Ask the Pastor
Ask the Pastor • Sermon • Submitted
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Before we begin …
Pastor Q&A
Before we begin …
× I am not a scholar –
× Scripture is important to me - I’d rather have coffee than read a commentary
× I want to sharpen skills … mutually beneficial
× I’ll do my best to distinguish Biblical truth vs opinion
× I’d like a little interaction / fun / feel free to request clarity
× Be careful with questions
× You may not be interested in a particular question, but you may meet someone…
× Good questions! God desires our questions /our wisdom …. I did a little research – but also left room for on-the-fly
How is it possible that a pastor can be so handsome?
1. Was Jesus always fully God and fully man or only while He was on earth? Did he stop being human once He returned to heaven?
× Was Jesus always human? No. This is the incarnation – God becoming flesh.
× Did he stop being human?
o He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
o But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.
o - what is sown perishable is raised imperishable / flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God
× – I Am
× Jesus is not a human sitting around in heaven
2. Since our church believes in all the spiritual gifts, why don't we use them regularly in our church worship services? How or when can the average church attender learn to use prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, tongues etc., if not during worship services? Is Paul talking about a different way of doing church in ?
× What we find in Corinthians is not necessarily prescriptive for every church body. Every time you have X, Y and Z. A) Paul was addressing issues specific to the Corinth church. B) I think Paul was giving a general guideline - when gifts are present, this is how ….
× Why don’t we use them regularly?
o Using our gifts is a matter of discipleship and desire and maturity. Scripture says desire / seek … the disciple seeks these
× Perhaps we should ask if our view of a worship service aligns with Scripture
o Participatory vs passive
o Engaged vs entertainment
o Serve vs consume
o We are the Body vs I am an individual
o Kingdom-centered vs self-centered
o If our mindset is - worship begins at 9:30, give me … then we’ll not be concerned with gifts … (using a particular gift is not limited to the hours between 9:30 and 11am.
× Proposed Vision – to create an culture where people discover …
× - each part builds up in love
× If we really believe in spiritual things, then we will pursue spiritual things
3. My question is, why do we give so much money to the denomination (particularly through some special offering about every other month) when there are widows in our church that can't pay their bills? I know that the denomination does good things but I can't image that they want us to give globally while allowing our members to really suffer. Would they?
× Part one:
o denominational budgets: The goals are 5.5% for the World Evangelism Fund (globally), 2.25% for Pensions & Benefits (USA), and 2.25% for Education (USA). District goals are set by the district.
o Furthermore, we do not participate in every offering
× Part two:
o helping people financially is not the sole responsibility of the church leadership and budget. We do have a line item for this – bit there’s not much there.
o To ensure people are taken care, it is a matter of Kingdom living. (Stewards)
o If all Christians practiced stewardship / tithed …
4. I want to discuss meditation. I've heard it is really good for your focus, mental clarity and recovery. Is the meditation that is talked about in the Bible the same? I don't want to meditate on my breath or get a spirit guide but how do I meditate Biblically?
× Most mediation in the world deals with emptying of self (danger danger!)
× Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers
× Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
× There is a purpose Godly or Biblical meditation … no to empty but fill with God
× Meditation prepares the heart for varied situations - communion, battle, encouragement, guidance … it’s filling up for the journey
× / /
× How do we meditate? Many methods…
× Repetition is what?
5. Why was Jesus so mad at the fig tree? It seems so random.
× Always keep in mind the totality of His character …
× Fig tree – Israel / fruitless
× Jesus always looking for ways to teach
× Mountains - Metaphor – Isa.
6. Dr Heiser says that we must have a biblical world view in order to understand what God is saying to us through His word. Our cannon (bible) contains 66 books. However the Ethiopian cannon for instance contains 84 books. My understanding is that many of these “Septuagint or apocryphal books” were left out of our cannon because it was believed they contained knowledge most people would not understand.
× Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha – didn’t meet the requirements for the Canon / Centuries of debate and scrutiny
× Scholars study ancient languages and cultures to help understand the Bible.
6a. How do you think we should treat these books? Are they important in understanding what God wants us to know about His creation and how we are to view Him? Should we make a point to read them? If so, do you think it would make a difference in our lives today or is it likely they would just cause confusion
× Possible problem came from Martin Luther – Sola Scriptura
× They have value – historical and cultural
× No biggie if they were inspired
× It helps us in the broader understanding
× As with anything - know the Bible first!
7. How did your military background relate to and/or prepare you for the ministry?
× It didn’t – it made adjustment difficult
× Gave me illustrations …