What is Salvation?
There are many things that I could say starting the new year always like a new year because a new year begins with new opportunities new faces anticipating faces. I've never seen before and some people are here today who I have not seen before. And I praise God for that. And I pray that is there here and don't you just come in the last few weeks. You are here people who are here for the last few months who are here will be able to look and look at our assembly and see that's where I want to be. That's where my church family can be. This is where I see myself planted in serving because I see hear Jesus. And if you don't see Jesus here go somewhere else where you can see him. That's what I want. Sometimes were so program driven in churches we got to do do do when we should be BBB.
Makes sense, right? Be be something more be something more in Jesus. So I starting 20 20. What do I talk about? You know how when you when you get a new puppy you've experienced some of that some of you have experienced a new puppies. You're trying to train them and you say go and you point your point head go get that and what is it? What is the dog do? What your finger I'm so dumb at all the ball. My dog was really dumb. I had a dumb dog. Maybe I've had a smart dog because he always made me Go fetch it.
Suddenly, I'm struck with that. But they look at the finger they missed the point.
And showing all the things that go on in church and all the complications and all the frustrations and I want to pull my hair out at times and we want to pull her hair out at times and we're impatient with one another.
Stretch out. Why am I here? Find out the reality why I'm here.
Is this true? the ball
is this is salvation
is what Jesus did for us? She's going to keep the priority the priority. You got to keep the number one thing the number one think all these other things. But he did drive me nuts.
The thing that keeps me grounded.
Is what Jesus did?
acts 3:19
says repent
repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
What does it mean to be a Christian?
becoming a Christian means recognizing that there is a great God who created all things and all persons for his glory to display the greatness in Beauty and power of becoming a Christian means recognizing that this is why every person exist
This is our reason for being this is the meaning of human life to reflect back to God in to reflect to each other the glory of our maker and all of his attributes by loving him and trusting him and thanking him and obeying him.
We so often make it about our cell. Come on, somebody say your man, right? Mickey about ourselves
It's all about him.
Becoming a Christian means recognizing that we have all failed to do this. Thank you for amen, right? For those who didn't amen next time I ask you better.
We have fallen short of living for his glory. Amen.
Swedish exchanged it for other values we preferred in so we have scorned his glory and this is what the Bible calls sin and we are all guilty from the pulpit to the Q.
Becoming a Christian means recognizing that we are all there for Condemned just lie by God to Eternal punishment for infinite guilt of dishonoring an infinitely glorious.
Becoming a Christian means recognizing that the love of God moved him to send his son Jesus Christ into the world to provide eternal life for helpless Sinners Like You and Me. when Jesus died for Sinners, he became entranced am I substitute and the Vindication of God's glory on our behalf.
How do we become a Christian? How does the ransom Jesus Paid become a ransom for you and for me? How did Jesus death is substitution make a difference?
Substitution means he made he made a substitution for sins by becoming sin for us believe it. So those things that you commit you know that the white collar crimes of your soul the ones that you actually don't feel too bad about testifying to in church. All right, that that you really surface-level sins.
He died for that. But then he died for the sin that you're not telling anybody about.
He died for that sin. You know what I'm talking about? That ugly send you don't want anybody on Earth to know. We have those don't we sure do sure do we come to church dressed up? Some of us Wear Ties too many of us today.
Okay, Jim's got a tie. I think you're at gym.
Brochure. Oh, yeah, Bill. Thank you Bill bills weren't I? Okay those who wear ties and those of us who aren't wearing ties.
Jesus died for those sins.
She's a very important question. How do you become a Christian? It's a question that people need to ask one another. It's what the Church of Jesus Christ all over should be preaching. All over American every pulpit in America. The preacher should be asking are you saying do you know Jesus? Are you a born-again? Are your sins washed away? Are they buried in the deepest? Sea are they cast as far as the East is from the West are they behind God's back? That's the question every preacher in America should be preaching today.
Sadly, they're not. And some people sit in the Pew week after week lost eternally Bound for hell some of them completely unaware of their condition in their status before God.
Schwinn the Philippian Jailer cry it out in Acts 16:30. Those of you who are steeped in the word of God will know this when they cried when he cried out to Paul and Silas. He said this is the jailer.
Bunch of criminals by society's standards crying out to men in bondage how might I be free. Like you are free. What are you talkin about? What people are in Vons behind locked doors, but they have Liberty their freedom unlike any other man and woman that this man knew and he cried out how how must I be saved. In the story could have went this way that they did not answer.
