An Unexpected Healing
If you have a Bible, will you please open it up to the book of Acts chapter 4 so where?
We are getting back in the book of Acts acts. All right, not but words their fun pronounce them So we started the book of Acts in September no, October and then we took a brief break so that we could participate in Advent and we looked at the offices of Christ Prophet. Priest king. We looked at how Jesus is Emmanuel God With Us. and then brother Barnaby Pastor Barnaby, I hear he preached from the book of Ephesians on how every person in the body of Christ is a minister of sorts and has a role to play. Well, that's what the book of Acts shows us to book of Acts is full of amazing testimony to how God.
Raised up Ordinary People to do extraordinary things extraordinary things. So ask I said for tonight, we're in chapter 3, excuse me. So turn your pages to Acts chapter 3. We had a lot of scripture to cover. So will you please stand with me as we read?
Acts chapter 3 verse 1
now Peter and John were going up to the temple at The Hour of Prayer the ninth hour. And a man lame from birth was being carried whom they laid daily at the Gate of the temple that is called the beautiful gate to ask alms of the entering the temple. Sing Peter and John about to go into the temple. He asked to receive alms and Peter directed his gaze at him as did John and said look at us. And he fixed his attention on them expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and raised him up and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong and leaping up he stood and began to walk and entered the temple with them walking and leaping and praising God and all the people saw him walking and praising God and recognizing him as the one who said at the beautiful gate of the temple asking for arms and they were filled with wonder and amazement what happened to him? While he come to Peter and John all the people on early astounded ran together to them in the Portico called Solomon's and when Peter saw it, he addressed the people of Israel. Why do you wander it this or why do you stare at us as though by our own power or piety? We have made him walk the god of Abraham the god of Isaac the god of Jacob the god of our fathers glorified his servant Jesus whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of pilot when he had decided to release him. But you deny the holy and righteous one and asked for a murderer to be granted to you and you killed the author of Life whom God raised from the dead to this. We Are Witnesses and His Name by faith in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know.
And the faith that is through Jesus has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all and now Brothers. I know that you acted in ignorance as did also your rulers but what God for told by the mouth of all the prophets that his Christ would suffer he gave us four filled repent their fourth turn back that your sins may be blotted out that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send his Christ appointed for you. Geez whom Heaven Must receive until the time for restoring all the things which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago Moses said the Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brother's you shall listen to him and whatever he tells you and it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that Prophet Shelby. Destroyed from the people and all the prophets who have spoken from Samuel and those who came after him also Proclaim these days you are the sons of the prophets and of the Covenant that God made with your father's same to Abraham and in your Offspring show all the families of the earth be blessed God having raised up his servant sent him to you first to bless you by turning everyone of you from your wickedness. Let's pray. Oh God.
Thank you for the gospel. Thank you that Jesus didn't just come. And destroys like we deserve.
But he took the destruction that we deserve upon himself. in our place
God thank you for working history in such a way to this point where this Man, who is fully God would die on our behalf? And give this call of repentance to us here. This call is for all of us. Call is for all of us. And I got I know there are people here who are hurting who are sick who are scared. They want you to heal them. Oh God, but I know you have something to speak to us today. But Lord help us open our ears open our minds open our hearts so we can hear what you have to say. Do I send you can transform us and use me a broken vessel a clay pot whom you have deposited an amazing gift in. Oh God use me. I pray please God use me use me use me. I want to be used this morning and I want to worship you right now. Amen, you may be seated.
I know the reality of seeing a title. Like this unexpected healing. I know I know that emotions can be stirred up and everyone. I know there are people here who are currently struggling with illnesses.
I know for some in our church death seems just upon the Horizon if there's no intervention.
So I know I know. Search I hear you. I know we've had a pretty rough 2019 we had 3 deaths
in the church we had
people in our families
suffer from illnesses Strokes sudden deaths
much pain my friends who are struggling through divorces.
2019 was a hard year.
And I know we have Heavy Hearts here this morning. One of them is speaking to you.
I think we could all use some unexpected healing this morning whether it's physical emotional.
And I hope spiritual.
Enter text that we're looking at this morning. We see a man. Who really had no hoe?
If God hadn't intervened in his life. He would have never been able to experience walking. That's what her text says. He was lame from birth.
