The Time is Now

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As we leave 2019 and enter into 2020 let us wake up and strive for spiritual growth in our personal lives.

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2019 is now quickly drawing to a close. We look back and find it hard to believe that another year has come and gone.
What did you accomplish in 2019? As you reflect back on the past year are you filled with joy or with regret?
Now, as we begin to look forward to the beginning of the new year, what do we aspire to accomplish, what goals have we set for our own spiritual growth?
Maybe you drifted aimlessly through 2019 without
As your pastor, I don’t just want 2020 to be the best year in our church’s history, it is my desire that 2020 would be the best year in your personal walk with God as well.
What are we waiting for? The time is now, to get serious about being the Christian that God would have you to be!
What can we do to make 2020 the best year yet in our walk with the Lord?
We need to:

Wake Up- and realize that time is running out! ()

It is time that we wake up out of our indifference to the eternal consequences of our behavior.
The close of another year means that each and every one of us are one year closer to passing from this world into the world to come!
It may be by death or it may be by the rapture at the Lord’s return, but either way we are all one year closer to the day when we will enter eternity!
Each of us likely had good intentions for what we desired to accomplish in 2019, but many of us let another year slip by without achieving the goals we had set.
We must purpose now to live with intentionality in the year to come! We cannot afford to let another year just slip by without any progress in our spiritual growth.
Its time to stop merely saying “this year will be different”, instead it’s time to start taking concrete steps to make sure that it is!
We need to realize each day that passes brings us one day closer to eternity! Many are waiting on a convenient season to serve the Lord and to take their spiritual growth seriously, but for far too many that season never comes!
We need to wake up and realize that our time on earth is limited. We must take full advantage of the time that God has given us, and not let a single day be wasted!
The time is NOW to get serious about living for Christ! The time is NOW to get serious about impacting our community for the cause of Christ! The time is NOW to get serious about reaching the world with the gospel!

Clean Up- our life so that we can be a vessel God can use! ()

Are there bad habits that we were committed to conquering in 2019 that are still lingering in your life?
Is there sin that you have refused to deal with that is hindering your spiritual growth?
Now is the time to cast off the works of darkness! If you and I want to be used of God in 2020, we must first clean up our lives so that we may become a vessel God can greatly use!
- a vessel meet for the master’s use!
We need to let the light of the Word of God penetrate our hearts and lives and then remove the sin and carnality it reveals.
We must rid our lives of any behavior that is not pleasing to the Lord, any activity that we would be ashamed to have brought into the light!
If 2020 is to be the best year yet in our personal walk with the Lord we must diligently seek to rid our lives of the works of darkness!

Suit Up- in preparation for the spiritual warfare you will face! ()

If you and I are going to engage in the battle for Christ in the coming year, we had better be sure that we are prepared for the fight!
If you and I make a commitment tonight to let God use us to make an impact for the cause of Christ in 2020, we will have a fight on our hands. We will need the armour of God if we are to avoid being defeated in the coming year!
- put on the whole armour of God
We must live according to the truth of scripture with integrity and honesty
We must live according to righteousness pursuing holiness in all that we do
We must have faith in the gospel and its power to bring peace with God to all who believe it
We must have faith in God and His ability to give us victory over all our adversaries
We must have the helmet of Salvation the knowledge of the Word of God
We must have the Word of God which will be our weapon as we go on the offensive attacking the strongholds of Satan in this world.
It is this armour that will defend us against Satan’s attacks and allow us to win victory in the spiritual warfare we will surely face in the coming year.
We need to arm ourselves for the battle that is ahead if we are to claim victory at the close of 2020.
We must

Shape Up- allowing ourselves to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ! ()

- it is our destiny to be like Christ!
If we call ourselves Christians, it ought to be evident in our behavior. We should not longer be involved in behaviors that gratify our flesh.
- crucify our flesh
Let us not longer
- dead to sin, alive unto Christ
If 2020 is to be the best year yet in our personal walk with the Lord then we must be willing to yield ourselves to God to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
The things which were priorities to the Lord must become priorities to us.
The Church was important to Christ for He is its founder- we need to make church a priority if we 2020 is to be our best year yet
Winning the Lost is important to Christ for He “came to seek and save that which was lost” ()- we must make winning souls a priority if 2020 is to be our best year yet.
Prayer was an important part of our Lord’s life- we must make a prayer a priority in our lives if 2020 is to the our best year yet!
The Word of God was important to our Lord, He quoted the scriptures over 75 times- we must make the preaching, teaching, and personal study of the Word of God a priority if 2020 is to be our best year yet.
The Will of God was important to Christ for He said “I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” ()- we must make knowing and doing the will of God and priority if 2020 is going to be our best year yet!
The only way that 2020 is going to be our best year yet is if we strive, every day of the year, to be more like Jesus Christ! 2020 will be our best year yet if, as it draws to a close, we are more like Christ that we have ever been before!
We must stop making provision for our flesh and yield ourselves to the Spirit of God’s control allowing God to conform us to the image of Christ.
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