Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
I. Jericho is not a military strategy.
jsh 6
A. Jericho points more to a way of life than a battle plan.
jsh 6:6
jsh 6:15
Illus: When I was in high school I went to a youth retreat where the primary speaker decided he was going to use the Jericho plan to conquer the forces of darkness which held out lives down.
We marched around the camp ground 7 times that day.
upon the 7th time we stopped and screamed.
That act he believed would channel God’s power to run the spirits of darkness away from the camp.
As I walked around the entire camp ground for that 7th time, I really began thinking what the purpose of it was.
I do not believe scared the demons away.
Also, I do not think that we claim victory over our city if we simply march around it screaming.
God used Jericho as a test of obedience.
He wanted to see if the people of Israel would actually do what he asked.
Over and over in the Old Testament we see weird battle strategies.
These were not a blue print for military victory, but instead the important reminder that our hope and success is not in our power or might, but in our dependence on God.
As Christ followers, our call is not to success,but to obedience.
We are not called to domination but instead to dependence on God.
It is only when we embrace the weakness of complete dependence and obedience that we will see the true might God work through us.
John 14:21-23
Jsh 1:
B. The way scripture treats the Ark teaches us how to follow God.
Illus: The ark was not a lucky charm.
It was the visible, physical representation of the presence of God among the people.
When the priests were ordered to carry the Ark, it was intended to show how the presence of God moved with the people.
God wanted the people to see that it was his presence that brought their success.
Also, He wanted to teach them how he, as God should be treated.
In Holiness.
Follow me here.
Just because we do not have the Ark where the presence of God resides does not mean we take God’s holiness lightly.
In fact, God’s presence resides in believers today.
That means that the care shown to the Ark of God, should be shown to your life.
When you see the fear of which it was treated, understand how jealous God is for his name and glory in your life.
2 sam 6:
You can’t take credit for what God does.
A. God worked in a way Israel couldn’t take credit for.
A. The call of Israel was to obedience, not success.
Illus: Faith places success in God’s hands.
With your life, the walk of faith is following what God says in scripture and trusting him with results.
Think of gardening.
When you place the seeds in the ground, you don’t go to the plant the dirt the next day to see if it has grown into a fully grown plant.
You can’t force a plant to grow.
BTW, you can’t force faith.
Faith is continuing to cultivate a life of following Jesus by yielding the the spirit of God, obeying the Word of God, and seeing God transform you.
God had the people of Israel walk around the walls of Jericho, to show that it was not their shuffling or volume that tore the walls down, but instead their dependence on God.
God is ready to tear some walls down in your life… but his call is not to get the pick axe yourself.
It is to come to him and allow him to transform you.
Jsh 1:6-
B. God worked in a way Israel couldn’t take credit for.
Illus: We are living in a we want credit time.
When we do good, we take a selfie so that everyone can pat us on the back and thank us for what we have done.
Truthfully in our day and time it seems like good works don’t count unless they are posted on social media.
Yet, when the Bible teaches on good works, it describes a very different way of living.
You are not to get your trumpet out to share with the world what you have done.
You are not supposed to let everyone know the good you do.
Scripture teaches that those likes which fulfill you for a moment and leave you empty ten minutes later, are the vain reward you get when you take the credit for the good work.
Our goal should be that we would be forgotten and our God known.
At Jericho, God did not want the people walking away talking about their victory.
He wanted them talking about God’s victory.
That is why he worked in a way they could not take credit for.
We need to stop seeking our glory, likes and fame, instead seeking God’s glory.
May we be found quietly and faithfully following God trusting that he will work through us for his great name.
2 cor 12:
Is God unjust?
jsh 6
A. In Jericho we see a vivid picture of what we deserve.
Illus: I need to take a moment and address a question which comes up regularly in the book of Joshua.
Was God fair in condemning every man, woman, both young and old?
The answer is yes.
God was not fair in sparing Israel.
We have an unrealistic sense of fair in scripture.
We think fair is only when good happens.
Fair in scripture is when God gives people what they deserve.
The fall of Jericho is a vivid picture of the fairness of God.
God gave the people what they deserved.
What we deserve.
Stay with me here.
It is only when we embrace the fate of Jericho ourselves that we can see how incredible God truly is.
When God should have given us fair, He gave us Jesus.
< .5
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