But there are other lame people not lame as in. Oh, you're lame as from high schooler might say to his friend not in that respect, but lame isn't crippled their other crippled people in this text. It's not just this one man. It's all of the people. It's all of them.
We have a physical healing. And then we have a sermon about how it happened why it happened and then we have an exhortation for all the people to be healed. We're to talk about that this morning.
But if you ever had a friend or a relative that was so oblivious to their own plight.
But they couldn't even realize it disaster was awaiting them. what everybody looked at this lame man outside of The beautiful gate they knew me and that guy has it rough. I'd hate to be in his shoes.
But they were oblivious to what was going on with them. They had no idea.
you know, there are I don't want to say signs or there's little indicators in life that we all see in other people's lives. We say man. If that guy doesn't get his spending under control that's going to be disaster.
Is that lady doesn't stop?
Doing that drug. smoking that thing
behaving in that way doesn't she see she's going to Have incredible heartache and pain in the future.
Or maybe it's really obvious at the gas pump when you're seeing some guy smoking a cigarette is just pumping gas new single. What is this guy doing?
Some people are completely oblivious to what should be very easy to see. The lame man had an issue that was very easy to see but the people who passed him everyday were oblivious.
Oblivious to what was going on, and I'm sure you've had friends like that. Maybe you're here this morning and you have some oblivious thing in your life. You just cannot see but other people are telling you hey.
Got to change.
how to change well, here's a bigger question because or here's a bigger issue. We see things in people's life that they're oblivious to and we wish they would see and they would change. What if God is looking at us in that way. what if he's looking down at us church and he saying First Baptist Church is oblivious to what is going on there? They don't change. If something doesn't happen.
I want them to know I want them to see or maybe it's even individualize Christians non-christians. God looking down and saying hey.
Here I am. listen
put some to say to you. I want to show you something. I want to spare you some pain.
This could be for Christians and non-christians the most obvious. Is to those who are not Believers in Jesus Christ, those who have not tasted the delicious and amazing grace of God in Christ. They're oblivious to the fact that the wages of their stay in their rejection of Christ. It's going to be disastrous. We sing Amazing Grace. We sang it this morning. Grace is unmerited undeserved favor. And for those who are not Christians God wants him to see I have unmerited undeserved favor. I want to pour into your life that you can experience. You just got to hear what I have to say about my son and you can believe it and then you turn.
I don't heal you. both Now spiritually eternally, spiritually God wants to get attention get our attention. Boise in this narrative Chapter 3 of Acts God's getting the people's attention
He does something amazing. and then as the ESV Study Bible says These things he does. Often lead to an explanation about what he's doing this figure. That's what we see here. So main idea I wanted to express to you is an unexpected physical healing points of to the one who can give us unexpected spiritual healing. An unexpected physical healing points us to the one who can give us an unexpected spiritual healing and I've divided this into three sections and I'm calling them chapters cuz it's a narrative. I thought that would be fun and creative. That's hopefully the only creative thing in the sermon and the rest is just what's in the Bible. That's what I'm hoping. So, let's look at chapter 1 an unexpected healing. Let's walk through verses 1 through 10.
now Peter and John notice there together Peter and John two pillars of the church that has just been started Peter and John were going up to the temple. you know what you find at the temple find religious people Jewish people process the lights who are very serious about Judaism about God and they went up at The Hour of Prayer the ninth hour. That's about 3 p.m. Just after lunch time. the Texas kind of getting us
a hint that this is a normal occurrence.
It would be normal for Peter and John to go up to the temple be normal for other disciples be normal for the Jewish people to be going to the temple this time to pray. pursue a man new character
new character in a man lame from birth lame means crippled. You can't walk. He can't get up. He can't do normal things that you and I take for granted. A lame man from birth was being carried. So as they're walking there's another man being carried.
And it says they laid him daily at the Gate of the temple that is called the beautiful gate. So this indicates, this is a normal occurrence for this man. This guy's having a normal day. just like Peter and John are having a normal day. Everyone is having a normal day time to go pray. Time for me to be carried. I'm going to go. Set at the skating to ask people for money normal day.
It says he's going to ask. Alms that means he's asking people for Religious Gifts. They're they're going to give him money as a religious Duty.
