The Shepherds Path Of Nurture

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Christmas 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  34:17
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We found ourselves. In Gainesville feeling somewhat lost.

Gainesville is not a place that draws my heart. other than the great Medical Center The streets don't make any sense. The traffic is horrendous. fabulous funny colors on everything

We tried to brighten their existence when Robert was in the hospital. We bought him this tiny little artificial Christmas tree and decorated it and Garnet and gold and on the top of the Sacred emblem of our tribe picture of Osceola. And it didn't seem to change, Gainesville.

One of the things that we have found ourselves doing this we go through uncertain times and there's nothing that wears away at your heart that I'm certainly is. We return to those scriptures which are comfort food for our souls.

And I found myself going back to the 23rd psalm. Because it is so reassuring. But as I went back to it. I recognize that there is much more meat on the bone than I ever gave credit for. Sometimes we use the 23rd psalm for funerals because we love that part though. I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil for you are with me.

And that will be important to us as we go forward. But I thought as long as I am living through this song. I might as well share it with you. Take you on a journey with me and see if it brings you any encouragement any insight into your walk with Christ as it has my own. One of the things that I discovered is that I would rather be the shepherd and the Sheep. After 40 plus years of ministry in a pasture weed is just a another name for Shepherd. My preference is to be the one who is giving Comfort who is giving direction who is leading people to? but the Living Water leaving people to the Green Pastures leading people to the Lord of Life helping them through their distress and some of you have that same tendency. And that's good because we needed it. But then I realized that in Reading David's work.

David cries out to God in a teaching for anybody who reads his poem would becomes a song. David himself was a shepherd. How many people can you name all the top of your head in the Bible who were instrumental in the formation of our faith? Who were shepherds? Abraham was a shepherd. Jacob was a shepherd. Moses was a shepherd. And then David was a shepherd and when Jesus comes what does he saved himself? I am the great Shepherd. Good luck with that. Kind of a Sentimental imagery for us in the modern world. And we forget that Shepherds were the lowliest of the low in the ancient world. Nobody would think let's have a party and invite the Shepherds. Unseen people they were like the garbage collectors and the the guys that mow The Lawns and do maintenance and they're invisible too many of us. The lovely people undoubtedly, but we just don't think about it. They're working out there away from the general population. And that's what happened with David when he was growing up. He would be with brothers were all fighting the Philistines. He was out tending his father's block. And it was difficult Dirty Work sheep are ungrateful Beast. They really are other Clueless. I don't want to talk to somebody that you were a dumb ox. The more I study the word the more I think they should have said you're a dumb sheep.

It's redundant because sheep are clueless. But I have to demean us when God calls us his sheep, but the show the difference between the leadership of the shepherd and those who he leads and so in this time in our life, which is I hope the darkest time we will go through but we don't know.

I have been reminded that I am not just a Shepherd. I am a sheep. And they don't realize that when he writes the song he was a Shepherd King. He was prepared by God to rain over the people of God by being a shepherd of his youth Moses spent 40 Years of the shepherd or God would let him bring the Israelites out of bondage.

Jacob had to be a Shepherd for his somewhat Twisted Uncle before he can move away and enjoy his family and pursue his life.

To be a shepherd and be prepared to serve those who are ungrateful sometimes who don't know how to care for themselves. And now at this time in my life, I find myself learning again how to be just the Sheep. I'm always trying to fix things. And I don't mean fixing things around the house. My wife is wise enough to tell me don't even try it. You'll just mess it up. But to fix things in people's lives and sometimes I see grapefruit and it's gratifying but am my own wife right now. I realize I needed a shepherd and so you read it and find Comfort because it's familiar and it is comforting but stop and think what what David is saying he begins by addressing not God. But anyone listening it's as though he is addressing the congregation of Israel. Because I'm addressing you today and King David says all is well here. The Lord is my shepherd. I'm the dumb sheep. And the Lord himself is my shepherd. And it's a powerful reminder that we are never our own God never expect us to have the wisdom the intellect the creativity for all of our own meme. The weird to live in dependency upon the shepherd. Now that is especially true the sheep in the ancient world. The ancient world, you know, we think of the holy land and when David talks about sheep being taken out the pasture we think where do they go if you've been to the Holy Land, are you seen documentaries a whole lot of wilderness? Rocky dry arid places with little vegetation is poking up through the Earth is brown and withered What is the shepherd do? He cares for the sheep in a way they cannot do. Cheap do not have a clue as to where to find Green Pastures. They have no clue as to where to find the fresh water that they need.

