1 Timothy 1-12-20 Motivational Reminders
1 Timothy 1:12-20
Motivational Reminders
Intro: I remember when I went back to my 10-year reunion.
• We need to remember what Christ has done in us and for us.
• There will be times when you will be challenged in your walk with God—to the point where you will want to quit
• There will be times when you are challenged in your serving or calling to want to quit.
• Just as Paul is writing to Timothy to encourage and motivate him, we will need encouragement and motivation to continue on with our calling.
• And what Paul shared with Timothy is relevant to us today—here’s some motivation.
1. (Vs 13-16) Motivation from your salvation and testimony.
• I put these in order of our experience
• Paul had just mentioned the false teachers in contrast to the glorious gospel—this leads to him sharing about his experience with the gospel.
• He shares his testimony—not about how awesome he was—but about how awful he was.
• He was a blasphemer—he denied Christ.
◦ Acts 26:9, I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
• He was a persecutor of the church
◦ Galatians 1:13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it
◦ This is more than just calling Christians names
◦ He was actually behind the murder of Stephen
◦ Acts 8:1 Now Saul was consenting to his death.
◦ Acts 9:1 Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
◦ Acts 26:11 And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities.
• Insolent man—this means he was a bully—he would throw his weight around.
• Paul really believed he was doing the work of God.
• Paul was essentially a terrorist—he was terrorizing the church in the name of God.
• But Paul obtained mercy because he did it ignorantly in unbelief.
◦ Paul was a brilliant man
◦ But he was blinded from the truth of the gospel
◦ Keep in mind, Paul had heard the gospel several times—he heard Stephen’s sermon
◦ What this means that he obtained mercy is that all he did, did not disqualify him from receiving God’s grace and mercy.
◦ This doesn’t mean that if someone sins ignorantly, that they are absolved from the penalty.
◦ As bad as Paul was, God’s grace and mercy was able to overcome it all.
◦ And that is what verse 14 means.
◦ God did not give Paul what he deserved—but exactly what he didn’t deserve.
◦ Do you remember the words of Jesus in Luke 23:43 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
• What Paul is maintaining is that what the law was unable to do, Christ did through grace and faith.
• We are not saved because of anything in us, or because of how talented and awesome we all are.
• What happened with Paul on his way to Damascus in Acts 9 is Jesus crashed into world and Paul accepted Christ.
• Because of this Paul can say in verse 15—This is a faithful saying
◦ That means you can take it to the bank.
◦ This means that this is a non-negotiable truth
• Which is that Christ came into the world to save sinners
• Jesus didn’t come just to show us how to live a better life or to challenge us to be better people—he came to save sinners who come to realize their need for God
• Luke 5:32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
• Paul says that “I am” the chief of sinners—not was.
• What is the purpose—to prove to you and I that God can save anybody
• There is no one beyond saving
• Notice it says longsuffering, or patience.
• It might take years—but believe that God can break through.
• That husband you have been praying for, that friend, that person in prison, that murderer, rapist, extortionist.
• There is hope—God can save anyone!
• Paul is exhibit A of that truth.
• So, when you are going through those tough times—reflect on your testimony—remember what God did in your life—how he delivered you from hell.
2. (Vs 12, 18) Motivation from you calling
• Paul wants to encourage and motivate Timothy by reminding him of his calling, as well as Timothy’s calling.
• There is a average of 3 pastors per day leaving the ministry because of how difficulty ministry can be.
• I cannot begin to tell you how often I have had to reflect back on my calling to motivate me.
• Much of what Paul shared with Timothy pertains to me.
◦ I have been running from my calling.
◦ And I have had to be reminded of my calling.
◦ I have wanted to quit the ministry on many occasions.\
◦ Sometimes it’s been because of the warfare that we’ll talk about
◦ Other times it was because I felt inadequate, or unqualified.
• Timothy was wanting to quit the ministry—Paul reminds him of His calling.
• Read Acts 9:10-22
◦ Notice the word “Immediately” Paul started his ministry.
◦ And what is that initial ministry—sharing the gospel.
◦ Listen—I have had people tell me they are called to the ministry and I have come to discover that they don’t share the gospel
◦ If you do not share the gospel, we are not being faithful to our first and primary calling—you are all called to do that.
