Living Anew - Mark 9:30-50

Mark  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  55:07
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Living Anew Mark 9:30-50 20200105 Belonging to Christ is Everything! Introduc)on: Recently I finished up flying in the military. Many of you came out to the Portland Air NaMonal Guard Base and celebrated with my family and I just before Christmas - as I flew the F-15 Eagle for the last Mme. You may or may not know this, but this past Wednesday morning was the last of my official flight related duMes. I rang in the new year by siVng an alert shiW, prepared to fly in defense of our naMon if the call came in. The night was quiet and aWer I was properly relieved by the oncoming alert pilot, I returned to the operaMons building and hung up my flight gear for the last Mme. I then took a few minutes to clean out my locker at the fighter squadron. Up on the top shelf of my locker I found a set of aviator wings. This is a set of Air Force wings but as many of you know I first earned my wings through the Naval services of our naMon. On May 30th 2003 I received my first set of wings. Wings of Gold. It is an understatement to say I worked really hard to earn these wings. You see, I had wanted to obtain this prize my whole life. So, in a way every grade I had earned in school, every condiMoning workout I accomplished, every effort I could put forth was in concert with my goal to become a fighter pilot. But standing there in my Marine Corps Dress Blues with shiny new wings on my chest, a newly minted aviator I looked around and realized I was sharing the stage with about a dozen other hard charging officers who all had the same wings on their chests. Indeed, throughout the auditorium a large number of officers were present who had earned wings of gold at some point. What I thought was so special and so exclusive and so hard was obtainable by many. This realizaMon did something to me. This realizaMon along with knowing it was God who allowed me to work through the difficulMes of the program, did something to me. It reoriented me. Do you ever have moments when you suddenly become reoriented? I did that day and it made me even more appreciaMve of another “club” that I was part of – it made me much more appreciaMve of being a part of God’s kingdom. I quickly realized that being part of the kingdom of God was beyond comparison to anything accomplishable by humans here on earth or beyond, even beyond the outer reaches of our ability to explore out into the universe. As many of you are well aware, I did nothing to earn my place in the kingdom of God – I could do nothing to earn a place in God’s kingdom. It was given to me by the only one capable of paying the price for my entry. My Savior Jesus paid for my entry with his own sinless blood. In just this short explanaMon of part of my past way of thinking do you see what I had done? I had actually created an idol out of my dream which required God to reorient me to a more right and proper understanding. In the passage we will be covering in Mark’s gospel, Jesus’ disciples needed to similarly be reoriented in the way they were thinking. As you sit here today, I don’t hesitate to say that you have areas in your life that likely need to be reoriented. FCF: You may think that it is innocent enough to have an improper understanding about this or that. But when we hold to an inaccurate understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ, we can do real and everlasMng harm to others, we can do real and everlasMng harm to the effecMveness of our witness, and we can even do harm to our own soul. All of which we will be held accountable for. You might be asking well how is that possible? How will my account be acceptable to God? As I menMoned with one of my own reeducaMon memories, I say one because they happen throughout the ChrisMan life, I realized I belonged to Christ, and he is the one who conMnually gives an account for me. He gives his perfect and righteous account, and not only for me but for all who belong to Christ. Therefore, Belonging to Christ is everything! But how does one really belong to Christ? How do you know you belong to Christ? These quesMons and more will be covered as we start working through Mark 9:30-50 together. He Gave His Life So You Could Belong (vv30-32) 1.vv30-31 “They went on from there and passed through Galilee. And he did not want anyone to know,…” a.As this passage begins it draws a sharp focus on the teaching of Jesus as he presents it to his disciples. All throughout our passage today the focus is on those who are nearest to him. Jesus is wanMng focused Mme with the disciples for this purpose. i.They are even traveling in such a manner so as to preserve the inMmacy he desired for this purpose. Passing through a region where he was immensely popular in a manner that he would not be known. b.It was only in the previous chapter that Peter, speaking for the twelve, proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ (8:29). Once this momentous declaraMon was made Jesus began to explain that he would be killed and aWer three days rise again (8:31). i.Jesus is returning to his passion again in our current passage. This message that he is proclaiming to them is the very essence of our faith. He wants his followers to understand – he is carefully instrucMng them so they might grasp what it is he is doing. ii.Friends, Jesus – the Lord’s anointed one, the Savior of the world – He Gave His Life So You Could Belong to the Kingdom of God! Belonging to Christ is Everything! Because it is only by belonging to him that salvaMon is possible. Jesus, the Son of God, clothed himself in human flesh and lived the perfect sinless life – he walked on the earth. He didn’t do this so he could overpower the rulers of the age. No, he did so in order to die upon a Roman