I live at 3 discover that we are sheep. We find a New Freedom. The sort of take a step back and discover that we are never our own we are under the protection and the leadership and the care of Jesus Christ. He is the one who cares for us. That doesn't mean we don't have no responsibilities. But it means that he alone knows where to take us to meet our needs. And of course, that's the very next line. The Lord is my shepherd. I will not be in want I will want for nothing. It's it's a temptation to think that this is the Prosperity Gospel that God will make all of his wealthy and comfortable and well off. But what I'm saying is you will not want for what you actually need. It doesn't say the Lord is my shepherd. I have all my desires.

Thor's my shepherd I will not want and we went into this. temporary move with great apprehension What are the things that a lot of people don't know about Gainesville as if you were going to stay there for less than a year. They charge you a 12% surcharge tax on rentals. Reddit apartments rented Furniture you name it? Because you're not living here permanently. You have an additional 12% everything so expensive. And for the life of me, I don't know why it's so expensive to live in place. I'd rather not live but it is that worried about how long can we make it how how we do this? And the result of course is that God has brought Resources from unexpected sources certainly the tremendous generosity this congregation. But also from people that we haven't heard from him. Here's your heard about our need.

Everywhere, we turned thinking. What do we do next? It is though. God was already there saying I've got it taken care of it this way this way this way. It's not going to be all the Comforts of home. But it's going to stay in you. I will get you through this. And we've had want of nothing.

But like sheep, we become very fearful. We worried about where we're going to get the resources to provide for the needs of the family. Particularly, since they're all sorts of expenses that we thought insurance would cover and insurance people say, oh no, that's you.

But God has used not only the direct intervention of Jesus Christ Our Shepherd, but his work for the Sheep by their flock.

Highway Bagels by the we don't receive a note of encouragement a card with a gift card. for supplies One day I went up to Jacksonville to pick up our oldest daughter and her children who are coming in for Christmas. And when I got back remember if you ever seen a film of Dickens Christmas Carol. Where are the scene of the Ghost of Christmas Past when Scrooge goes into the room next to his chamber and here's a Ghost of Christmas Past hitting up on a pile of plenty. Been around him at this banquet. Well Ghost of Christmas Past in the show up. But the hearts the loving hearts of Christmas present from, that did when I got back or apartment look like that room because Publix had made a home delivery of everything we could conceivably need to feed our family and care for them over the Christmas holidays.

Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want that's all I give him things for you all and I just give him thanks for the way he moves people at just the right time and it just the right way. He is reliable to meet our every need. And it's almost goes on to say he lie to me and make me to lie down in Green Pastures.

Well, that sounds delightful. But again, if you're familiar with the Holy Land, those are hard to find shaped are clueless as to where to look. For the shepherd knows cuz he's out scouting all the time. He knows exactly how to get to those Bally's where the Packers are well-watered and Lush and green and nourishing for the Sheep. I didn't take them through those Rocky Crags and through those deep ravines and through those ways that are difficult Aaron and look pretty much useless. I really turned the corner and bring them into the valley. Where there is a green pasture from side to side as far as the eye can see?