◦ This is why it says that God counted Paul faithful-he immediately started sharing the gospel—and he never stopped.
◦ We cannot expect more ministry if we are not faithful in this.
• Who called Paul to ministry and What did Paul do to become qualified for ministry?
• 3 things are pointed out
• He did nothing—It was God who enabled or empowered him for the ministry.
◦ Spiritual labor or ministry requires spiritual power.
◦ Ministry does not rely on natural abilities or natural talents.
◦ All ministry, whether it is a pastor, missionary, children’s ministry, worship-requires the power of the Holy Spirit.
◦ It is not our natural gifts, our intellect, or eloquence at all—it is God empowering us through His Holy Spirit
◦ 1 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.
◦ I knew a person who believed he was called to be a missionary
▪ He went to a missionary organization who gave him a personality and ministry assessment test.
▪ After taking the test, the organization said that based on this test, he was not qualified to be a missionary.
▪ The call did not go away—and so he found support to go into the mission field, where he was used mightily by God—because it was God who called and enabled Him
◦ Paul did nothing to qualify himself for the ministry-God put Paul in the ministry.
◦ I remember when I first moved back, I had a pastor tell me that I was not qualified for the ministry because I did not have a degree.
▪ I had planted and pastored a church that was larger than his
▪ Ordination does not qualify one for ministry.
• Secondly, God counted Paul faithful
◦ He had been tested and proven to be faithful—so God entrusted him with more.
◦ Matthew 25:21 Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities.
◦ God does not want happy goats—He wants well fed sheep
◦ That can only come via the Word of God.
◦ And Paul was faithful to both learn and proclaim the whole truth of the gospel.
• Thirdly, God put him in the ministry
◦ The word means that God strategically placed him for a purpose.
◦ Ministry is not a vocation—it is a calling from God.
◦ It is service to the Lord
◦ Ministry means a servant—the pastor is not to be the center of attention.
◦ The church is not to revolve around the pastor.
• And so, Paul reminds Timothy of these truths—and for some here—this is for you!
• Now verse 18—Paul reminds Timothy if His calling.
• Based on the prophecies that were given to you—I charge you
◦ Military command.
◦ Timothy, you can’t just quit.
◦ Just like in the Marines—you cannot just quit.
◦ You have orders
• For some here—maybe you need to once again respond to that charge.
• This is what it was like for me—I know God has called me into the ministry.
• I had to respond.
• Over 20 years ago, I knew was called to come to come back to this area to plant a church.
• And there were a few times that I had prophecies given over me concerning this,
• 2 Timothy 1:6 This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.
• Our calling comes from God, but it can come through or be confirmed through others.
◦ As I said earlier, our calling does not come through taking an assessment test.
◦ I think this is something that is missing in the church.
◦ Thursday night.
• Just as Timothy needed to be reminded of his calling, I needed to be reminded.
• Some of you maybe need to be reminded.
• Then Paul tells him that this calling that came by prophesy and the laying on of hands will help him to wage the good warfare.
• Ministry is warfare.
• Timothy is dealing with a lot if issues—it’s not easy.
• There are false teachers who are wreaking havoc on the church.
• There is sin in the church.
• Paul’s purpose for writing to Timothy is to tell him how to conduct himself in the church—how the church should run.
• The church is to be a place where the truth of the gospel is presented, and people are transformed.
• Christian leaders are charged with the admonition to instruct the believers in the truth—later Paul will tell Timothy to preach the Word.
• Paul gave 75 instructions to Timothy in these pastoral epistles
• And the instructions are given to help believers grow bit also to protect the sheep from spiritual deception
◦ One of the primary functions of a pastor is to protect the sheep
◦ And this happens by having well instructed believers in the truth.
◦ Therefore, Timothy needs to have strong doctrine and strong character.
• This warfare had almost gotten me.
◦ I was ready to give up not too long ago.
◦ A couple of times now, I have gone to churches and been asked to teach.
◦ And I take God’s Word seriously.
◦ And God has blessed each time I have been given the opportunity to teach.
◦ And then there is warfare—and they always find a reason to get me to stop teaching his Word.