He's going for money.
a very temporary solution to a very permanent issue
So he goes to ask. Alms as I was entering the temple and then seeing Peter and John so they must have set him down at the gate as Peter and John are walking up and he sees them it kinda indicates that he's probably not looking directly up at them like this. He's probably looking at their feet. They're walking by Imagine him just sitting there and somebody's walking by. And he's just like throwing up cross legs. Probably look at their feet. They're coming by. on the ground not able to look up. Probably out of Shame.
And seeing Peter and John about to go in the temple. He asked to receive arms. Hey, Peter Jung. another names obviously
Can you spare anything for this crippled man? Can you spare anything? Can you spare anything?
And then it says in verse for Peter. Probably looking forward towards the temple going through the gate. Me the temples are really high up. You can see there's a hill beautiful gate. I've seen the beautiful gate when I went to Israel. So he's walking probably look in there. That's where I'm going. This man gets his attention and he bam got my eye.
Peter directed his gaze at him as did John notice. It says both of them did there in unity about what's about to happen?
And then they said look at us. That's why I can say with certainty that he's probably not looking directly at them. If they have to say look at us when the text says that he was he noticed them. He obviously was looking down. Look at us so he looks up.
A man what can happen?
This is the book of Acts as an amazing. Narrative. Luke is a great Storyteller to see that he knows what he's trying to tell us. He's telling us this on purpose.
And then versus five the man fixed his attention on them. They had his attention or he had their attention now he fixes his attention on them looking right at him notice how Peter and John are there like a look at me look at me. This isn't going to be something that's I'm just going to do pass by just get up. No, I want your attention Jesus did this to he looked at people like they were people Peter and John are doing that too.
He fixed his attention on them. And he look at what he says. He's expecting to receive something from him. He thinks all men paid a Payday. Take me to buy a new map. I can turn me on. buy some food I mean, he doesn't expect what's coming. He expect money.
verse 6 But Peter said it's unexpected unexpected. I have no silver and gold praise God. praise God I have no silver and gold. They're not going to give him any money. I got something better to give him.
I have no silver and gold. But what I do. Have I give to you I want you to notice something. You'll hear people on the television telling you I have no silver and gold. Send me your silver and gold. So I can give you something, but you have to give me something.
That's not what they're doing. It's like the opposite we see in the Prosperity Gospel.
You see is this text we got? I broke beggar. It's a broke disciples. Everybody's broke. Amen.
You don't have Peter and John saying hey, you got to give me some money. I'm not healing you before you give me money. No. I have no silver and gold but what I do, I give to you it's a gift what they're about to give him and he says in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
Rise up and walk a little bit more about this in the next chapter. It's cool thing that we see here and it says he took him by the right hand of Peter. He Stoops down. Grabs his right hand. Why is I don't why is Luke saying? It's the right hand why you just say the hand. I mean look how specific Lucas being about what happened here. Peter reaches down grabs man's right hand so we can picture it says if we're witnessing it. Any lifts them up Peter helps them. Peter helps him
took him by the right hand and raised him up. And immediately immediately not just tomorrow. It was immediately. The man's feet and ankles were made strong you guys this man has been lame from birth. You ever heard of the word atrophy? His legs were probably like fat thin you ever seen someone who's never walked? What the text says his feet in his legs get strong. It's like Captain America all of a sudden getting pumped with the gamma rays for you comic book nerds. You don't even gamma rays for this got the spirit of God doing something amazing in this lame man's life immediately. He gets strong.
His feet and ankles were made strong and leaping up in the skies never left up before. Can you picture it? He's never experienced this. He's never experienced having strong legs. He's never experienced. Someone take them by the hand and getting him up off his bottom and setting him up on his feet. He's never experienced us, but then he said he's sleeping.
It's amazing. The word for leaping in the Greek is asking word used in the book of Isaiah about the Messianic age about people leaping and it on purpose because Jesus the name of Jesus has done something amazing in the skies like the Messiah and now there's men is leaping he's sleeping.
Leaping up he stood and he began to walk. You never experience standing. He never experienced walking and it says and entered the temple with him. He never experienced walking along other people and walking into this Temple. You always stand on the outside of the temple, but please Manor sing come with us walk with us in to the temple.
Likely this man and never even been able to get close to the temple because he was one of the undesirables. He's a lame man. But now he's going in. And then it says it's not just walking. He's still leaving home and I've never done this before I get why you guys not skip everywhere you go.
