Lucian and Alhaji's wedding
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UCF my right hip pain right downstairs as well.
God and Father, we praise be pleased to draw Dan Swit now as we come together for this wedding ceremony to be pleased to bless each one particular sheet and about my mean Oreo rice and Joe Mesi rest of the phone is now in Jesus name.
How come you stop now, please to sing the first 10, which is to God be the glory great things. He has done. So God so loved the world that he gave us his son. The God be the glory.
Call Crazy Ray's the Lord praise the Lord let the people Scrooge.
Lori Grady
Factory x prom is all going on from here to praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people Rite Aid
Great day when Jesus Wheat Ridge.
Please be safe.
Daily beloved come together in the house of God to celebrate the marriage of this man and this woman and your insurance the Lord Jesus Christ his powers revealed the wedding in Cana of Galilee its present with his head and all his power and Islam. Marriage is provided by God has called me as loving purpose for Humanity since the beginning of creation.
Jesus said from the beginning of creation. God made them male and female therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh so that I don't get no longer two, but one flesh. Marriage is a rich by God to order Have Faith In The Gospel Four through the Saving Grace of Christ and the Holy Spirit husband and wife got love one. Another as Christ loves name and calling of God and is not to be undertaken lightly or from selfish motives and dedication with faith and enabling power of Christ. I want you to answer the purpose for which it was appointed by God. Nars acquainted that they may be lifelong companionship comfort and joy between husband and why is appointed as a right and proper setting for the full expression of physical love between man and woman is a point into the order in the family line where children are also God's Gift To Us by enjoy the security of love and the heritage of Faith disappointed the weather be in a few minutes of society, which can be stable and happy. I don't need where the marriage bond is honored and up hell Into the special and unique relationship. These two persons now is on at the end if their fault and he can show any Jessica Lewis why they might not be lawfully joined together. Let them now speak or forever hold their peace.
A Giant algae Rashid illusion Conte. I require and charge you both divider, you know of any impediment while you're not may be lawfully joined together in marriage you do now confess it how she repeat after me. I do solemnly declare. But I know you're not. of any lawful impediment why I apology Rashid. I know be joined in marriage. dilution kante
I just saw the musically ad. But I know. of any lawful impediment Why? All right. Listen Conte? May not be joined in marriage.
Haji Rashid
you're holding hands with him going to hold hands while holding hands and us to repeat these words present.
The witness that's that I Audrey Rashid. Take you there shim Conte. to be my lawful wedded wife
to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse in sickness and in health love and to cherish today in the presence of God and the congregation as Witnesses.
Michigan I called Upon A colophon these persons here present.
If I see the witness fit my lawful wedded husband for richer for poorer in sickness and in health till death do us apart. According to God's holy law in the presence of God. I pledge to you.
Everyone had got in the car negation friends and family of LJ Rashid and Leash and come take your witness their intentions to be joined together in the marriage covenant in the presence of God. Will you support annapolitan in that marriage now and in the years to come? Natsu please nice and clear. Good. Thank you very much Best Buy.
Oh God by your blessing lawn for losing his first title to Brushy Creek restaurant.
Have you keep it as much as I wish it to be in touch with you?
Write the spray.
Do you Lord for your blessing that these Rings be too and how much I appreciate a new skin come today a sample of an ending love and faithfulness. Wish I had money to stay through Jesus Christ Our Lord Amun. Rashida people the ring on a finger
Murphy's off to me
Yes concert pitches just put play on play on
repeat after me to give you this ring. as a sign of our marriage With my body I honor you. Old am I am I give to you? And all that I have I share with you. within the love of God Father Son and Holy Spirit, I mean
why you want the job?
Thank you, and then you got yours ready?
Listen repeat after me. I'll give you this ring know that I have I give to you that I have I share with you.
I'm God has joined together. Let no man put apart.
Ali Haji Rashid and Lucien contact bound themselves by solemn promise before God and this company Nation announcement to be husband and wife in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, you might get the bride.
a kite That's just pry a guy now please right. less bright
Lord we pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace, but now and forevermore through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Okay, I have the site change to the old term. We be signing the register now before or after seeing the him after that but watching like if I over here with three Witnesses, please okay.
the signature at set up.