▪ But warfare might be there to get us to where God strategically wants us to be.
◦ But it hurts.
◦ Then I had Friday Night Fire—and it was booming.
◦ And warfare.
◦ I read Timothy, and God reminded me of His calling.
◦ I wasn’t doing what God had called me to do.
◦ As soon as I made the decision to start a church, Friday Night Fire just dwindled.
◦ And it really impacted me—it hurt.
◦ It because there is warfare—It comes with the territory
◦ Especially if you are going to teach the whole counsel of God.
◦ Some of you will experience warfare as it relates to this work and your commitment to it—praise God—it’s confirmation.
◦ God needs Warriors in the ministry—He needs Marines.
◦ And Just like God told Jerimiah—just preach the word and don’t worry about how they respond—so this is what I need to do.
• You see, Satan will try to convince the messenger that the Word is not what people need.
• Satan will whisper in the ear of pastors and tell them that the Word is God is not what they need—it is boring and irrelevant.
• Whatever you do, do not preach the Word.
• 1 Timothy 4:16 Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.
• Don’t water it down—preach it the way it is!
• If I minimize its demands, you might never be a child of God.
• Believers might never experience transformation.
• And just like I said, God needs Marines, and guess what—that is the person Satan sets his target on.
• Pastors who water down the Word, and do not teach doctrine—Satan doesn’t need to mess with that.
• Then notice it says again a having faith and a good conscience
◦ When we are doing ministry the way God instructs us, we can have a good conscience.
◦ Faith and morals or behavior go together
◦ Here we have the intersection of faith and character.
• Paul reminds Timothy of this to encourage him.
• Remember your calling—stay faithful.
3. (Vs 17) Motivation from thankfulness
• When Paul considers his calling and what God has done in his life—it caused him to break out in praise.
• Paul lists all these awesome attributes.
• Do you know where ministry starts?
• It starts with a heart of thankfulness.
• If we understand what God did for us in salvation, then our desire should be to serve him.
• It is hard when pastors have to beg the congregation for helpers to serve their King.
• Believers should be joyfully responding to the needs of the church because of what God has done for them.
• And notice that this doxology is focused on God
4. (Vs 19-20) Motivation from the example’s others
• Some do things not in faith and not with a good conscience
• As mentioned earlier—Timothy is in the midst of warfare and needs motivation and encouragement.
• Because False teachers are in the church.
• And Paul points out two of these guys.
• Hey Timothy, don’t be like these guys
• These guys have rejected and shipwrecked the faith, not their faith.
• Which means they have rejected the complete trust in Christ and what he has done for them.
• Rejecting the faith means going against their conscience.
• 2 Timothy tells us that he shipwrecked the faith by teaching that the resurrection had already passed and by blaspheming God.
• Many men have shipwrecked the faith by either sinning or moving into teaching that which is contrary to the Bible.
• But I believe that faith is shipwrecked when we trust in anything outside of Christ.
◦ Many have shipwrecked the faith because they started out teaching and preaching the Word of God.
◦ But now, they moved away from that and are trusting in man made methods and business models.
• Jesus said in John 15:5, that no on can do anything without Christ.
• When one thinks that they can do ministry without God’s enablement, that’s a way of shipwrecking one’s faith.
• We see first of all that Paul calls these guys out.
• These are not the only people God called out.
• I believe verse 20 means that God excommunicated these two from the church.
• That is what it means to turn over to Satan, which also happened in 1 Corinthians 5:5.
• This means that they were cast away from God’s care and protection and therefore, under the power of Satan.
• For what purpose—that they might learn.
◦ To learn by discipline
◦ For the purpose of restoration.
• Deliberate disobedience should be responded to quickly and sternly to prevent the entire congregation form being affected.
• 1 Corinthians 5:6 Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7 Therefore purge out the old leaven,
• There is a thinking that if we allow them to stay in the church that somehow, we the Christians will rub off on them and they will come around.
• The Bible teaches completely opposite of that.
• The pastor is called to defend the faith by exposing lies and opposing false teachers and doctrines.
• Let this motivate us to not be like these guys.
• Timothy, the church needs you to wage the good warfare.
• Stay motivated.