The Bible, The Word of God
Sermon Tone Analysis
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
The Bible has long been under attack by those who reject it.
It is illegal in many countries and cultures
over the centuries people have died just for possessing one, or making copies of one
People like William Tyndale and John Wycliffe devoted their lives to making the bible accessible
By far the most important book ever written
without dispute, there has never been a writing in human history with more influence
most read book in history
all time best selling book, every year since there were books
Also the most controversial book
In recent days, the bible seems to be coming under attack not only from the outside, but also from the inside
We should not be surprised when unbelievers reject the Word
but lately, even many Christians no longer believe the bible
While 80% of Americans believe in God, only 24% believe the bible literally
Although 47% believe it is inspired by God
1. Is the Bible really the Word of God?
So many people in today’s world think of the bible as simply philosophical stories that someone imagined
Like the Greek gods, or other myths, stories to teach morals etc.
So then, why couldn’t they imagine a different story?
And those who won’t can be characterized as inflexible, unimaginative, small minded, or closed minded, etc.
Is the Bible really the Word of God?
2. If not, we are wasting our time
There are very few questions which could be of more importance
If not, we are wasting our time
3. If so, nothing else even compares in importance
If so, nothing else even compares in importance
B. We Believe the Bible to be the Verbally Inspired Word of God
We Believe the Bible to be the Verbally Inspired Word of God
C. Why?
Why? I would like to list but a few of the reasons
Because of its Unity and Perfection
Because of its Unity and Perfection
What a great library it is
1. What a great library it is!
a. Over 40 different authors
Over 40 different authors
b. Writing over a period of 1600 years
Writing over a period of 1600 years
All agreeing on one central theme
c. All agreeing on one central theme
What about the difference between the old and new testaments?
Isn’t God different in the old testament then the new?
Without contradiction, explains contradiction
Through the bible we see the character of God
Jesus Christ is the Word incarnate
2. Compared to any other literature, it is a giant
Compared to any other literature, it is a giant
Compared to any other literature, it is a giant
The great classics shrink beside it
b. The books of the cults do not compare to it
The books of the cults do not compare to it
The book of Mormon, the Koran, and so many others
When any honest comparison is made, the others simply collapse beside it.
3. No contradictions. It is always right
No contradictions. It is always right
Because of its fulfilled Prophecy
Because of its fulfilled Prophecy
So many prophecies
The empires of Daniel’s prophecy
a. The empires of Daniel’s prophecy
The fall of Babylon and rise of Persian Empire under Cyrus (Isa 45)
The return of Israel
b. The return of Israel and subsequent dispersion
Prophecies concerning Christ
2. Prophecies concerning Christ
a. His birth ()
His birth ()
b. The place of His birth ()
The place of His birth ()
His Incarnation (Isa. 9:6)
His rejection and death ()
c. His rejection and death ()
3. Prophecies concerning the last days
Prophecies concerning the last days
Prophecies concerning the last days
The return of the Jews to their homeland ()
b. The rise of Russia (, )
The increase of knowledge and mobility ()
Scoffers mocking His promised return looking to science falsely so called
the falling away from from the church
Ironically, many of those scoffing the bible in doing so are proving it.
and the things that are yet to come
Because of its Scientific Accuracy
Because of its Scientific Accuracy
The Bible is not primarily a book of science
Yet when it speaks on a scientific fact, it is right
Yet it speaks it is scientifically accurate
a. The creation of man (; )
The creation of man (; )
Scientists simply cannot create life
all theories of evolution are fantasy, and fall under the weight of their own absurdity.
b. Life in the blood ()
Yet the biblical account makes sense. It fits with the world we see around us.
Life in the blood ()
Numerous companies have gone bankrupt attempting to invent synthetic blood
Our government has spent many millions of dollars funding them
c. The roundness of the earth ()
The roundness of the earth ()
d. The earth in space () (hangs the earth on nothing)
The earth in space () (hangs the earth on nothing)
e. The rotation of the earth ()
The rotation of the earth ()
water, dinosaurs, and so much more.
Because its Accuracy is attested by Jesus Christ
Because its Accuracy is attested by Jesus Christ
“Heaven and earth may pass away but my words shall not pass away” ()
2. “The scripture cannot be broken” ()
“The scriptures must be fulfilled” ()
3. “The scriptures must be fulfilled” ()
Many things men disbelieve in the Bible are confirmed by Christ
4. Many things men disbelieve in the Bible are confirmed by Christ
The creation ()
a. The creation ()
Noah (
b. Noah (
Sodom ()
c. Sodom ()
Jonah ()
d. Jonah ()
Because of Jesus Himself
Because of Jesus Himself
The Life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof of the Bible’s accuracy
Jesus Christ is completely incomparable to anyone else in the history of the world
not wealth, not a military leader, not a politician, not born into royalty, not a traveler of the world, wrote no books
How does such a man become significant at all?
Yet, we have the testimony of every available record, without contradiction, that He was
He lived
He was followed
He was rejected - By the politicians, the Religious, the Royalty, the wealthy, the sinners, and ultimately his own friends.
He was crucified and buried.
Now, how does that inspire anyone? It would have been over?
Yet, something happened after three days.
That something was the resurrection of Jesus. Without that event, nothing that followed could have happened.
Because it Works
Because it Works
My best reason for believing the Bible is becasue it changed me.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved” ()
Come and see! Come Taste and see that the Lord is Good!
2. A new creature ()
Those who seek Him will find Him
A new creature ()
3. Profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (, )
Profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (, )
Let the Word Work in You
receive His Word as Divine. Apply it by faith
Turn it Loose in Life
Dare to live by God’s Word and see what transformation is possible
Respond to its Teaching
Allow His word to direct you and redirect you in every area of you life