He's walking and he's sleeping. And what does it say next? He's praising God I can't tell you if he's ever praise God before that's not in my text. It says he was lame says he couldn't walk but now he's praising God he was begging people for money. He was going to give me a little just a little money just a little money and now he's saying hallelujah praise. Yahweh. Praise. Yahweh. I'm Healed. I'm Healed. He's making a huge commotion.
It's good commotion, when you're leaping and praising God and it's authentic and it's not to draw attention to yourself, but draw attention to God. That's a good thing. Hey on Sunday morning when we're singing. It's okay Phil. Yes, please God Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a Wretch like Me I once was lost but now I'm found. It's okay to praise God like that church. I know you're Baptist. You just want to sit there.
But praise God. praise God
all the people saw him. What's going on here? Who's this guy skipping in the temple courts. I bet some of the Pharisees are like hey, no skipping on the Sabbath.
All the people saw him walking and praising God. That's an attention getter.
And then recognizing him they did not only got it what really got their attention wasn't just this guy making a Ruckus. If you've ever been to Israel people make a Ruckus all the time. People are sitting at the Wailing Wall Wow, Wow Wee one is rollback Kingdom back or is it an abnormal thing? But what is abnormal is for a crippled man to be standing up and doing it. That's abnormal. And they recognized him as the one who said at the beautiful gate. Of the temple asking for alms. I know that man. I know that man. I don't you ever had that happen to the restaurant you like. I know that person is that person? Imagine if you had done that at Starbucks and you saw someone just calling big smile on their face wheelchair actually missing a leg. Not going to let you happy imagine that.
And they were filled with wonder and amazement it would have happened. It's amazing thing. That's amazing an amazing thing incredible. This means normal was being unable to walk by himself. He was laying his normal was being carried by others to get where he needed to go. His normal was needing to beg people for money in order to survive. His normal was not looking people in the eyes because of his shame at his plight. Have you seen someone so used to their terrible situation that they just were like if they couldn't it's just like some normal. I'm in your life and you just it's so monotonous you're so used to it. I'm so used to this is not even expecting a miracle. It gets one.
I knew that you some of you might be here. I'm I grieve and I heard from the people were sick in our church, and I don't want to give you false hope but I also don't want you to lose hope.
I don't know what God can will do for your cancer for your back pain for your hearing problem for your whatever. I don't know but what I do know is there is hope there is hope this man is lost. Hope you know what's so sad is that this man is outside the temple begging for money in Jesus. Jesus not Peter and John Jesus I've been over at the temple so many times performing miracles.
I don't I don't get it or not. I read this thing. I was thinking why is this guy? Then you realize the Messiah was just here. He saw the probably saw you and you probably had a friend who was healed who's the linebacker like him? anyway This was meant to be a big attention-getter it's a bit cost to things that we need to remember as we move forward a man went from being a lame beggar. to a god prazer and Peter and John have now the attention of a very religious crowd. All eyes are on them. That's where we're at now. So let's move into chapter 2.
They're not going to Usher people towards the source of the healing chapter 2 the one who heals verses 11 through 16.
While he clung to Peter I'm not leaving you man. You just gave me some really good he clung to Peter and John all the people on earliest sounded really astounded ran together to them in the Portico called Solomon's essentially just like a an area where people talk visit.
They're running in. It's spread really fast. Guys, I just saw this man. Just get healed. You got to come see this come and see this. Had something spread so quickly and then people just run. Popeye's chicken sandwich spread so fast and they ran out. Nobody starts fighting.
First 12 and when Peter saw it, he sees his crown coming. He's thinking
When he saw it, he addressed the people.
He didn't just heal and then leave he dressed the people of Israel. Why do you wonder at this? Why are you surprised? Why do you wonder at this but he's going to keep going. He's some more thing or or why do you stare at us? Are you looking to be?
As well by our own power or piety with made him walk. Why are you looking at me? Like I'm something special you really think I'm that kind of power. Did you not hear Jesus when he was here. Did you not see Jesus when he was ministering? Power and piety power and piety people want to see they want people to see them as powerful. They want people to see them as religiously Pious that word means essentially like very strict in your religious dogmas and attitude suck. Why are you looking at me like High out of my saintliness I'm a saint Come to me for blessing. I know we have people who I don't I don't want to offend but I also want to speak very frankly and boldly to you. Being a saint is not something you have to earn and wait for a church to tell others about it. It happens when you come into the family of God. God makes you a new create and you are a saint. There's nothing super special about someone who has a robe in a collar.