Already won. UPC tell you before any.
I don't want another flash in the next hour.
Can I buy Pedialyte off please?
Congratulations to you and I'll give you the first one to call you missy solution or shade. Get him to the moment when we walk with the Lord and the glory t-shirts on Highway while we do his Good Will. Hereby swear this still I'm alone. I will trust and Obey when we walk with the Lord.
randash Auto
sweet Ross. Suite every Willoughby blush sweep Trust on
Florida law to trust on Old swamp we can watch old boy.
adding flour should sweet sweet sweet to trust and obey.
Please be seated.
We have to video it just in one spot for the reading on the 7 prep.
Nights at 7 is now going to read the scriptures for us, please. Thank you.
My heart overflows with a pleasing theme. I dress my versus to the king. My tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe. You are the most handsome of the sons of man. Grace is poured upon your lips. Therefore. God has blessed you forever on your side. I might see one in your Splendor and your majesty and your majesty. Bye. Victoriously for the cause of Truth and meekness and righteousness that your right hands teach you or some Deeds your eyes are shop in the heart of the king's enemies. The people's full under you your throne o God is forever and ever the scepter of your kingdom. Is a scepter of uprightness you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness that fool God. Your God has anointed G with the oil of gladness beyond your companions your robes at will fragrant with Ma and allies and cassia from Ivory palaces stringed instruments make you glad doses of kings are among the ladies of honor at your right hand stands the queen in Gold of ophir. Hello daughter and consider it an incline your ear forgot your people and your father's house and the King will desire your beauty since he is you Lord by the people of Tire will seek your favorite with gifts. The richest of the people all glorious is the princess in her chamber with robes into a van with gold in Many Colors word. She's led to the king with her fashion companions following behind her with joy and gladness. They are let alone as they enter the Palace of the king in place of your fathers shall be your son's you will make Can princes in Old yes, I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations that four nations will praise you forever and ever. Thank you very much.
Devin just read Forest is that you was the only order service the 45th psalm. What a nice and so I'm and it's a song that is quite fitting for what we're here for today as we are celebrating the Wedding Marriage between condition. I'm here for you to rejoice in the Lord father. We don't know exactly who wrote this song, but the general consensus is that from P Sullivan because this song was written for a wedding. And that's why you so I'll pick up so right and we actually look at that and consider that today. I just a very joyous thing is rejoice in it. He opens up the song by saying my heart overflows with a please and theme or address my versus to the king. My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer has rejoined it. He's rejoice in it increases. I need quickly enough to get all his thoughts down the state. I know she goes on so he comes to the last Knight part of the song If I cease to 29 the Bryant is speaking about her crew. What she thinks of it what she feels about you what description she has of him. And she said you are the most handsome of the sons of men. I'm sure of men and we rejoice in that fact. He says also that what is Prince more important Grace is pulled up on your lips there for God has blessed you forever. That's the important C. Grace of God that must ship. God is not even that bucek. And I handsomeness I can only come from that experience of now in the Lord Jesus Christ in Alliance Space 3. God your sword on your thigh, or mighty one in your Splendor and Majesty. Did she meet mean so much to you as she is? So concerned to make no oil that she feels about glorious he is and that continues in the next few facilities in vegetable oil in your majesty ride up Victorious leave for the cause of Truth and maintenance unrighteousness latch. All right hand teach your awesome d u r o s a shop in the heart of the king's enemies the people's all under you he is an amazing mind and incredible mind. My mind was concerned deeply for his wife and that's all they can and help and protect her.
