and in bondage. It is the storming of the gates to set men free. It is the unleashing of heavens weapon to confront the prince of the air, it is the clash of the titans and the defeat of the enemy of our souls. It is on steroids. It is the confrontation of evil in the most thorough way possible – see book. Mens group- evil and suffering……
Question: What is the abuse we find in Jesus line?
Question: What is the beauty we find in Jesus?
Big Idea: He is a very different kind of King who deserves (some people demanded it) a very different kind of response. (worship)
Abuse of positional power versus
Abuse of people versus
Box #3
Have a response of worship
The genealogy concludes with Joseph, described as the husband of Mary but not as the father of Jesus. Matthew will tell us a little later that the child was conceived as a result of the activity of the Holy Spirit (v. 20). The passive form here is probably the “divine passive,” indicating an activity of God; it certainly points to something different from what precedes and it prepares us for the narrative of the virgin birth. That the virginal conception is in mind in the genealogy is probably another way of bringing out the truth that Jesus was the “son of David.” There is another passive in verse 20, and twice Matthew speaks of Jesus’ conception as due to the Holy Spirit (vv. 18, 20). He also cites prophecy to show the real significance of the child who was to be born (vv. 22–23); further, he tells us that Mary was a virgin (v. 23) and that Joseph had no sexual relations with her before the birth of Jesus (v. 25). All this combines to make it clear that Matthew is writing about the coming into the world not simply of another baby, but of the very Son of God.[2] Pillar
In the last decade or so there has been a real surge of interest in people figuring out their ancestry.
Alex Haley, author of the hugely popular 1976 book Roots, once said that black Americans needed their own version of Plymouth Rock, a genesis story that didn’t begin — or end — at slavery. His 900-page American family saga, which reached back to 18th century Gambia, certainly delivered on that. But it also shared with all Americans the emotional and intellectual rewards that can come with discovering the identity of your ancestors.
No one knew it at the time, but Haley’s best seller — and the blockbuster television miniseries that aired a year later — were the beginnings of a genealogy craze that would sweep the nation.
Ppt “The uncertainty of Millennials and Generation Z is reflected in their bruised trust in business and governments. Business leaders should therefore pay attention to the values of these two generations, otherwise they risk a massive loss of talent, which does not pay off on such a competitive market,” says Pavel Šimák, Deloitte’s Human Capital Advisory Director.
Biblical authors claim that the kings of Israel and Judah were divinely chosen and that they were expected to abide by the covenant (see, for example, , , ). calls the Davidic king a “son” of Yhwh. In a similar way, powerful kings in ancient treaties called their lesser allies “sons.” Thus, Israelites saw their king as a lesser agent of their god, ruling on his behalf (see ). Since Yhwh was in charge, he was responsible for protecting the king of Israel from threats by enemies (, ) and for punishing him and even removing him if he did not fulfill divine expectations (, , ). calls upon G-d to grant the king divine justice and righteousness so that he might rule the people properly, and calls upon the king to rule in righteousness so that his officers will govern with justice (see , ).
Biblical authors claim that the kings of Israel and Judah were divinely chosen and that they were expected to abide by the covenant (see, for example, , , ). calls the Davidic king a “son” of Yhwh. In a similar way, powerful kings in ancient treaties called their lesser allies “sons.” Thus, Israelites saw their king as a lesser agent of their god, ruling on his behalf (see ). Since Yhwh was in charge, he was responsible for protecting the king of Israel from threats by enemies (, ) and for punishing him and even removing him if he did not fulfill divine expectations (, , ). calls upon G-d to grant the king divine justice and righteousness so that he might rule the people properly, and calls upon the king to rule in righteousness so that his officers will govern with justice (see , ).
Virgin birth
Interesting- Coniah (Jechoniah) and his ancestral line- intoxicated with power that created this false sense of security- denying the fact of what we see in Scripture- every reign must submit to a greater reign.
Paul said (get OT equivalent)
Some things never change and some things do!!!!
Why is Matthew pointing this out!
If Jesus had been the physical descendant of Joseph, He would have been barred from the throne of David by a curse on Jeconiah (; ). But since Jesus was not the physical descendant of Jeconiah through Joseph, but rather his legal descendant, he qualifies as the legitimate son of David, heir to his throne. Jesus is the Messiah!
Some things never change and some things do!!!!
Result- he is exactly what Jeremiah said in 23:5
Righteous branch- In the NT, Paul applied the title to Jesus ();
a righteous “Branch” (from a word that means to grow, sprout; [3]
How do you get a righteous branch from such an unrighteous tree that has been cursed? Virgin birth-
The shoot which will emerge in the form of a messianic personage will be quite different in character.
Illustrate: Branch with branches- have another branch of a similar but of a different kind….
[1] Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (pp. 24–25). Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.
[2] Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (pp. 24–25). Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.
[3] Huey, F. B. (1993). Jeremiah, Lamentations (Vol. 16, p. 211). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
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