You don't have to do anything because you're already saved because Jesus died for the whole world. Some Churches preach Universal salvation that all men are saved and redeemed and on their way to Glory some men are preaching today that if you don't do it here you can do it in the next life and have an opportunity. They're Heretics rebellion in Rebellion against the will and the word of God. But that's not what they said was. It was it. Because it's not true see our culture is saying a lot of things that are nonsense today nonsense, and we need to be bold enough to tell them that that's nonsense. Here's the truth of it. All is the death of Jesus for Sinners was not designed to save people apart from personal response. If you ask to Jesus pay a ransom for everybody in the world and did he give himself as a substitute for everybody in the world if you ask that question. The biblical answer is this the death of Christ is of infinite worth and has in it enough Grace to save every person who lives today who's ever lived in the past and who will ever live in the future. It is all-sufficient in its Paving worth but in its effective design only saves those who respond to the gospel. So there is a response that is necessary the death of Jesus to be held out held out to anyone and every person in the world with this assurance. There is Grace here to cover all of your sins. If you will receive it in believe in Jesus Christ. Those white collar crimes and that's horrible sin that you committed. There's enough Grace cover that to hallelujah. Amen.
There is a substitute for Sinners here able to Bear all your sins. If you receive him and Believe on him. There is a ransom here that has paid the whole debt of all who come to Christ in believe all the Christ is he will be for you if you come to him and believe in him.
God has provided a Salvation for sinner. It is sufficient for all Sinners and all are invited to come and I invite you to come. I invite you to come to crimes but it does not save a person who will not come in a person's response is absolutely necessary. And that is what we want to talk about this morning. What response did Jesus is necessary in order to have your sins forgiven and in order to have eternal life. Or as the Jailer said what must I do to be safe. They're two very big obstacle standing in the way of the right answer to this question friends. When is this? One obstacle is our own sinfulness your own sinfulness. We do not want to admit that the answer might include some deep change of what we love.
What do you love more than God right now?
What do you love more than God?
We don't want to admit that we Might need to change love to hear the gospel message as long as it's for her.
for him but not for me. I'm okay. We want to hear an answer that says that we can be saved from our sins and escaped Hell by just believing that Jesus died for our sins. As long as that's the leaf does not imply any change in my life. To the answer to the question of how to be saved comes with a change of behavior.
A change of mind about some things that's the first obstacle to hear the right answer to this question. Our sinfulness does not want to hear the Salvation me cost us something.
Beyonce other obstacle is it there are thousands of people in churches today who are teaching that our Bible requires nothing for us except an intellectual belief in the gospel of Peter saying that any other requirements elevation, of course elevation or what the New Testament calls works and that would mean that we have to earn salvation.
Store own sinful nature and many teachers who are out there today are conspiring to hinder us two days from hearing the full New Testament answer to the question. What must I do to be saved.
So let's let the New Testament speak now on this matter. What I do right I give you the word of God. And I've said too many of you over the course of time that I will change when the word of God changes and until that time happens. My feet are planted in concrete in will not move and you should be thankful for that. Amen.
First of all, it is right to stress is salvation is free and not earn fusions 2 verse 8 says by Grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing it is the gift of God. Not of Works lest any person should boast. Let's make this very very clear. We are not staying by works at all. Doesn't matter what you do. Doesn't how many doesn't matter how many ties Jim has in his collection? Never going to solve his sin problem.
something else will Jim knows that He's received the gift he knows.
You cannot do anything that you might boast and you cannot buy salvation Christ bought it for you. It is a free gift of God Revelation 22:17 invites Sinners to be saved like this. Let him who is thirsty come let him who desires to take the Water of Life without price noticed. Now you cannot buy this water it is it is it has no price for you. It is free, but that does not mean that there are no requirements for drinking and being saved. It says let him who thirst come first is crucial coming is crucial. It says let him who desires that is whoever will whoever who so ever will take the Water of Life Desiring is crucial. Have you come to Dave desirous to know the free gift of God salvation in other words when the Bible says you cannot earn salvation? Or you can do any Works to buy it. It does not mean that there is no cost to it. In fact, it will cost you for a change in what you are thirsty for it will cost you a turning from the water of death to the Water of Life. Have you experienced that are you drinking from a new well, do you know the blessings of Eternal thirst Satisfied by God? The reason the Bible is so jealous not to be till at Salvation be by works is because that would Rob God of Glory in the work of Salvation. If we try to work out our way to Salvation it draws attention to our own strength in our own values and our own contribution, but on the other hand throws all attention on the value of its efficiency of who Christ is in what Christ did Facebook or faiz God's Works glorify. It is all about the glory of God.
