Surprised by Christmas

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Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about? Charlie Brown. I can tell you what Christmas is all about.

Lights, please.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night angel of the Lord Came Upon them. They were sore afraid and the angel said unto them fear not for behold. I bring you Tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people for unto you is Born This Day in the city of David A Savior Jesus Christ the lord and it should be a sign unto you you shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger and suddenly there was the sea Angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace Goodwill toward men.

Good morning. If you haven't already you can go ahead and turn to Matthew chapter 1 guys on Tom's Hamilton on the lead Pastor here at Journey Church. We want to welcome you once again, and just to say Merry Christmas to you everybody ready for Christmas. Kevin's ready. Yep, we're looking for work. We're looking forward to it. Looking forward to it to Christmas time. So we're me and Matthew chapter one this morning in verse 18 and are you can follow along either open up your bibles. If you do not have a Bible. We have some Bibles on the the back table as you walk out these two doors. There's a center table out there that we have all four in basketball on but there's also some Bibles there. So if you don't own a Bible and you need one pick up one of those Jimmy's got one in your hand right hand right there. So grab one of those we love for you to take one those Bibles with you. It's it is important for us to be able to have God's word to be able to read it and study it and you don't have a copy of one. We want to give you a copy of one to worry Matthew chapter one this morning Matthew chapter 1 in before we dive into God's word this morning. What's up? Let's go together in prayer. Father we thank you. For the true meaning of Christmas as Linus explain to us from your word. that your son came to give his life. for us to die for us

We are undeserving. Of this gift of Grace that you have poured out to us.

We are blown away. We are humbled. Did you would love us so much.

That you would send your son to die for us.