And I thought well, that's great that they get that Lush place to graze. But what about making them lie down? Why does he want them to lie down? Because if they don't they won't take the time to grazed. They'll just keep the laundry until they get out of the pasture and back into the air infection. The shepherd knows how to make them comfortable and get them to lie down one of the things that keeps you from lying down together. Is sometimes she don't like each other? You've been in enough churches, you'll have discovered that sometimes and sometimes were geishas, but she can do not like each other. They don't like sheep that are strange.

Mary had experienced the last Sunday I was here. Was the weekend we moved into the apartment and she went to church by herself and Gainesville. She went to a Reformed Church nearby. I've been very emotional.

the Prelude with most beautiful touching and she wept the opening him with meaningful and she wept and actually sat down a man with a couple of children came and tapped on the shoulder and said excuse us. Can we get in here and she got up to let them be more of Us coming. This is our place. our place

and that's when she we're at the front door. Do you spell unwelcome rejected in a time of need the body of Christ most? Why was that? Why wasn't the Batman didn't say Welcome to our church. I see your new. I seen you were moved by something and I pray with you. Cheap throw-away take care of other sheep. And a lot of time Shepherds discover their sheet bolt lie down together if there's not a little bit of space between them and the Sheep nearest them. essendant nipping each other each other Italy the shepherd can bring up that piece the peace that passes understanding that allow that not only did Grey's but to take the rest the lie down in the coolness of the grass and to enjoy the bounty to the shepherd has provided. without turning on each other and keep your eyes on the shepherd. Green Pastures, sometimes it comes directly from the hand of the shepherd. Sometimes it comes. Two strangers sheep that you didn't know where part of the Sheepfold. They simply show up.

And then we read.

He leads me beside the Still Waters.

That's always bothered me a little bit. Because I started as a new Christian read the New Testament is all about living water. And I will get back of the phone did David write Psalm 42 As the deer pants for The Living Water the cool refreshing Mountain stream water. And here's as a Texan by the stagnant Pond will I thought what it means but still waters now man, give me that one. Looks like a Coors commercial with the water coming out of the snowbank stream. Why? Why? Still Waters Are you ready for this one? Sheep are afraid of moving water. They spook they scatter they if she pour faster than Stampede there's a lot faster so they just couldn't. Away from the moving water.

Sheep are so vulnerable to their own fears that they will fall over each other. They were all over on their backs and be unable to get up. That's known as a shape that has been cast. That'll mean in a musical or play. That's just the term Shepherd's you but she was on his back and can't get up unless the shepherd comes rolled it over and helps it up again.

Sheep are afraid of the very thing that need the most they're afraid of moving water and yet we talked about living water. So what does a Shepherd do well if you have hiked through the mountains in North Carolina, which of the true mountains the only mountains we're hiking through in my opinion. You'll see rushing stream there places up there where we go and spend the day with her waterfalls. Other places where the water coming down the waterfall goes through a carved Cross of rock Fast and Furious and the Rancho and can slide like a water slide. But at the base of it saying water same place is as pool. That looks absolutely Placid. Just where the water is deep enough that the current slows enough to where it looks absolutely still and yet has been refreshed every moment. And so when the shepherd takes the Sheep to find the Still Waters, he is giving them what he knows they need but they were afraid to accept Give him time in your life when God was trying to get you to partake of something you needed and you were afraid to say yeah, you needed something in your life. And you were afraid to say yes to God. all sorts of things that God does for us understanding our frailties He knows our every weakness. And because we are sheep that he loves. He'll put up with those beers. You will try to get us to quit fearing but the same time he will make sure that we have that freshwater water for the soul. Of course, it's not just fresh water and some parts of the world. That is a direct me. It's not an allergy at all. But most of us have access to fresh water. So what does that mean to most of us turn on the tap and get fresh water? And we don't want it to be moving water when you put in a glass. Well for me.

That's still water. Was finding a place of inner. Peace.