The real reason God will not let salvation be by works why he will not let salvation be earned by your efforts is because this would Rob Jesus of his glory.
Call Sydney fusions 2 verse 8 by Gray. You are saved through faith. He saved by grace because Grace is a Capstone of his glory. We know this because it says in Ephesians 1 verses 5 and following that he protest ski predestined us to be his children according to the good pleasure of his will under the praise of the glory of his grace. Everything. He is done in Salvation is aimed at winning praise from us for the glory of his grace Amazing. That's what he wants from you is your depraved him to give him glory even in your troubles to ride up and see I will glorify God trials and tribulations that I have 10000 reasons to declare the goodness of God. That's what God wants from you.
Once you get a handle on this you realize why certain things are required for our salvation and certain things are not in a word god requires of us things that glorify his grace and rejects things that would glorify our self-sufficiency or glory in our sin.
book of the world It's filled with pride self-seeking.
We don't like bowls full are again people do we really like humility is not attractive.
now What would that be? We've seen from acts 16:31 that God demands Faith believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Looks like the rest of the New Testament speak on this matter. What does the New Testament say is the kind of response to the gospel that will glorify God's grace.
First Sometimes in New Testament says that we must believe that certain things are true in order to be saved. John 20 verse 31 these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of God and that believing you may have life in his name.
1st John 5:1 for those who are interested also other times the New Testament says that we must believe in or on Jesus as a person that is trust him and count him faithful. John 3:16 if somebody can go get me water, that would be wonderful. Thank you so much. So if somebody could give me some water. Thank you Tom John 3:16. Says this for God so loved the world that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life acts 10:43 everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. Ted glorifies Jesus when you believe the truth about him and it glorifies him when you trust him as he reliable person. both kinds of faith unnecessary Do you honor the son of God? Acts 3:19 says repent and turn again that your sins may be blotted out. And Jesus said in Luke 13:3, unless you repent you will all likewise perish.
World doesn't like to hear that does it? Repentance is a four letter word.
So my spelling is not so good.
Repentance to the world is a four-letter word.
Twitter heaven we must repent some people say repentance is an activity therefore it's a work and work. Therefore don't glorify Jesus and well, can I see this that's ridiculous. ridiculous
You ever hear anybody preach that you just need to get up and walk out? That's ridiculous.
I won't preach that so you don't have to get up and walk out.
Repentance means turning away from the Hog Pen of seeing to the banquet of Grace. When The Prodigal Son decided to turn away from the pigpen of this world and come home to his father's house as father did not make him a slave slave out of him and give him a party turning from the pigpen of the world to the bank would have haven't got the works of repentance. He didn't learn anything by coming home. She was free and it will be free for you to but if you want God you have to let sin go that's called repentance. Whatever it is that's holding you back. You need to let go of it and come to God in Matthew 18 verse 3. Jesus says truly I say to you unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is another way of saying unless one is born again. He cannot see the kingdom of heaven. Do I enter the kingdom of heaven? We must become like a child. Jesus said that means that we must humble ourselves before God and admit that we are helpless and that we want to trust him as our father instead of being proud and self-sufficient and self-confident anymore. That's what it means to turn and repent. This does not work. In fact, it's the opposite of children are people who admit that they cannot learn anything. They are helpless and dependent.
Aren't they? Your children are that way, we're always guiding them when they're little were picking them up were changing diapers as dads and moms. We're feeding them where we're paying them were mistakenly holding them the wrong way when they're vomiting.
Personal testimony, I won't go into it anymore.
the dependent on us That's the picture of you and me.
Number years ago there was a little girl.
left on their on their own in a new apartment
Our mother was gone for 4 hours. Imagine leaving your three-year-old granddaughter alone in the apartment for 4 hours. There she was helpless found outside in the cold with no boots. No socks and no coat. Praise the Lord. She was found quickly and was okay except for slight hypothermia. God requires that we become like children in order to enter the kingdom of God, but is not works. You don't learn anything by becoming a child Hebrews 5 verse 19 Christ became the source of Eternal salvation to all who will be him 1st Peter 4:17. What will the end of these? Who do not obey the gospel of God and John 3:36, he who does not obey the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rest on him. The wrath of God will fall on the unrepentant Sinners. It is certain to happen. How fearful it is?
Are you concerned for your loved ones for your spouse for your parent for your child? To look for the lover of your soul. The only way into heaven is through submission to Jesus Authority.
What is this mean? It means is that the gospel comes to us with Divine Authority. The only way to receive an authority is obediently if you do not receive it obediently you do not receive it at all.