Call this morning as we prepare. Not only for Christmas, but as we remember the extent of Your Love. father move us to a b dance move us to action. And father help us to go and tell our family or friends are neighbors or co-workers anyone and everyone. the truth about Christmas but your son died for us. To give us the greatest gift of all your grace. Father we ask this morning that you would move us to action from your word and father. We ask your blessings on us. We ask all this in your son Jesus name. Amen. Have you ever been surprised before? Raise hand are there's like three people that never been surprising for. Okay. Alright. So we we are watch out before you leave today. Somebody jump out of the hallway and scare. You been caught off guard. Anybody been caught off guard right? I think we can probably sit here all morning talk about surprises that we've had or maybe times that we have been caught off of guard or maybe we missed surprised by a Christmas present right? Maybe we got something that we didn't expect or maybe we got something that we expected but we didn't think that we're going to get right maybe we've been surprised by a Christmas present. There's a couple in Bosnia that was surprised by each other and it didn't end so well the story kind of reminds me of the story of the song. I may be familiar with it by Rupert Holmes is called Escape, you know the song if you like pina coladas Get caught in the rain. All right, that's your Christmas present right there any singing surprise? No lady, right? You know, if you don't like yoga if you have half a brain right by that story of that song is this married couple who puts out this ad to find someone else and they end up finding each other right in the midst of asset the story the song with this couple and Bosnia had a similar story to play out to the song but it didn't in the same way. These couple went online and began to look for someone else besides their spouse and they met someone online the the man called himself the price of joy and the the woman called herself, sweetie and the pear thought they had found their soulmates. The people that they would be with for the rest of their lives and they were so excited because they have been married and then Find their soulmates is what they thought and now they find finally find their soulmates online and they'll spend the rest of their lives with they poured out their hearts to each other and what do you know that they both were in these horrible marriages and they spent time complaining to one another online about their marriages. And so they finally decided to meet up. for the first time and the wife said I was suddenly in love. It was amazing. It it seem like I've been stuck in the same kind of miserable marriage that this Prince of Joy was stuck in 2 and how right they were finally they started to meet in person only to discover that they were already married to the person that they had found online know when it's dawned on them instead of them falling even more in love. They felt betrayed by one another and they actually ended up getting a divorce because of the surprise. When it dawned on the the wife, she said when it happened I said she said I felt so betrayed and husband said I still find it hard to believe that sweetie to wrote all these wonderful things was actually the same woman that I was married to who and not said any nice words to me for years. man How sad? How sad? They were surprised by one another but it didn't even well for them. They have this Twisted view on what love is supposed to be and what it wasn't and how sad they could work through their issues together with this morning as we prepare for Christmas. We're going to look at the Christmas story in Matthew chapter 1 and we're going to see some people who were surprised by Christmas and surprised by Jesus, but thankfully for us Joseph even though he was surprised by Jesus. He had a was a man of great character and even though he was caught off-guard. He humbly allowed God to work through him. And we all have been blessed because of it. Joseph was surprised by Christmas not just once but twice was thinking 2 or text you and Matthew chapter 1 it says in verse 18. This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about. His mother. Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph. But before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the holy spirit because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law and yet did not want to expose her to Public Disgrace. He had in mind to divorce her quietly. Let's pause there for a minute men. Let me ask you a question. If your fiance came up to you and said I'm pregnant and you knew that it wasn't yours. How would you respond you eat? Probably pretty upset with me at the least hurt maybe broken that did your fiance have been unfaithful to you. Could you imagine a conversation with Joseph and Mary? What what did Mary say Joseph promise? I was faithful to you. And yeah, right merry whatever you whatever you say, right you're pregnant and I don't know if you know how this works. But this is how it works right? You tell me whatever you want, but it didn't matter. Alright, Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. Now in those days engagement was a little bit different than it is for us today in those days engagement was just as legally binding as a binding contract as marriage itself was but without the physical part of the relationship. 2 in order to get out of an engagement you would have to go through a divorce just as if you were married to that person Mary Joseph's fiance was pregnant surprise Joseph, right? But thankfully Joseph was a man of Honor. He didn't want to shame Mary even though he felt like Mary had cheated on him and treated him wrongly. He didn't want to expose her to Public Disgrace. He followed the law. Now. The law could have had Mary stoned to death because she had been unfaithful and Joseph didn't want that. He wanted to show Mary mercy and divorce her quietly, but then comes Joseph II surprise of Christmas. And this one was bigger than the first one if you can imagine looking for 20 had considered this an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their since all this took place to fulfill with the Lord had said through the prophet the Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call his name Emmanuel which means god with us. Not only was Mary pregnant But she was going to give birth to the Son of God now Joseph took both of these surprises and Noble of obedience to God when he found out it been married was was pregnant. He first wanted to do what was honorable and he didn't want to disgrace Merry and so he was going to divorce her quietly, but then when he got the second surprise and the angel of God the messenger of God came to Joseph and said look, what was Mary has conceded of the Holy Spirit and she's going to give birth to the Son of God immediately with Joseph does when he wakes up. She takes Mary as his wife and she gives birth and she gives him the name Jesus the angel told Joseph that his name would be called Jesus because he will save people from their sins what Joseph may not have fully understood in that moment. Was it by the name that he would give the sun salvation for all of mankind would come and even though Joseph may not have fully understood. He was still obedience to God. Looking for 24 when Joseph woke up. He did what the angel of the Lord commanded him. He took Mary home as his wife, but he did not consummate the marriage until she gave birth to the son and he gave him the name Jesus. He was given the name Jesus not Joseph Junior. Matt Rufus, MO

