Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
One of a kind = Merriam-Webster = a person or thing that is not like any other person or thing
the Mona Lisa
the Leaning Tower of Pisa
the Statue of Liberty
the Titanic
you / me / David
Oh God our Father in Heaven, how glorious that your book, your word, being thousands of years old, speaks to us even today!
God we praise you for that!
God of Israel, God of Jesus Christ, our God forever and ever; help us now by the sacred Spirit, to approach you aright, with deepest reverence, but not with servile fear; with holiest boldness, but not with presumption.
Oh teach us as children to speak to the Father, and yet, as creatures to bow before our Maker.
as we gather before you today quicken our hearts and minds, and speak to us today!
None Like It =
= David’s “Wilderness Experience”
Exposition of Txt
David = Nob the priest - you can learn a lot about a person by seeing where they turn in times of trouble.
istance / priesthood line / alone?
Ahimelech = son of Ahitub = son of Phinehas = son of Eli
brother of Ahijah = spiritual advisor of Saul
why are you alone?
= reminder
What shall we say to this?
The scripture does not conceal it, and we dare not justify it.
It was ill done, and proved of bad consequence; for it occasioned the death of the priests of the Lord, as David reflected upon it afterwards with regret, ch.
It was needless for him thus to dissemble with the priest, for we may suppose that, if he had told him the truth, he would have sheltered and relieved him as readily as Samuel did, and would have known the better how to advise him and enquire of God for him.
People should be free with their faithful ministers.
David was a man of great faith and courage, and yet now both failed him, and he fell thus foully through fear and cowardice, and both owing to the weakness of his faith.
Had he trusted God aright, he would not have used such a sorry sinful shift as this for his own preservation.
It is written, not for our imitation, no, not in the greatest straits, but for our admonition.
Let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall; and let us all pray daily, Lord, lead us not into temptation.
Let us all take occasion from this to lament, (1.)
The weakness and infirmity of good men; the best are not perfect on this side heaven.
There may be true grace where yet there are many failings.
The wickedness of bad times, which forces good men into such straits as prove temptations too strong for them.
Oppression makes a wise man do foolishly.
King = Saul / David / God
Alone = meet later… ?
Topic switch… hunger / provision?
5 Loaves…
/ hospitality / play on words hand… 5 loaves / hunger and sustenance
1 Sam 21.
Common bread | Show Bread = Bread of the presence
12 Loafs - per Tribe // large loafs
Leviticus = Aaron priesthood // discarded & replaced - ‘sabbath’
holy bread… holy war…
sabbath / 12 / levites / holy for the holy…
united and total commitment to the cause of the Lord, in whose name the battle was being fought.
1 Sam 21.
Common practice / Uriah / faithful in little = faithful in much…
How could the priest do this… ?
Jesus has a answer for this…
Beloved, in Christ Jesus, it is not just holy bread that we are given but eternal life
The priest understanding this gives to David...
God orchestrated to illustrate…
Interesting narrative shift…
Jacob / Esau = Edomite
Saul’s Victory…
Why was he there?
/ detained before the LORD…?
The word translated ‘chief’ (Heb.
ʾabbîr) means ‘mighty’, but is also used to mean ‘violent’ and ‘obstinate’; the presence of this man was ominous
To Be Continued to Ch 22 = Doeg
1 Sam 21.
Did David know the sword was here?
Goliath’s sword / ephod / only one = one and only!
What we devote to God’s praise, and serve him with, is most likely to redound, one way or other, to our own comfort and benefit.
What we gave we have.
In his greatest hour of need, David is reminded that Yahweh has been his help in time of trouble (Ps.
34; 52; 56
Application of Txt = 5 Points
Better Bread
A Better Bread and Sword
to sustain us
manna = Jesus =
Better Sword
to fight with = attack / defense
to slay our enemies
sword of the LORD = |
Better Priest
to minister to us
Melchizedek = Jesus =
Better Mission
to be charged with
Better King
to serve
Better Hope
King of Kings =
to be served by
Better Mission
to be charged with
Better Message
“There is none like that; give it to me!”
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9