God is able to accomplish great things in any circumstance
Siege of Israel/Judah
We can only see a limited perspective
Scripture shows us over & over how God is able to accomplish His will in our world
He also shows this in our lives
We have seen ways God has worked
We can tell of God’s faithfulness
Made Available
So what’s our part? How do we fit into the story?
If God is going to accomplish his will regardless of circumstances, then what can I do?
Illustration: the master & the disciple
God is pleased to accomplish great things through those who through faith in Him make themselves available to His will
Broken yet spiritually available people
As much as it sounds like I am making the case that God should be a part of your story, the reality is that God is inviting you through Jesus to be a part of His
The invitation to be a part of God’s great work stands for all