Is that it's there's not. And Peter and John are people others look point to and say that's where we get our model from looking out Pius. They were and how powerful they were but look at what they're saying. Why are you looking at me as if I'm powerful and I'm Pius to do this in My Own Strength. They're going to point somewhere else. You ever have a pastor of preacher a televangelist saying I'm something special.
Send me money. I have to have a jet to get across to Uganda. I need a jet to get over there. God needs me don't listen to them.
Broke men ministering to a broke man.
Why buy our own power party, we made him what we didn't do that for 17 to God the God God the god of Abraham the god of Isaac the god of Jacob the god of our fathers. He's putting all these Jewish people to the god. They know about it cuz I didn't hate your God your God. You're here worshiping this God hate this God raised up glorified his servant Jesus. Don't look at me. Don't look at me. Look at Jesus. Look at Jesus.
He glorified a servant Jesus whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of pilot when he had decided to release him. The reality is this crowd is likely the crowd that chanted crucify him crucify him crucify him and Peters not shrinking back. He's not think guys Jesus Christ killed him. I thought this was great to see what Jesus did.
Pilot decided to release him but you you crucified him verse 14, but you deny the holy and righteous one two titles reserved for Yahweh. Holy and righteous one and you asked for a murderer to be granted to you. Someone who takes life. You wanted that.
And you killed the author of life. You traded the one who gives life for someone who takes wife. He wanted that. I reality is we do this everyday every time we choose something over Jesus.
You killed the author of Life. What a title to gift Christ says whom God raised from the dead Jesus. You killed him, but guess what God raised him from the dead and to this. We Are Witnesses we've sickening a resurrected Jesus. New to Christianity this is day. The the the hinge the door of Christ swings on the fact that he was raised to the dead and he did not stay dead. Their Witnesses verse 16 and His Name by faith in his name. Jesus his name and by faith in his name. He's the object of our faith the man Didn't Have Faith remember that he didn't know what to expect who had Faith Peter and John. Do I say Peter and John?
By faith in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know and the faith that is through. Jesus has given the man his perfect health in the presence of you all. So remember I told you about preachers to say hey, give me some money. I'll make you well the same preachers to tell you. Hey, you want to be healed you got to have enough Faith. You got to have enough Faith. Give me your money and you better have some faith and you're going to get healed next time you hear them say that tell them hey, if I'm not healed you must not have real face. Cuz it's Peter and John's faith that healed this man not his.
Any point to text like this and say oh, yeah, we're operating out of that stay Ministry. But if they were they would have enough faith and they wouldn't need your money to make you well.
It would be free.
I got to hurry. I'm loving this text.
His Name by faith in his name and now Brothers, oh, that's the next section. Let's look at this perfect health Peter says this man has perfect health now that ideas perfect is wholeness. It's a psy.d of essentially Shalom. Peace. It's what we were meant to have in there saying this man has in his body from faith in Christ the faith that we exhibited and is through Christ. They don't take any responsibility for themselves. They don't say hey, look at me. Look at me. They look at Jesus fails to look at Jesus. We should do that too. When were ministering.
But yours is an issue the big problem that Peter and John came to address isn't one ordinary crippled man. It's the multitude of spiritually crippled people who rejected and still do to this day. Peter could have given them a lecture in socioeconomics instead you religious Jews need to be distributed in your wealth better so that this man doesn't have to beg for money. He could have done that and guess what you have a lot of preacher saying that to you too. I'm not discounting giving I'm not discounting that but I'm saying what did they address they addressed the issue that they rejected Jesus and they still work that day Jesus Jesus Jesus. They were addressing a spiritual issue because in the next chapter, we're going to look at how Regeneration and people coming to Christ leads to living out.