I could read the scriptures, but my mind was racing. I'm go to pray and my prayers always went back to what I needed for Robert what I desired for my family. And then I had an unexpected visitor. This may sound strange but a friendship I made last year has been with Father Jerome Maximus. Who is the the priest at the Coptic Orthodox Church here in Tallahassee. And he looks almost like a character out of dr. Seuss with but it'll be worse if he has the tall hat the beer the cast of The Big cross. But here I become friends cuz I worked with some of his parishioners worked with their marriage mean. He called me one day when I was in Gainesville. He said I'm in Gainesville. Can I come see you? Oh my goodness. Why would he go away from Gainesville? Well away from Tallahassee as it turns out because there are not a whole lot of Coptic Orthodox Churches how many views do corners? Only 37 of the state keep pastors two of them. And sometimes comes to Gainesville to do his passable work there, but he remembered that I was going to be in Gainesville. So he called me and said can I come by and visit with you? And I looked up his Heaven from the 7th Floor window. I can see the cross walk over to the parking garage and you cannot miss father Jerome. This black bearded figure with glowing cassock coming across the walkway. He met me a hug me. I'm pretty sure I cried. If you know me. You can probably guess what I did. We went into the family room and we just talked. our more I'm just the voice of the pastor. The voice of one who came for no other reason that he felt my need. It was the Living Water. They was the Stillwater. It was a Placid water refreshing. Reassuring me and God's goodness reassuring me that I was not alone. Sometimes the the still water comes through the valley. Sometimes it comes through other sheep. and in this case Still Waters refresh me that made all the difference in the world. Are ready to pick myself up and continue on.

And then David says he restores my soul. Whatever does that mean? What it mean to restore your soul? You look about you say well, I believe in Jesus Christ. My soul is fine. He's already redeemed me. My my soul is in pretty good shape. Well not always. I heard myself saying a few times coming back from hospital visits up here, but Robert was in every other week with some critical stomach issue. I come home at the end of the day. And Mary said how was your day? And I said my soul is tired.

My soul is tired.

That's what happens when you pour out. And you don't take in. That's what happens when you are so choked by the weeds of this world. That you lose sight of the refreshing flowing water Christ. Your soul becomes weird because you don't know what to do. Don't know how to make it right? You don't know how to fix it.

Jesus Christ is the one who restores Souls. And he doesn't have strange ways. Sometimes he just makes his presence known and that's enough.

I mentioned that our oldest daughter had befriended a Methodist Minister and Gainesville church was right around the corner is a large Church ad for Christmas Eve services.

And that's where we went for Christmas Eve the whole family. beautiful Church stained glass the lights were low. There's candle light. So like a candlelight service we do here.

They read the scriptures. Pastor gave a brief message and then in the Methodist Church when they do communion the people come forward. They take a piece of bread they dip it in the cup. They partaking to go back to the p.m. And when we were ready for that, we stood up and a time for ARP you two to go forward. The minister had said if any of you need special prayer. Or just feel the need to come into the presence of God for prayer. We have Kneaders upfront help yourself. And here I was the whole crew with my family Mary on one side our youngest granddaughter next to me her head on my shoulder. You know what that does to me. I could see you a whole family getting ready to go down to communion as I followed them. I came back to the Pew and two of them were missing Sarah and oldest granddaughter, Charlotte. I thought where do they go do Sarah go to find the minister and breed. No. Charlotte and come upon what Sarah called a thin spot. I don't know if I've shared that term with you before. It's something at her church refers to a thin spot is where there's this transparent breakthrough from this world for the realm of the God. Will you sense the presence of God in such a tangible way that you were overcome and Charlotte found that thin spot that night. And of course, I adore my grandchildren and to realize it my Charlotte is having a moment of intense commitment to Christ. A transforming moment the regenerating moment the reality of overwhelming her overwhelming as well. the film spot the refreshing of the Soul the renewal of the soul and I was restored. It's not like I'm going to need periodically. But God is faithful. By the way, I'm going to go through this is us series. You don't get the whole song today. If you're worrying about ordering pizza. You're okay. Well, I got one verse left. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake.

