Romans 1:16-17 (Part 3) Paul's Heartbeat
Paul’s theme—1:16-17
• The attitude of the proclaimer of the gospel, v. 16a—he was eager (v. 15). Why? v. 16a
• The characteristic of the proclamation, vv. 16b-17.
o Its potency, v. 16b
o Its revelation, v. 17
Righteousness of God
a) The kind He is
b) The kind He gives
Righteousness of man
Why is the distinction important?
1. Concentration on man’s righteousness causes one to overlook God’s. Romans 10:1-3
2. Man’s righteousness has no purchasing power with God.
3. God’s righteousness has a unique capability; it is communicable.
The just shall live by faith
• Habakkuk 2:4--the initial use
• Romans 1:17—the RIGHTEOUS man shall live by faith
• Galatians 3:11—the righteous man shall LIVE by faith
• Hebrews 10:38—the righteous man shall live by FAITH