How to Prosper in the New Year
I. Be Strong and Courageous
875 Wanted: Hundred Men
John Wesley said, “Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I will shake the world. I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; and such alone will overthrow the kingdom of Satan and build up the Kingdom of God on earth.”
—The Preacher’s Magazine
II. Obey God’s Word
A. Talk about God’s Word
B. Meditate on God’s Word
C. Obey God’s Word
Obedience, Results of
A little boy was riding his tricycle furiously around the block, over and over again. Finally a policeman stopped and asked him why he was going around and around. The boy said that he was running away from home. Then the policeman asked why he kept going around the block. The boy responded, “Because my mom said that I’m not allowed to cross the street.”
The point is clear—obedience will keep you close to those you love.
III. Trust in the Promise of God
A. The Promise of God’s Presence
B. The Promise of God’s Power
C. The Promise of Prosperity
6135 Poor Judgment Started It
The successful man was asked the secret of his accomplishments, His reply was: “Good judgment!”
“Where did you learn good judgment?” he was asked.
“From experience.”
“And from where did you gain your experience?”
“From poor judgment.”
Always a Success
Thomas A. Edison was the most prolific inventor in modern times—perhaps ever. He made scores of attempts to invent the light bulb. After an unsuccessful effort, one of his associates said, “Well, you have failed again.” “No,” replied Edison, “I have succeeded again. I now know another way how not to invent a light bulb.”
• The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.
—John D. Rockefeller, Jr.