That seems to have left the whole analogy of sheep sheep. Do not worry about righteousness because sheep Do not sit there cantankerous. Simple. Please dial lapse into now. I'm talking about me. I'm talking about human beings a sheep of God's pasture. And he says the shepherd the great Shepherd leads us in Paths of righteousness for his name's sake. What's that mean?

well righteousness if you want to simplify, it means the right path the right path. If you've ever been to the Elks or seen documentaries up at or seeing the sound of music and you see those little Trails on that Mountainside and you ask the locals where do the trails go and they will say who knows? Those are goat Trails the goat take the same path over and over again, but they're they wander in and out you can get lost. But there's a right path that will take you to where you need to be. David is saying is that God is my shepherd. The Lord is my shepherd leads me in the right direction. I don't have to figure out which way to turn if I will keep my eyes on him. He will lead me in the past that are right or the path that are righteous. Holy. There according to his Sovereign will for me that are the best for his kingdom and for me. And why does he do it? What he does it for my good, but he also does it to show his goodness and his holiness? The show the love and holding us. undershepherd himself and I thought about that.

The God not only leads us in his ways. For our good look for his when God leads us through difficult times if we allow ourselves to be land. We become evidence of the reality of God. The mercy of God the Providence of God the wisdom of God leadership of God, and we will follow him with absolute confidence. Others are round. We'll see what is happening our lives. That we do not despair. We worry we brewed we weep. We're anxious, but we keep following. Andrew that went Silent Witness of enduring and following the pathway that the shepherd leads is on we actually shed light on the reality of God the goodness and mercy of the shepherd.

Through US. Demonstrate that trusting in Him leave the ultimate Joy. in spite of the difficult path We've got witnesses to his wisdom his Frank and goodness. We become witnesses to his wisdom strength and goodness and trying times as well as joyous times. Go through it all. Where are the difficult lesson of trusting that sometimes unseen hand to direct us to the path that leads to life?

Who are you following on your daily walk?

Who are leaving you day by day when things are going fairly. Well, I think we don't think about it too much. The way things are going bad. We immediately stop and scratch your head and see what direction do I go? Where do I turn? What do I do next? So before those times of great need great challenge arrive.

Ask yourself on Hulu I Rely to leave me through the path of Life on daily basis. You rely on a teacher. a human son Shepherd undershepherd like your pastor Pastor Rick

We'll give you our best but our best has not gotten best always a little less. To be relying on hopefully not some Hired Hand. Who was out there to sell you what you need in your spiritual life because he's in it for a job. Do you feel sometimes the enemy nipping at your heels the ravenous wolves the enemy of your soul and you wonder who's leading me? Where do I look? Where do I turn what path do I take?

It is not time to scatter and run. It is the time to look on the horizon and call out to the shepherd. bleach You will. and listen for his voice because Jesus says my sheep hear my voice and they follow me. Wherever you are in your walk spiritually right now. I would encourage you to just ask Christ on daily basis, which way do I go today?

Do I take what looks like an easy path or do you want me to take one looks like a difficult path that leads to a Greener pasture? Where do you want to leave me where you lead me? I will follow time to fix our eyes on Jesus the Good Shepherd. With a Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. As we approach the table the Lord today, we commemorate. That sacrifices he made for us.

To give his life exchange for hours. And the rise again and continue to lead us every day. Our Shepherd does not other than the holy God What other Glory? In this world can consume the fire of Life what other power in this world can raise the Dead? What are the name in all the world remains undefeated through all of the ages? only a holy God only a holy God only the shepherd leaves and lurchers We're singing a new song this morning in preparation for the Lord's Supper. only a holy God and I know I'm at Gainesville sound like it has a good come out of Nazareth. Well the church we were attending introduced us to this song. I think you'll find it meaningful to you Let's Stay Together.

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