cross, to take the punishment of death upon his perfecMon. To receive the just punishment for sin for all people for all Mme by receiving unto himself the wrath of God. Then aWer three days rising from the dead to show that what he accomplished was permanent – everlasMng – acceptable to the Father. He Gave His Life So You Could Belong to the Kingdom of God! Therefore, Belonging to Christ is Everything! c.But, of course the kingdom that Jesus reigns over was unlike any kingdom his disciples could imagine. It is true that his kingdom is difficult for us to imagine too. Why? Because we allow our own ideas, what we perceive in this life, maybe even what we would want the kingdom to be like – all to have an overshadowing effect on what Scripture says concerning God’s kingdom. i.v32 “But they did not understand the saying, and were afraid to ask him.” ii.They did not understand how Jesus would be killed and rise again. They would not receive this saying. They didn’t understand how his popularity and his fame would be undone by those whom he repeatedly bested in debates and arguments. They didn’t receive this saying because what he was describing didn’t fit their own concept of the future. iii.They responded in fear and in silence. Please hear me church, God can handle your fears and God can handle your quesMons. Even this week, here in our body, this week has been full of fears and quesMons. My brother and his family have suffered – they have been afraid. I have been afraid. But God is fully capable of handling our fears and our quesMons. iv.God responded to our greatest fear by sending his Son Jesus. And He Gave His Life So Caleb could belong to the kingdom of God. Caleb knows - Belonging to Christ is Everything! Now that doesn’t mean fears are non-existent. The fears oWen remain but they are combated against, not by being silent as the disciples were, but by asking quesMon of God. v.Paul addressed this line of quesMoning in Romans 8:32 saying, “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” vi.You see fellow followers of Christ, God is fully capable of listening to our fears, our despair, our anguish. His answer may not be what we most want to hear – but it is the answer that takes into account our eternity. Repeated again and again in the Bible is the message that Jesus came to be killed, to rise aWer three days, and to be the all sufficient atonement for our sins. He did this so that we might place our faith in Him, that we might belong to Him, because Belonging to Christ is Everything! Transi)on: Yes, a true and exhilaraMng statement - But how do you know, I mean really know that your faith in Christ has made a true difference in your life? How do you really know you have received his life, that which he gave? The next secMon of our text will give us the concrete examples that we need to verify we have received Christ. You Must Receive What He Gave – Evidenced by How You Receive the Least (vv33-41) i.v33 “And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them,..?”” d.All through our passage today Jesus is focusing exclusively on his disciples. Carefully instrucMng them. We previously saw how he passed through Galilee in a manner that he wasn’t known and here in v33 Jesus has his disciples in a house, in a private seVng to work through their misguided conversaMon topic. e.Jesus asks a quesMon with the intenMon of instrucMng his beloved followers. f.How do they respond to Jesus’ quesMon? First, let me ask. How do you respond when you have been doing or saying something wrong and someone asks you about it? Are you happy to discuss it? What does your face reveal? No one likes to get called out or caught. Because when we are doing something contrary to what is right what have we done first? We have usually jusMfied our posiMon and then we become defensive or annoyed when it is probed. So, how do the disciples respond? g.v34 “But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.” h.Isn’t this an interesMng discussion? They are disciples of The Greatest, The Son of God, The Messiah. They are disciples of Jesus who has been telling them that to come aWer him they must deny themselves and take up a cross and follow him (8:34). Now here he is asking them about the conversaMon they were having, a conversaMon that was anMtheMcal to what he had been teaching them – and they know it! So, they decide it is best to keep silent. Have you ever done this? Maybe even this week you and your spouse have been talking or you and one of your siblings and something is brought up that you deep down in your heart know that you are in the wrong – but you cannot, you will not in that moment acknowledge your wrong! You have jusMfied your posiMon and don’t want to admit to being wrong. Well this in and of itself is contrary to God’s call on your life just as the disciples’ argument about who was the greatest was contrary to their calling. i.I love how Jesus instructs them here. Did you noMce the seVng? They were in the privacy of a home, out of sight and out of ear shot of the crowds. j.v35 “And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be…”” k.Jesus, the firstborn of all creaMon (Col 1:15) is conMnuing in his instrucMon of the disciples. They were wanMng greatness according to their misguided understanding of the concept of greatness. Jesus who is the greatest has come to be last of all and servant of all by giving his life for them. He is saying that they are to do as he does. They must receive what he gave and that in receiving him they will produce the evidence of their recepMon in how they receive the least. l.vv36-37 “And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he...”” m.Jesus gives an instrucMon and then gives an illustraMon of what he means by taking a limle child in his arms. Now this illustraMon might not be what you are thinking exactly. Our