Repair the Altar of the Lord
Scripture: 1 Kings 18:30
Repair = restore (something damaged, faulty, or worn) to a good condition (Oxford Dictionary)
What will destroy your altar?
- Sin and worldly pleasures
- Disobedience and rebellion
- Idolatry (gods of your own design and imagination)
- Anger, resentment, hatred, unforgiveness
- Bearing grudges and being unmerciful
- Pride, jealousy, envy, greed, ingratitude, etc.
1 Kings 18:18
When you neglect the altar of God, you will erect other altars to sacrifice your time, talents and treasures, and your energy, effort and earnings.
False gods cannot hear you, help you or answer your prayers, but the true God can.
1 Kings 18:21
Spiritual Disloyalty will lead to Spiritual
- Dullness
- Drought
- Destruction
What is the remedy?
What must you do to face 2020 confidently and victoriously?
1. Follow Jesus all the way - Be fully devoted to Him
2. Yield to His Lordship - Be submissive to His Word, Will and Way
3. Repair the altar of the Lord (in your heart) - Be serious in your walk with Him
Repair the altar of:
- Devotion - He is worthy of your life and all
- Intercession – He is all you need
- Consecration - He is your first love
Do these 4 'S':
- Spend time with the Lord and His Word to know Him intimately
- Set aside time to pray and worship Him, and do His will and bidding
- Stand up for what is right and true. Live with no compromise
- Shine for Him wherever you are and in whatever you do
Let Christ rule and reign in your life and you will be a blessing to many.
John 15:5-8
Examine your spiritual altar and repair it.
Consecrate yourself on that altar as a living sacrifice for His glory.