Generosity and sharing caring for one another it starts in the heart. It's meant to be a different gospel the gospel addresses the heart false gospels affect religious attitude. So that's something we need to consider because they're trying to get to the people's heart show them. Hey, you have a bigger problem than this man had no, let's see how they do it Chapter 3 The Healing we all need for 17. Quickly go through this and now Brothers. I know that you acted in ignorance. I know you didn't know what you were doing. I know I know you're ignorant of the fact of who this person was a know you acted in ignorance as did your rulers, but what God for told by his the mouth all the prophets that is Christ would suffer. He does fulfilled God told us this was going to happen. He told us we were going to reject Jesus, but it was meant to heal us.
verse 19 This is important. repent repent repent Peter gave the gospel. He said Christ died. You killed him. He was raised to life. That's the guts of the Gospel. He was dying in place of Sinners and then he says repent repent Wiki breeding repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be blotted out repentance. That's the word of my say repentance. It's a change of mind change of heart. It's a change of additude. It means you have so your worldview has so done a one-eighty. You've learned something amazing and is changed everything in your life. And now, you know the truth. It's like learning how delicious Chick-fil-A is and they're eating another chicken sandwich. I talked a lot about chicken sandwiches today and you might not like to feel like I'm never going to shop here because now I know how they treat their employees. I'm not going to go to the school because I know are the cemetery because I know what they believe about Christ. It's like it changes everything about your repentance is Shifting and that's what Peter says shift turn. He doesn't say repeat after me. Repeat this magical prayer. God can save people through that if they're having a repentant heart. But he doesn't stay do this or do that. He says turn. He doesn't say ask Jesus into your heart. God can't save people through that. He says repent repent turn away from this and turn to the one I just told you about turn repent. This means lifestyle. This means what how you spend your money at means it changes everything it changes. How you how you how you view The Unborn it changes how you view marriage changes. How you view sexuality changes. How you view Worship it changes how you view existence that changes everything. It's a wholeness. That's what Peter speaking to the whole person. has to turn
repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be blotted out. Their biggest issue was they were since tick they were crippled in their sin. And they were destined for hell. And he says Jesus has done this for you now turn from your sin and go to Jesus. Church
And he says first 20 that times of refreshing holness may come from the presence of the Lord not from something else, but from God.
From his presence and that he may send his Christ appointed to you. God will send his Christ to you his single Spirit to you when you believe and when you turn it comes into you and it enables you to live out that repentance that you just participated in. Some people are you all did it come before or after? I don't know but it carrying it comes. Christ appointed for you, Jesus whom Heaven Must receive so he's not only talking about the spirit coming and refreshing the people getting them New Birth New Life new make them a new person, but he's talked about the fact that Jesus we want Jesus to come back to us from Heaven. He ascended into heaven. We saw it. We wanted to return until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth is Holy prophets long ago. I'm going to I'm going to stop here in my text. But because I can speak to essential with the rest of the text is saying right now because there's a restoring in a refreshing that can happen right now spiritually for every person in this room is hearing my voice whose hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is being told to turn from your sin. Whatever sin it is. Whatever sins they are are they are in your life. It's a refreshing that can come and happen and it gives you a new person inside of you a person who enjoys God. Guess what you were created to. Enjoy God. Did you know that it's it's not a bad thing for people to want to be happy. Guess what? The problem is? We are too happy and things that aren't God when we were created to be happy in God. The refreshing comes from doing what you were meant to do when he created you when he thought of you before you were born. God loves you. He knows you he knows you mess up. He knows that sin you committed against your daughter or your son. He knows that sin you committed against your spouse knows that you did as a child. Maybe you've murdered someone he knows that.
Any loves you? And he wants you to come to him. So that all of us can find the healing we all need the lame man needed physical healing but the lame man also needed spiritual healing just like the whole crowd the lame man tearing the same gospel that these religious people are hearing to sing gospel presenting. I'm going to present every Sunday to you for 2020. 20/20 my New Year's resolution. I'm going to tell you this tell everyone this. So I don't know where you're at this morning. I don't know what type of refreshing what time of the healing you need. I don't know if you need like you got a secret send you got an addiction. You got a drug problem or something or issue in your marriage. I don't know where you're at. But I'm telling you this morning believer. Non-believer. God wants you to come to him. You want you to turn from your sin and go to him. If you're not a Christian he wants you to believe this message. It's good news. It's great news that God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that if you believe in him, you might have eternal life that believing will make you do a 180. He wants you to have that number livre or skeptic or visitor. I don't know. and believer believer. I don't know what habits you're in. I don't know I mean I don't know where you're at, but I know one thing. Christ wants you to turn away from whatever you're holding onto in your life that is crippling your walk with him. He wants you to take his hand. And walk with him. He's extending his hand. He did it in Christ. He gave you a spirit. He's with you right now. Just take his hand turn from whatever's ailing you whatever you're replacing him with just walk with him. He loves you. He wants you. All right now it's time to go to the communion table.
Can I have?