Bearing Fruit In 2020
Transition To Body- Repent Or Perish?
Bearing Fruit In 2020 If...
Context Of Today’s Passage
Tell The Story- Present The Parable
Tell The Story- Present The Parable
to change one’s way of life as the result of a complete change of thought and attitude with regard to sin and righteousness—‘to repent, to change one’s way, repentance.’
Tell The Story- Present The Parable
vineyard, cultivated grape field
vinedresser, one who cares for the vineyard
What does Repentance look like at Baptist Church Of All Nations in 2020
God Intentionally Planted You Here
vineyard, cultivated grape field
vinedresser, one who cares for the vineyard
dung, fertilizer, manure (Lk 13:8+)
3163 κόπρος (kopros), ου (ou), ἡ (hē): n.fem.; ≡ Str 2874—dung, manure (Lk 13:8 v.r. NA26)
Body- We Should Be A Repentant People Because God
fecal matter used as agricultural fertilizer—‘manure, dung.’ σκάψω περὶ αὐτὴν καὶ βάλω κόπρια ‘I will dig around it and put on manure’ Lk 13:8. In some languages a distinction is made in terminology between fresh dung and manure which has been piled up in order to mature properly as fertilizer. It would no doubt be this latter meaning which would be involved in Lk 13:8.
God Intentionally Planted You Here
God Expectantly Seeks Changed Hearts
God Patiently Waits For You To Grow
But the servant intercedes on behalf of the fruitless fig
God Graciously Lets You Occupy Ground
vinedresser, one who cares for the vineyard
dung, fertilizer, manure (Lk 13:8+)
3163 κόπρος (kopros), ου (ou), ἡ (hē): n.fem.; ≡ Str 2874—dung, manure (Lk 13:8 v.r. NA26)
fecal matter used as agricultural fertilizer—‘manure, dung.’ σκάψω περὶ αὐτὴν καὶ βάλω κόπρια ‘I will dig around it and put on manure’ Lk 13:8. In some languages a distinction is made in terminology between fresh dung and manure which has been piled up in order to mature properly as fertilizer. It would no doubt be this latter meaning which would be involved in Lk 13:8.
God (As Just Judge) Won’t Wait Indefinitely
Transition To Close
But the servant intercedes on behalf of the fruitless fig
The vineyard worker answers to the owner, perhaps as his servant, yet intercedes on behalf of the fig tree. Digging around a tree and putting manure around it to fertilize it were common procedures, but fig trees usually did not need manure; the worker does all he can to try to save the tree. Jewish teachers debated whether Israel’s repentance could change the set time of the end, but they agreed that God could suspend his judgment if he saw repentance.