Sermon Tone Analysis
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Sermon Title: “Peace Has Come!”
Sermon Series: Christ Has Come! (Advent)
Sermon Text:
If you had to choose one thing that our society needs more than anything else, what would that be?
We asked some people that question, and here were their answers.
[ Play Miss Congeniality Video Clip ]
When you look around at all the chaos and craziness that is going on in our world today, it would be easy to jump in with these ladies and say that the greatest need of society is “peace.”
The peace that we are talking about though isn’t some vague answer that a beauty queen should give in the Q & A portion of the competition.
It is a peace that settles even the most restless soul.
In our Advent series this year, we have been talking about the wonderful things that Christ brought with Him when He came that first Christmas.
We have seen that Jesus brought hope, comfort, and joy.
Today, we are going to talk about how peace has come because the peace that we need is found only in the Person of Jesus Christ.
I love this part of the Christmas story.
Jesus had just been born in the manger there in Bethlehem.
Some angels came on the scene to share with others the good news that the long-awaited Messiah had come.
The first people that the angels go and share with were shepherds out in the fields keeping and watching over sheep.
This may not seem like much, but shepherds were a tough group who would not have been the first on many people’s list of invites.
These men who were keeping watch over sheep were first told about the Lamb of God’s arrival.
The angels’ song rang out that night with two directives: (1) Glory to God in the highest heaven, and (2) peace on earth to people God favors.
All the glory (credit) for what is taking place belongs to God and God alone.
No man or any other thing can do what is being done in this moment of the Advent (coming of the Messiah).
The benefit that comes from God’s work is that the peace that is longed for by creation is brought to it by this gift that God has sent: His Son, Jesus Christ.
What does this peace look like?
The peace that Jesus brought with Him when He came the first time was a peace like none other.
It had two distinct characteristics.
Peace with God
= Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We may not like to think about it this way, but the Bible paints a very clear picture that because of the sin in our lives, we are not on good terms with God.
If fact, in , Paul calls us “enemies of God.”
When you have enemies, peace is not present.
I love the New Testament letter of Romans.
In that letter, Paul lays out humanity’s condition before God and how the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can redeem us and make us right.
Paul states in that when a person believes that Jesus is who He claimed to be and receives new life from Him, that person is moved from the category of enemy to the category of family.
This cannot happen by our “good works.”
This cannot happen by our heritage.
This movement from war with God to peace with God only comes to us through receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord — following Him with all that we are.
It is at that moment that a person truly experiences peace with God.
Peace of God
= Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
The peace that Jesus brought to those who would come to faith in Him and follow Him is not just a peace that lasts for a moment… it is the peace of God that is as sure and steady as God is.
Paul stated that this peace surpasses all understanding.
You cannot explain it.
You cannot chart it.
This peace will often work against the flow of natural thought and expectations.
This kind of peace was experienced by David as he wrote in
He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken.
My salvation and glory depend on God, my strong rock.
My refuge is in God.
Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before him.
God is our refuge.
This is the wonderful peace that Jesus brought to us that first Christmas.
The Drawback of this Peace
It is not experienced by everyone.
We would like to think that the angels declared that everyone on earth would experience this peace that has come.
That is not what says though.
While all of creation experiences the effects of sin and the need for the peace that comes through Jesus Christ, it is only those whom God favors that get to experience the fullness of this peace.
The word “favors” at the end of verse 14 is a word that means ‘pleased with’.
God’s peace rests on those with whom He is pleased with.
We have seen earlier that our sin does not please Him.
Those who have confessed their sin and turned from it to faith in Jesus Christ have had their sins removed from the equation.
The peace with God leads to a filling of the peace of God in their lives.
This is the evidence that they are favored by God — their sins are washed away, and they are living by faith in Jesus.
Peace is something we all should crave.
The whirlwinds that can arise from this life can be devastating at times.
As we see from this message from the angels that first Christmas, the peace that we so desire is found only in the Person of Jesus Christ.
We can experience peace with God by having our sins washed away by Jesus’ sacrifice.
We can also experience the peace of God as the Holy Spirit fills our lives and guides us along this journey called life.
This peace does not just fall upon all like a Christmas snow.
This peace is given as a special gift to any and all who come to Jesus.
Are you experiencing this peace this Christmas?
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