James 2:14-26 (Part 7) The Relationship of Faith and Works
• James’ major concern is performance without reality
• The theme of this section is 2:14, “says”
• Two kinds of non-saving faith:
o Belief in God’s existence
o Belief in one powerful God
What is true of faith?
• Faith is the means of observing facts that you cannot see.
• Faith is not opposed to reason; it is opposed to sight.
• The total value of faith lies in its object.
• Faith is capable of increase by means of only sincere Bible study.
Paul and James on justification
• They both harmonize
• Paul views justification from God’s standpoint (God does not need a demonstration)
• James is talking about demonstrating to people (not to God)
Faith without works is dead, 2:14-17
• He makes his point, v. 14
• Illustration of his point, vv. 15-16
• The conclusion, v. 17
Faith without works is no different than the orthodoxy of demons, 2:18-26
• Second cycle of his argument, vv. 18-20
• Abraham’s justification before men, vv. 21-24
o Genesis 15:6,--genuine faith but it is invisible—inception
o Genesis 22—visible (open to the eyes of man)—demonstrated
o James affirms Genesis 15 even though his focus is on Genesis 22—this is James 2:23
• Rahab, vv. 25-26
o God knew she had faith when the spies went in
o Man knew it when they came out