baby son Nicolas is a joy to hold just as other babies here in the congregaMon get passed around so they might be held. But Jesus was taking in his arms a person in his Mme, and in his culture, that was regarded as the least! The limle child was fragile, dependent on others, and did nothing to enhance the producMvity of the family. n.A picture that might be more appropriate for us to understand what Jesus was conveying is if you were to picture instead a homeless person, or a hopeless meth addicted, or a sex worker. o.Jesus says whoever receives one such of this in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me. Church, this teaching was meant to push Jesus’ disciples out of their comfort zone out of their understanding of greatness. So, ask yourself, brother ask, yourself sister – what would you do that would stretch you in this way? What would take you far beyond your comfort zone? Who could you picture siVng in the pew beside you that would cause you to struggle? Now, how do we reach that person? What needs to happen to receive the person the world says has no value? p.This only happens when we receive what Christ gave and we only know we have received what Christ gave when there begins to be evidence - evidence that we receive the least. q.v38 “John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casGng out demons in your name, and we tried to….”” r.In the disciples’ minds this other man was casMng out demons and he was to be stopped. He wasn’t one of the immediate, one of the well-known followers, and he was doing something that they had received a special commission to do. In the disciples’ understanding he was likened to the least - someone of lesser worth and they did not want to receive him or his message. s.vv39-40 “But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my….” i.Can you picture the response of the disciples to this? You get the sense that they thought they were going to get approval for their acMon and instead Jesus says do not stop him. ii.This correcMon makes me ask, How do we close the gap with those whom we have doctrinal differences with? How do we come alongside other ChrisMan churches or organizaMons to support their ministries? Like so much of what we talk about it starts with understanding that we belong to Christ and Belonging to Christ is Everything! From there we acknowledge that everything we have has been received from what he has given and the only way to show evidence of what we have received is to receive the least. Sadly, oWen the least are fellow ChrisMans whom we have differences with and misunderstandings about which we allow to keep us separated from them. 1.Now I know that at Mmes we need to be separated due to a complete departure from Scripture, some will claim allegiance to the ChrisMan faith but will deny all the tenants of ChrisManity. iii.v41 “For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong...” Be thankful for when you receive even the smallest of your needs being met. When has this happened during the past week? Did you receive a meal or a drink? Did someone look aWer your children or help you with a ride? I was offered a meal this past week, from a non-believer, and do you know when I asked what I could bring to contribute he said nothing by my appeMte and my smile. This man, unbeknownst to him, did something Christ said we should be doing. This personal example and the others I brought up should moMvate you to look for opportuniMes to bless others with whatever might be available to you especially those who belong to Christ. For truly, belonging to Christ is everything! Transi)on: As we covered these nine verses in this middle secMon of the sermon, we covered the largest secMon of our message this morning. Church we must receive what Christ gave and we must show we have received him by receiving the least. Because in this life and in the life to come we will give an account for our perseverance in the faith and for how we bamled against the temptaMon to sin. Do Not Disgrace What He Gave – By Causing Others or Yourself to Sin (vv42-50) i.v42 ““Whoever causes one of these liKle ones who believe in me to sin, it would be beKer for him if...” t.Even in this first verse of our last secMon I hope you immediately see the weighMness of what Jesus is teaching. When Jesus is referring to one of these limle ones think disciple - a person who believes in Jesus. u.When we as fellow followers of Christ cause another believer to sin Jesus uses graphic language to describe the accountability that will be paid for that acMon. v.We can cause others to sin and we will be held accountable for those acMons. w.Similarly, Jesus moves into the importance of being vigilant against sin – once again using hyperbole, graphic and stunning language to describe the severity of sin. x.note: as we work through verses 43-47 you will noMce some differences here depending on what Bible translaMon you are studying with. The KJV of the Bible has had such a tremendous impact on our modern Bibles that where verses v44 and v46 are found in the KJV they are not found in some of the modern translaMons yet the verse numbering has been retained. In many of our modern translaMons such as the ESV older manuscripts have been found than what were available at the Mme of the KJV. The KJV was translated from the best manuscripts available at the Mme but as older manuscripts have been unearthed some changes have been made. y.v43, v45, v47 ““And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is beKer for you to enter life crippled…” z.What is your first response in listening or reading through this teaching? Maybe it is I know why the disciples were described as being afraid in v32! But more likely how is this relevant? I sin and yet I sMll have all of my appendages and both of my eyes and so do all the other sinners