Resolving to Live for God
This is the time of year when many people like to make resolutions. We see something in our life that needs to be changed and resolve to change it. We resolve to exercise more or eat better. We resolve to read the Bible more or more consistently. We resolve to work harder at work or get better grades. There are so many different things that we can resolve to do.
This is the time of year when many people like to make resolutions. We see something in our life that needs to be changed and resolve to change it. We resolve to exercise more or eat better. We resolve to read the Bible more or more consistently. We resolve to work harder at work or get better grades. There are so many different things that we can resolve to do.
New Year’s resolutions are not wrong. It is good to evaluate our lives and adjust what needs to be adjusted. Though as Christians we should be doing this regularly. We should be looking into God’s Word as our mirror as James describes it and making changes that are necessary.
No matter what resolutions we are making this year, ultimately we should be resolving to live for God no matter what. All the resolutions that we make are worthless without resolving to live for God and obey Him in all areas of our lives.
A great example of this is found in the life of Daniel. This is a familiar story to us but I hope we can be encouraged by taking a few minutes to be reminded of His courage and resolve to live for God.
Daniel was a young man who was taken 900 miles away from his home to live in a foreign country as punishment for the sin of the people of Israel. While there he faced many challenges but through them all he always remained resolved to live for God.
Despite being so far from home in a difficult situation, He never lost his resolve to obey God in all areas of his life.
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.
Daniel 1:8-9
Soon after arriving, Daniel and his friends and those taken captive with them were instructed to eat the kings meat and wine
Unfortunately, this would have defiled Daniel. It would have meant breaking the law of God. Whether this was unclean meat because of what it was, how it was prepare, or offered to idols, it would have defiled Daniel. It would have broken his fellowship with God.
Daniel, when faced with this situation, chose not to break God’s Law. He chose obedience.
But no one back home would know; Everyone else was doing it
Still Daniel chose obedience because God would know and that is the most important.
Daniel was resolved. He purposed in his heart. He made up his mind. So he took the next necessary step which involved great courage. He asked not to eat this food but instead eat clean food. This would have directly violated an order from the king and could have had great consequences. Rather than fear the consequences, Daniel had courage and chose to live for God.
Verse 9 shows that God blessed Daniel for his resolve.
We see God’s blessing on Daniel throughout the rest of his life.
Daniel also face other situation which would test this resolve. Each time, he was courageous and obeyed God no matter what.
As you consider what your resolutions might be this year, I hope that we will all remember this example and make it our number one priority to live for God and to obey God in all areas of our lives.
We will be placed in situations that will test our resolve in this matter. Our friends may not like the decision. We may face tough consequences for our decision but God has shown that He blesses those who resolve, who make up their mind to live for God and obey Him in all areas of their lives.
May this be our resolve, not just now at this new year but through the rest of our lives, each and every day.