2/8/20 Deceptive practice The Giant of Deception
Face Everything And Recover 2/8 • Sermon • Submitted
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The giant of Deception
The giant of Deception
Summary: I’m going to talk about 3 things about deception.
By Mark Perryman
Summary: I’m going to talk about 3 things about deception.
INTRO: There is a story about a woman who had been trying for years to persuade her egotistical husband to put an end to the idea that he and he alone was number one. This man was obsessed with being number one.
He never stopped talking about being first in sales at the office, and first on the list for the next promotion. He enjoyed playing tennis and golf, but only when he won. He had to be first in line to buy tickets for a game and first to hit the parking lot after the event.
This man’s long-suffering wife watched with interest one day when he stepped on one of those fortune-telling scales. He dropped a coin into the slot and out came a little “fortune-telling” card which read: “You are a born leader, with superior intelligence, quick wit and charming manner—magnetic personality and attractive to the opposite sex.”
“Read that!” the man said to her triumphantly. She did. Then she turned it over and said, “It has your weight wrong too!”
*This morning we are continuing our look at facing your giants.
1. We’ve looked at the giant of intimidation (fear)
2. The giant of discouragement
3. The giant of the journey (time)
Today we are going to look at the giant of deception.
TITLE: The Giant of Deception
I’m going to talk about 3 things this morning.
1. What causes it
2. What results from it
3. What we can do
I. What causes deception? Rather than saying the devil or our sinful nature or the world that we live in, maybe I should say what promotes deception in the life of a Christian?
Ex. If I would say what promotes lung cancer or emphysema you would say smoking.
-It’s something that causes it.
TS: Things that cause or bring about deception in the life of a believer.
A. , “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
1. Many Christians today need to realize if I hear the word or know the word of God but I don’t obey it, I am opening the door of my life to deception.
-That’s why you’ve heard me say many times if the Holy Spirit is dealing with you with an issue do what he wants, be obedient.
2. There is nothing more tragic than a person who thinks they’re going right only in the end to find they’ve been going the wrong direction.
Plato: We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
B. Another thing that can bring about deception in the life of a believer.
-Not keeping a tight rein on your tongue.
1. , “If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not deep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.”
2. One who is religious (this is not meant as a negative term, it just means outward practices)-
-If you don’t control your tongue what you literally do is mislead or seduce your own heart.
3. Think of it this way. In chapter 3 James tells us the tongue has great power. Like a fire, it’s a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person. It’ll set the whole course of your life on fire.
-Why, because it is Hell itself that sets it on fire.
’ve seen people spread so much death and destruction. The Bible tells us life and death are in our words. As Christians we are like our Father in heaven who spoke life into existence through his words. We bring life or death by our words.
-Understand if I don’t keep a tight rein on my tongue (control the words that I speak) I will not only spread death but I’ll fall into deception.
Ex. Ever try and tell your spouse something you want them to do (you’ve told them a million times over the years), it may be something you discuss with a great deal of words. It goes something like this – you give a logical argument, you think they’ve got it, the next day they do the same thing, so you sit down and give a masterful debate, it’s beautiful. The next day you get up, your spouse does it again. This time you lengthen your speech but this time you speak with more passion and enthusiasm. You leave the discussion satisfied your spouse understands. The same process goes on for 20 years.
-Who is in deception – the spouse who is preaching (many words). They think their spouse is going to change. Take some advice – shut up. The only person you’re going to change is yourself. Spend more time working on yourself than on them.
Summary: What brings about deception in our lives?
1. Merely listen to the word and not obey it.
2. Not keeping a tight rein on your tongue.
C. When you depend on your own strength.
-, “But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception because you have depended on your own strength and on your many warriors.”
1. Hosea tells us Israel had fallen into deception because they depended upon their own wisdom and strength.
-Far too many people think what they have is because they’ve earned it and it’s theirs. One of the simplest ways to know if you’re not deceived (thinking what you have is because you’ve earned it, it’s all you) is simply – do you tithe. If you truly believe you’re a steward to faithfully take care of his affairs you’ll have no problem but the problem is far too many think they’re the owner. They’re deceived.
TS: We’ve looked at 3 things that can lead us into deception. There are more but I want to look at what results from it.
II. What results from being conquered by the giant of deception?
A. Damage your relationship with God, and if it continues long enough to ultimately destroy the relationship.
1. , “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts….”
2. They knew God – same Greek word Matthew used to instruct us that Joseph did not have sexual intercourse with Mary until after Jesus was born ().
-This shows us they knew God in an intimate and personal way but yet they fell away, their thinking became futile, their hearts became darkened.
Ex. This last week I talked to a young man who at one time knew the Lord, born again, filled with the Spirit, did great things with God. God blessed mightily but as time progressed he willfully walked into things he knows he should not have done. As a result deception has come.
His view toward God – I’m not going to serve a God who is so unloving and unkind.
B. The enemy will bring deception to you - if you allow him to ultimately change your view of God.
1. The serpent did it in the Garden of Eden with Eve and he did it to this young man.
-Isaiah the prophet says woe to those who see good and call it evil and see evil and call it good. They are deceived.
2. The Bible gives us pictures of God’s heart.
-The father in the parable of the prodigal son (father waiting for son to come home).
-Isaiah tells us his arms are outstretched reaching for his rebellious children; he has engraved us on the palms of his hands.
-Jesus becoming sin so we can have his righteousness.
-Our older brother going before to show us the path we are supposed to go on.
-Giving us his Holy Spirit so we are not left as orphans.
-The prophet Hosea pictures him as a faithful husband continuing to reach out to an adulterous wife (us).
3. At the end of the path of deception is eternal damnation. Jesus tells us many will come on that day and say Lord, Lord, didn’t we do your work your bidding and he’ll say away from me. ()
Q: This morning are you walking on the path of deception, is this giant winning in your life? He can only win if you allow him to.
TS: Might say – Pastor, I’m on that path, how can I get off?
III. What we can do to slay this giant. The text tells us this morning.
A. Text. , “Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.”
1. Renounce (to put aside, to reject) the secret and shameful ways. In other words repent of your wicked ways.
-To stay away from deception.
2. Do not distort the word of God. Let the word of life speak to you. Don’t read into the Bible what you want it to say.
3. Do not use deception no matter how great the cause. Don’t try to trick people into believing.
4. Set forth the truth plainly. Don’t try to sugar coat it or make it hard for others to understand.
-If the gospel is hidden it should never be the fault of the teacher.
5. To be a godly example to others in the sight of God. We are ambassadors to a dying world.
In Conclusion: Don’t allow the giant of deception to enter into your life.
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