Time between now and then I'll affects them because he saw his concern for her and loves her so deep. And then is also she speaks of his authority of how significant that is. She says about 6, your throne o God is forever and ever acceptable kingdom is a scepter of operation that you have love righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God your God. It's annoying to do with the oil of gladness above your companions from Ivory places string instruments make you Glide Daughters of kings are among the ladies of Honor, but you are right time stands the queen in Gold of afiya, he has no Authority he stands out he is amazing. He is close in the right in the proper wife exactly answer sheet is today and rightly. So he has those Daughters of Queens attending it and all the Busey bring to the whole event. It is a marvelous picture that is being given to us here and they stand out but the queen is bride stands out above all others. She is the queen bedecked in Gold of orphea watch gold you do have on you, but that was the finest of all gods the best that actually could be got hold off on that house. He views his Queen Banana has he spoken of way in which the bride speaks of her husband you give some advice now in the next few vs. Couple of verses 1011 Boise particular initially to the bride when he says here and can sit up incline your ear forgot your people and your father's house and the king with the song all your beauty since he is your lord valve to hear when two people enter into marriage the entrance Outlet new and different relationship relationship. The super sees the relationship of child to parent and another relationship that might be within a human experience for our Lord himself as he mentioned today in that verse we read in the gospels comes from Genesis. The Lord says the two will become one. They want this is what we need to uphold in these days particularly when so many and rejected. So do not see the significance and importance of the Bride the bride herself and there's a lot to be said about the bride or glorious is the princess in a chamber with roads into woven with gold in many, drove. She has led to the king with a virgin companions following behind her with joy and glad they are lead alone as they enter the Palace of the key. The bride is glorious rise always Glory circus never received wedding where it might be. That is the but some Bryce Stand Out far more than others recently. Today. She looks glorious. She looks wonderful and we were spoken of their attendance and the beauty that we see that but I'm afraid there's enough to tell you you're not quite top of my list. All right, I mean it was 18 years ago. She was a wonderful man in a older daughter got married. She said he was a wonderful bride, but the one that got the oldest was 49 1/2 years ago when Judy got married to me. What is the Bride of old rides and no one will ever come close?
How to get more glorious Broad in July when I first granddaughter gets married so I go down a bit but this is concerned about my wife because she means so much and is so much to me speaks of the Blessed it will come up on those who know this relationship a know the Lord in that he says specialty 16 in place of your father shall be your son's you might and princess in all the Earth will it was cool. I will cause your name to remember in all generations. They have four nations will praise you forever and forever. He makes this very clear point that we just the beginning marriage is just the beginning there's much more to be said about that was If not a couple got married this was many years ago. And up some years off for that wedding met the minister who would actually conducted their wedding. I know challenged him by saying you say at the end of a virus that I've been waiting all your troubles are in it. She said we got troubles.
We hope there won't be any troubles. We know the Lord be with you and help you and this brings his curses are close to the most significant point of this song. It is a song that is applied fully to our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many instances throughout the New Testament and it speaks of Christ speaks of Christ in that very special marriage where he is married to his church to his people a marriage it is it's a marriage that far surpasses any human marriage for the change he brings about it's so deep is so great and so real and the game lost it trying to see I'm not sure. We hope that's what we pray for in all those truly knowing what marriage is a particularly Rashid and Lucien here today prairies the Lord Jesus Christ might truly be in your marriage, but he might be the one that you serve the one that you are not the one that you abide in the wind here with no blessing you and every part of your life. So, you know the seriousness they will be difficulties that always is the largest promise you'll be with us and all those things helped him and I tennis and we pray that he would he be pleased indeed reply his word to IHOP on head.
Well, can we sing together the final him which is in Christ alone my hope you know, it's my strength my song it's going to snow and it's Solid Ground come through the fiercest route to install what Heights of love what depths of Peace when fears are still when striving sees my comforter My All In All here in the love of Christ. I Stand it was not in the moment sing to him. Please remain standing off to a song that had my sweet clothes with crap on us the bride and groom at the bridal party make my wife to the Essex. Please answer the door here on the right now so that go through the exit for the cafe, but we can take some photos of the back of the building hit list on show in seeing the same in Christ alone. My hope is found.
In Christ Alone by hollyn, it's all in Crown. When fish are in the law of ice. In Christ alone and righteousness scored by the bay here in the dads off Christ.
Read new ground is 40 lunch off the wall in call from the grave since its grip on The Voice with the flashers blah blah blah. I subscribe to find Jesus.
No, John's.
Vee from here
Let's try.
Loving God and gracious father. We do. Thank you for the joyous event and what your Eevee should we move all this guy, and we probably will go and Lucy and in a very special to join them to get them together as loyal to God and try to speak to do it. Please you to bless your world today and in deed to each one of us gathered here, unless we pray in Jesus's night.