Dance for Joy

Here we are on the last Sunday of Christmas and the first Sunday of a brand new year. A new year is a new opportunity. Yesterday is all done, there is nothing that we can do to undo anything. We are looking ahead to what God has in store for us. Are you facing this new year with a sense of dread or a sense of Joy?
Then the young women
will dance for joy;
the young and old men will join in.
I will turn their mourning into laughter
and their sadness into joy;
I will comfort them.
Get ready! We’re going up to Zion
to the LORD our God!
This was a class act, a cast-of-thousands production because the producer and director is an extravagant God. Jews will return not just from one direction but from every direction.
With tears of joy they will come;
while they pray, I will bring them back.
It would not just be the strong members of their lot but “the blind and the lame, the woman with child and the one who labors with child” (v. 8). They would not come limping as if they were barely making it. Heavens no! “Their souls shall be like a well-watered garden” (v. 12). Remember the priests who caused Jeremiah such grief? Look at them now. “I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance” (v. 14). To the derelict and restless people who could never find contentment He says, “and My people shall be satisfied with My goodness” (v. 14).