You were ejected. And if you reject God's Authority in the gospel, you reject the gospel and you cannot be safe.
The only way to glorify the authority of God's grace is buying obedience spirit. We can see this in another text to because it's what Jesus meant when he called people to take up their cross and follow him. Mark 8:34, he said If any man would come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me wherever would save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospels will save it. Here's a requirement for saving Our Lives.
It is losing your life. Which means denying ourselves dying to ourselves and following Jesus? It's never been about you.
It's always been about him.
some people
Who should be here today? Who should be in the auditorium in worship today?
Who should be sitting under the word of God today? Who are not? Are rejecting the authority of the word of God.
You must die to self. You need to come under the authority of the word of God and hear it. gather collectively to be here
summer here who should be who are not here who should be here today?
It's the death of works. That's who's dying. The old fashioned loving self exalting God opposing me has to die when that old rebel dies. I don't own anything is dead. I never learned anything nobody votes and having to put to death on a cross.
most in hat I grieve the man I was And you're going to be the man that I can be in Christ. Isn't that you?
Man and woman to glorify God to exhaust him. For people to say at the end of your life and your obituary. He was a man or woman who love God and sacrifice self. for God Alone
Nobody boss and having fun put to death on a cross. You don't learn anything by getting crucified. This is not worked but it is changed the deepest and most profound change possible and the same thing goes for following Jesus following Jesus is required, but it is not works following Jesus no more working for Jesus than they're working for you when they follow you around because you have bread crumbs they want Following Jesus would be working for our Salvation. If we were following him to meet his need in for not for ours ourselves are known needs for the whole point of Mark is this if you lose your life, you will save it if you die you live if you forfeit you gain. Will you forfeit your Prime? Will you forfeit your anger will you forfeit treasuring unforgiveness in your heart? Will you forfeit it so that you might gain it all?
This is the point.
20/20 glory of God everything
Jesus demands that we follow him not because he needs our labor but because we need his love and fellowship in hell.
He's a doctor and we are the patients. This is what he said in Mark 2:17. Those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous but Sinners and when we obey to call of God's up to follow Jesus, we are not coming through an employer to earn wages. We are coming to a doctor to get a ceiling that is not worth. That is the gospel. It's not a help wanted sign. It's a help available sign coming to one would be worst coming to the others faith.
Faith means coming to Jesus to have all of our needs Madden have all of our longings satisfied. I am the bread of life and he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst.
Why can we go through the different most difficult times in our life? 10000 reasons
once you see the essence of faith is coming to Jesus in order to be satisfied with all that he is then you begin to see that all these other requirements are really just different ways of describing the demand for face. So that is the only thing that I call upon you all to do this morning is to turn to Jesus in faith to believe that all that he is is all that you need and say to him in your heart.
With your heads down your eyes closing to have brought come and play.
Are people here today? Who are new? I don't know you. Are people here today? Who are new in the last few weeks? I don't know you. Your people who've come here this past year. I know you a little bit. There are some people who are here long before. I ever Came here and will be here long after I leave.
Done with your heads bowed in your eyes closed. Don't look at me. Look at god with your eyes closed.
You need to say this in your heart. Maybe this is you, okay? You need to say this to Jesus. I'm going to give you the opportunity. I'm going to give you the great opportunity the greatest gift in the world if you will choose to accept it. Okay enough for a little round. It's if you need to pray you hold the key to truth and knowledge God. Jesus you hold the key to forgiveness and acceptance with God. Lord you hold the key to Hope in eternal life. Father you hold the key to a life of meaning and purpose. My sovereign you hold the key to righteousness and peace that I desperately need. So I come to you. I take you for all that you are. I forsake all others and cleave to you. I Repent of my sin
And you alone Are My Savior and Lord?
And I thank you and praise your name. Did you have loved me and offered me All That You Are? For my Everlasting Joy. amen
I look at me.
The greatest gift I could give you. I didn't do anything. I only shared with you the gospel. Is the opportunity for personal salvation?
If you are a believer in Christ. You have the greatest of Joys you have 10000 reasons to rejoice. And if you have accepted Christ today you enter into the Beloved. And we will teach you. The 10,000 reasons to Rejoice even in the midst of your trouble, even when you do not have enough money at the end of the month to pay your bills when it's difficult. When you need the kindness and love of a church.
I may be pointing the finger, but don't look at my finger. What to him? You changed everything for me. Change everything for many of you. And if you've received Christ today, he's changed everything going forward we rejoice.
Give me just a moment.
To thank God. Hey, man, Maranatha friends. Jesus is coming maybe 2020.