That would became his name if I had my way just so you know. All right. No, he gave him the name Jesus. In the name Jesus the son born was a surprise to Joseph. It was a Christmas surprise, but Jesus was the plan of God. Jesus was a surprise to Joseph. But this was God's plan to save people. He will be called Emmanuel God With Us. We fast forward about 30 plus years from Matthew chapter one, we get to the book of Acts. And at this point Jesus had been born they had celebrate all that I had grown. He lived his life perfect length to complete the law. He taught he did many miracles. He performed many signs and then he humbly went to the cross and died and he even risen from the grave and we have the day of Pentecost that takes place in the next chapter to where Peter preaches the first sermon about who Jesus is and in what he has done and even though we fast forward 30 years and even though Jesus surprise Joseph in the beginning Jesus is still surprising people even today. People were surprised that this Jesus assumed they had had crucified was really the Messiah that they would been longing for really the one sent by God. They have been longing for and they were also surprised to learn that he was no longer dead. Even though many of them had seen him crucified. They were surprised that he was no longer dead, but they have been raised to life and have been made both Lord and Christ. 3000 that day responded to the surprise of Jesus they responded by repenting of their sins and they met him in baptism, but Others responded to the surprise of Jesus by rejecting and walking away and friends. Nothing has changed today. That's another sermon for another day. In Acts chapter 3 we see Peter and John didn't go into the temple and there's this lame man who's there and he's begging for money and Peter looks at him and says you get to look at us and you can tell we ain't got no money. Right but we do have in the name of Jesus get up and walk. And this man who have been lame gets up and walks and they walk into the temple of God. He's praising God and Peter begins to preach to the people who are around who are maze to see the lame man. Whose was sitting by the gates begging now walking and jumping and and leaping and praising God and so he preaches about Jesus and then Peter and John faintly surprised this lame man that you couldn't walk by healing him in the name of Jesus and then Peter and John were arrested by the priest and the religious leaders and they asked Peter and John they said by what power Did you heal this man and under what name? Did you heal this man? I want you to listen to what Peter response to them and acts chapter 4 in verse 8. Peter says rulers and Elders of the people if we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed then know this you and all the people of Israel. It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth from you crucified, but whom God raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed Jesus is the stone the builders rejected which has become the Cornerstone salvation is found in no one else for there is no no one other no other name under Heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

the name of Jesus did they shoot kindness to this lame man? It is the name of Jesus that brings salvation to all of us and to everyone in the whole world in the name of Jesus the Joseph. immediately gave

to the son that was conceived by the Holy Spirit. What the angel had told Joseph many years earlier had come true. The first Christmas surprise would bring Salvation to Peter and John they testified about that the in the name of Jesus salvation is found. My friends. I don't know. You are where you're at. Maybe this comes as a surprise to you. Maybe you have been looking for salvation in anything and everything else, but maybe you don't know that that's what you've been looking for Pascal. He said she said there is a god-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man, which cannot be satisfied by any created thing. But only by God the Creator made known through Jesus Christ. You seem we may search we may long all the days of our lives and try everything under the sun in that vacuum that hole that void. Will never be satisfied by a bigger job title. The vacuum will never be filled by a bigger paycheck. That whole night never be satisfied by a relationship with other people. What emptiness and a boy will never be filled by nicer car a nicer home nicer stuff bigger presents under the tree new or toys? But the whole never be filled by parties. Betnet the whole never be filled by alcohol or drugs or anything else that we may try to fill it with Peter says that salvation is found. And no one else. There is no other name under Heaven given to mankind that we must be saved the one Christmas surprise that we have always and forever. Is it salvation has come from God. The god became a man. Did he humbled himself? They went to the cross. for you it for me.

And we can be saved by the name of Jesus. Jesus has made known to us God he died and has risen from the dead bringing reconciliation to all things. including you t'god Paul puts it like this in Colossians chapter 1. He says in verse 15 the son talkin about Jesus the son that was born. This first Christmas the sun is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation for in him. All things were created things in heaven and things on earth visible and invisible weather Thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. All things have been created through him and for him, he is before all things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body the church. He is the beginning in the firstborn from among the dead. So then everything he might have Supremacy for God was pleased that have all his fullness dwell in him. And through him to reconcile to himself all things whether things on earth or things in Heaven by making peace through his blood shed on the cross. Jesus Is the image of God the fullness of God the Father dwells in him it is through Jesus and through his blood and for his sacrifice on the cross that he has reconciled us. He is made on accounts that were in debt because of our sins. He's paid him in full.

by his blood the sacrifice Jesus has become the prince of not just joy for the Prince of Peace. Is he is my peace between God and you and me. Salvation is found only in Jesus. All of 40 is found only in Jesus authority over and things including you. McLean death including Sam He has died once for all to it on our behalf. Have you open that surprise the surprise of Jesus scripture tells us that when we believe in Jesus in our hearts and we declare with our mouths that he is Lord. He is the only way of Salvation that we are saved Trevor tells us that we open the surprise of Jesus when we meet him in baptism is dammit Jesus puts to death or sins and he raises us to become a new creation in him friends salvation is found in no one else. only in Jesus

Have you called on his name? Is he your lord and your savior today? What's stopping you?

