A Lighthouse for Jesus
Philippians 2:15
In the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.
This is the only lighthouse reference in the Bible. Commentators say that Paul’s reference is to the Colossus of Rhodes (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world) a gigantic man in brass, 126 feet high, through whose legs the ships sailed. He stood on blocks of white marble and acted as a lighthouse guiding ships into the harbor. Shakespeare refers to him in Julius Caesar: “He doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus.”
The apostle’s scene is set at night—suitable for a lighthouse. The world is dark with sin, as it is today. The world then, as now, needs enlightenment, and the only true light for such a dark world is that given out by Christians, the “lights in the world” reflecting the Light of the World.
If you want to be a lighthouse for Jesus there are three valuable lessons to learn from Paul’s words:
I. A lighthouse is encircled by the sea
A lighthouse, built upon a rock some distance from the shore, is its own tiny island of light completely encircled by the sea. So the Christian is in the world but not of the world any longer, and so he is a light on an island.
Note Paul’s description of the sea: “crooked” (warped) and “perverse” (corrupt). What an encircling sea we live in today with its warped men and women (some as sexually warped as in Romans 1 and others corrupt in high places of politics and finance).
Even when the sea appears calm and untroubled, it can be treacherous underneath with its conflicting currents, whirlpools, hidden rocks, and sandbanks. How quickly the appearance can change from green to blue and from blue to grey. How boisterous it can become in a matter of moments (remember the disciples on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus stilled the storm?). Don’t be afraid, for—
II. A lighthouse is entrenched upon the rock
However high the seas and however strong the winds, the lighthouse has a solid foundation. Even at low tide the bottom of the rock cannot be seen. So the Christian is rooted and grounded upon a solid foundation, even Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages. “Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid.” He’s the same today as yesterday.
A shipwrecked sailor who had been found clinging to a rock was asked: “Did you not tremble with fear?” “Yes, I did, but the rock didn’t!” The believer is as firmly attached to the Rock as a limpet. Like the limpet, we cannot be pried off for “neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
There is no need to take anxious looks at the troubled sea. That is what Peter did and he began to sink. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”—that is the direction of the Christian’s gaze. No wonder the Psalmist prayed, “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
III. A lighthouse is entrusted with the light
“Shine as lights” declares Paul. That is the function of the lighthouse. It is built and designed to—
A. be a warning light.
Each lighthouse has its own particular signal to warn ships of the whereabouts of land and imminent danger.
B. be a guiding light.
Lighthouses often serve to guide ships into the safety of the harbor.
C. be a cheering light.
Sailors are glad to know that their position is correct when they see a lighthouse which is indicated on their charts.
So the Christian must be and do all these things by shining for Jesus in a world of darkness. Our lamps must be trimmed for His second coming.
I. A lighthouse is surrounded by the sea
II. A lighthouse sits upon the rock
It is when the storm is violent, the upheaval great and the temptations continual that such a person is not shaken in the slightest. This is not a way of living that applies to fair weather only. For he says, “The rain came down, the floods came, the winds blew, and they beat against that house. And it did not fall because it was founded upon the rock.”
In referring to rain, floods and winds Jesus is speaking about all those human circumstances and misfortunes, such as false accusations, plots, bereavements, deaths, loss of family members, insults from others, and all the horrid things in life about which one could speak. Jesus says that a soul that pursues the way of excellence does not give in to any of these potential disasters. And the cause of this is that this soul has been founded upon the rock.
For Paul was implying this when he said, “The one who sows to one’s flesh will reap corruption from one’s flesh.” Who are these persons who build on the sand? Those who are given up to fornication, debauchery, drunkenness and anger—they are building on sand