in this room. aa.Jesus is describing the devastaMng effect of sin and the type of drasMc acMon one should take to avoid walking in sin and risk the consequence of hell. bb.Do you know what we can do that is almost as hard as cuVng off our hand or plucking out our eye to avoid walking in perpetual sin? Confess your sin! It is so hard to do and yet the reward is so great. Confess your sin and repent. When you are made aware of sin – stew about it if you must but don’t make it a slow cook stew quickly recognize the danger to your soul and confess your sin my fellow believers. Do this because you don’t want to hinder your ability to receive what God has freely given. Confess your sin! Be on the lookout for one another as we walk this path together so we can be as James describes in James 5:19-20 “My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a mulGtude of sins.” cc.Jesus is providing us with what is described by scholars as “awful deterrence” in this passage. The realiMes of hell are to be absolutely sobering to the way we go through our lives. He has given us his very life, he exchanged his perfecMon for our sinfulness, and he took our penalty to the cross and to the grave. Therefore, we must not disgrace what he has given us by causing others to sin or by being caught up in sin ourselves. dd.v48 “‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’” Think about this descripMon of hell. Who has looked at the dead carcass of an animal crawling with worms? DisgusMng! Now picture that on a person who is living and who is in the midst of torturous fire. Awful deterrence of the realiMes of hell. ee.Everyone will be held accountable for the life they live. Our salvaMon comes through Christ alone and we must not disgrace what he has done for us by walking in perpetual sin. ff.vv49-50 “For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its salGness,...”” gg.Church, remember how I menMoned that man who made me dinner this past week – he is an unbeliever and over the sharing of a meal with him we talked. He told me he had many quesMons about religion. One of the very first things he brought up was a lack of understanding about people who claimed to be followers of Christ who would keep on sinning and say it was okay because they can ask for forgiveness. hh.My heart ached at hearing those words. You see those people who claimed Christ and yet disgraced what he gave them by their perpetual sin are the epitome of salt that has lost its salMness. Let’s work together to keep our salMness by walking by faith, by taking God’s word seriously, and by not disgracing Christ by our own sin or by causing others to sin. Transi)on: This collecMon of verses discussing sin and hell are meant to be a sobering warning. There is a real hell and the consequences of denying Christ are horrendous. You don’t just get separated from God, you don’t just vanish, you writhe in agony in a place of perpetual fire and ravenous worms. It is only by belonging to Christ, by clinging to Christ’s atoning work for you that your eternity will be described instead as paradise (Lu 23:43). Conclusion Belonging to Christ reorients your understanding, your conduct, and your moMvaMons, resulMng in a powerful tesMmony of faith. It is part of the ChrisMan walk. You will hit Mmes of definiMve change. Times when you will suddenly realize you need to take your walk with the Lord more seriously than you did the day before. I shared one of those instances in the introducMon when a goal I had, a good goal, had been turned into more than it should have. God reoriented me and now I look back on these past 18 years and I see that taking the focus off of the wings or career advancement or whatever else I may have put in its place has instead given me an opportunity to conMnue to grow in my faith, to be in a place to receive what giWs he gave me, and to rid my life of more and more sin along the way. You see church, Belonging to Christ is everything! The disciples were learning this at the feet of Jesus. We are learning this at the feet of Jesus too. We will conMnue learning about what it means to belong to him each day – incrementally at Mmes but on occasion with large jumps. Don’t hesitate to share your stories and don’t forget your stories – they are your tesMmony to your belonging to Christ which is your everything! y l i m Fa Table Talk January 5, 2020 GOD’S TRUTH Belonging to Christ is everything! Family Discussion ?s Key Verse 1. Jesus wanted to spend some special time with his disciples and he went out of his way to make sure they had time together. Have your parents ever done something similar with you? What about when you are spending time with God- have you found a quiet place to read God’s Word and pray?Read Scriptures in #1 of the Table Reading 2. In Sunday’s passage Jesus challenged his disciples to think in new ways. They were not wanting to hear him speak of dying or rising from the dead. What are some specific areas you are afraid to find out more about? Your parents should be encouraging you to talk freely about these areas. Read the Scriptures in #2 of the Table Reading 3. If belonging to Christ is everything (the God’s Truth) how do you know you belong to him? How do you respond to to other Christians? How do you deal with sin in your life? Read the Scriptures in #3 of the Table Reading “For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.” Mark 9:41 (ESV) DING A TABLE RE Go d’s ther into r u f s id r k Lead yo u Word... 131:1-3 33; Psalm , 1 -3 0 :3 9 19:16-30 1. Mark ; Matthew 1 :16, -4 5 3 , 2 :3 8; James 5 -4 7 4 , 5 2. Mark 9 4 , -43 :40-41, 42 3. Mark 9 2-28 9 brews :2 19-20; He Scripture Memory: Exodus 20:17 “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” - Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (ESV)
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