I'm responding to the surprise of Jesus. For those of us that have responded there's one more surprised that I want to share with you this morning as we wrap up look back there at next chapter 4 verse 13, right after Peter says that salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under Heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. Listen to what the priest say. When they saw the courage of Peter and John they realized they were unschooled ordinary men and they were astonished and they took know these men had been with Jesus the priest they were surprised by Peter and John because they were highly educated not because they were extraordinary guys. No infect despite that they want. They were surprised by the courage of Peter and John and what did they realize that these men had been with Jesus?

France are people surprised by Jesus through you. You don't have to be highly educated. You don't have to be extraordinary. All you have to do is be obedient. And be bold enough to share the truth about Christmas. Jesus bring Salvation and salvation is found nowhere else but in him.

There are people in your schools there people at your work places. You have people that are coming to your house or you're going to their house this week. Who are far from Jesus who don't know the truth about Christmas the Salvation is found in no one else. She is is the one who has brought salvation through his death and through his resurrection. I don't know that he has reconciled all things including them to God. I don't know that he's come to bring peace between us and God and then his name Jesus salvation is found.

We like Peter and John. Are messengers of Jesus? Different let me ask you who do you need to tell this week? the true surprise of Christmas he have family dear friends neighbors. Let's start praying right now that we would see the opportunities that God places before us this week. To Boldly share the truth about Christmas Father. We thank you. We thank you for the Obedience of Joseph. The even though he was caught off-guard. He was surprised by Jesus and his coming the father. He obediently followed you. And he gave that Son Your Son the name Jesus. We thank you that Jesus came in. Was Abby DIA to every part of the law be fulfilled and carried all of it out so that he would become the perfect sacrifice.

the lamb for us

Thank you that he has reconciled our accounts with you that he has brought peace with us and you.

Father if there are those that are here that have never responded to who your son Jesus is and what he's done or move them today. respond for those of us who have help us to see the opportunities that you lay before us and that you are going to lay before us this week to share that message of Christmas to the truth about your son Jesus with our family with our neighbors with our co-workers father help us to see the opportunities and father. Give us the courage. Give us the words. to share the share the truth The Salvation is found in no one else.

No other name.

Has been given that we must be saved. father help us to Proclaim from the rooftops your son Jesus the child became to die for mankind We thank you. But he has shown us your love for us and the while we were your enemies. He died. To bring us back to you.

We ask all of this his precious name. Amen. Friends were going to move into our time of communion commitment and prayer in the greatest gift of Christmas the greatest gift not just of Christmas. But of all times is the surprise of Jesus salvation is found in no one else and friends if you're here this morning and you're ready to take that next step and you're ready to commit your life to Christ and unwrap that gift of God's grace that he has given you I love to talk with you today. You're ready to meet Christ in baptism that's going to do that today. What's what's keeping you back repent of your sins. Jesus has done all the work. He is paid all of the price. Won't you come and unwrap the gift of God's grace this morning? Maybe saw some questions are on the be up here on the front and I would love to talk with you today or call or text me anytime. This week is also going to be a time of prayer you're here and maybe you just need some prayer for some some boldness. Maybe you have been terrified about sharing Jesus with your family members with your co-workers and maybe just need somebody to pray with you for boldness to share the message of Jesus our elders when we get done what you mean, you're going to make their waist in the size of the rooms and they would love to pray with you here this morning time of communion. A time where we get to remember and we get to reflect if you are sitting on the the left hand side over here. There are some baskets. If you would go ahead and grab one of those after sitting there and pass them down and inside these baskets are some little cups and these cups are a little tricky. There's two different layers to them the top layer. You can peel that back and it has the bread under that and the bottom layer is the juice and Hero Journey Church. We welcome all believers in Jesus to for taking communion with us. And to remember when we ask though. Is that what scripture ask what Paul ask us an in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 that we examine ourselves. Take some time to examine your life. Examine the sins that you've been committing. Confess those to God right here now. When you're ready remember? the surprise of Christmas the body of Jesus Through the bread remember the surprise of Jesus? his blood through the cup the he poured out for you for me. To reconcile us to bring peace between us and God. Let's remember this morning, unless Proclaim together the death burial and resurrection of Jesus. You're ready to make a commitment to Christ. I love to talk with you need some prayer. Our elders be be ready. Take time to reflect. Let's remember of claim.

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