January 12, 2020 - Philippians 1:27-30
Thanks, Jesse. So just as a reminder, like you said when you hear the words making life disciples that's going to refer to the training that were offering here Oak Grove starting and February is going to go for 8 weeks on Saturdays on Saturday mornings 8:30 to 11:30 at the latest off and we'll get out a little bit earlier and really what this training is.
I'm excited to be continuing in our Series in the book of Philippians. So if you if you haven't already open your Bible or a Bible app to the book of Philippians. We're in the end of chapter 1. What are the things that we've been talking about in this 20/20 vision series seeing clearly to press on is that as we enter the year 2020. This could be a vision for 20/20 the year but it's it's beyond that it affects every day for as many years as the Lord gives us breath and its really thinking about eyesight See Clearly is imperative to follow Jesus. Well as we pursue Christian maturity, but different from from physical eyesight spiritual site requires that everyone wear gospel lenses. If we were to survey the room, it would be obvious to many those who need glasses or lenses some of you however have opted for contacts and so we wouldn't know at the outset who actually needs Glasses who needs help to see more clearly, but one thing that can be true that is true of every single human is that if we are to see clearly in this life, every person needs gospel lenses, we all need the help of the word of God to be able to see that we on our own are in desperate need of a savior and that that savior is in fact Jesus Christ as we look in this book and as we look through the through these gospel lenses it helps us to see that we can see the Lord in all of his brilliant. Till. I love 1st Peter. Or 2nd Peter 1 that talks about the fact that we have received everything that we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who has called us to his own glory and goodness. There's a head knowledge we need and then there's an experiential knowledge that we need you might know in your mind that the Lord provides everything but until you are the destitute maybe a strong word, but Don't know how you're going to pay a particular Bill. We have an option whether we're going to run to our own course of action or whether we're going to wait on the Lord and trust the Lord to provide for that particular need and that the Lord provides that need for you. Now, you have an experiential knowledge and there's an experiential knowledge that we need all of these things to sort of a double entendre you think about that phrase through to the knowledge of Christ Jesus our lord and that's head knowledge and heart knowledge experiential knowledge as we flush out or walk out our faith, but as we do that we see the Lord now experientially as our provider
Not inserted this abstract. theological philosophical conversation he's not just B provider, but he's what is my provider? He's not just the one who? Brings compassion but he is my compassionate friend.
He is just not he's not simply the the owner of all truth. But he is the one who has revealed himself.
to me to every human on this planet through creation and to everyone who will open this book and read his word very specifically. He has revealed himself because he's a loving God so we will see the Lord in all of his brilliant brilliant detail certainly not all at once, but we will see him the more that we dive into the word of God and secondly, we will see ourselves with clarity. With the clarity that the Holy Spirit then uses to take God's word. And and I love what they say in the end of act when Peter is preaching the gospel and he's telling their kind of spiritual lineage history. And at the end of this they say what do we need to do to be saved but there's an editorial note in there. They were some translation say they were pierced to the harder they were in their hearts and when I'm praying for people who I think may not know the gospel course, I don't know they're hard, but when I'm praying for people in that say in that state one of the things I say is Lord, would you prick their hearts with the gospel?
Pierce through the facade Pierce through the armor that they have and prick their heart with the truth of your word that is ultimately love and so we need to maybe gain for the first time this perspective of ourselves. You may be in here this morning thinking you're doing just fine in life thinking that your solution to the problems that you faced is found within yourself. That's what everyone around you wants to tell you. That's what everything in our world wants to tell you that the answer is found within yourself. That's not true. The answer is not found within yourself is found outside of yourself. in the person of Jesus
who died on the cross for you because he loves you. and when we return from self to the Lord Then then we're told that hoe now the Holy Spirit does come to live within us. But so what we find within us is really the spirit of God who then indwells us but it's not until we repent we we we turn away from RCN and we turn to the Lord that then the Lord begins to indwell us and we begin to gain a perspective that is Heavenly or otherworldly to press on straining toward what lies ahead for us in heaven. So today we're on our third week looking at the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians. And if you just remember, this is a church. We looked at acts 16 of how the Lord began to formulate that church would have time to revisit it this morning. But but go look at Acts chapter 16 the second half. I think it through the end to the end to say I-66 through the end and you'll see three phenomenal stories of individuals that the Lord worked in their lives. These are these are the folks that the Lord used to begin this church at Philippi. We saw the week one that our identity in our Union with Christ helps us or allows us to know who we are and impulse that he is think thankful and it's rooted in God's faithfulness. It's thankfulness that motivates us to pray for and work towards increasing and maturing love for God and His glory and last week. We saw that as followers of Christ. We find our greatest joy through self-sacrificing service christ-centered Ministries. In fact Paul wanted so much to go home and be with the Lord. Cuz I don't know what to decide. I love the Lord so much and my body is spent paraphrasing. and I want to go be with the Lord but I see what's more necessary that I remain here with you for your progress and joy in the faith. So it means fruitful labor for Paul. Christ centered Ministries fruitful labor doesn't always feel fruitful. But it's the Lord who brings the fruit.
Self sacrificing christ-centered Ministries works for others progress and joy in the face and as we do that we see that begin to be true in our own lives. It's a very different perspective from thinking about Oak Grove Church or another church and thinking how can a church serve me now, that's not an invalid question. You want to ask questions like is the word of God preached, you know was my faith family able to grow in this church, but the questions if you answer yes to those questions very quickly that the prospective needs to change and then begin to say, how can I actively contribute to the progress and joy of the faith for everyone who was a part of my church or those that the Lord would connect me with right? We can't all be responsible for everyone, but you can you can make a selfie self-sacrificing decision. Do disciple one individual? Well, I don't know how well then we'll disciple you as you disciple them. Will come alongside you will equip you it will not be for lack of resources available for you. And so we need to have our perspective changed in this regard today. We finished Philippians chapter 1 looking at verses 27 through 30 and this section is as you'll find in these letters very tightly tightly connected to the previous section. Paul talks about the fact that it's order to check list if you will write Paul talking about. Okay. So here's my checklist. Here's my to do list. My to-do list is one to remain for your progress in the face. I want to go home to be with Jesus, but I know that God has me here for your spiritual growth. So I'm convinced of this and so I will remain and then in this section we look at today. He give the Philippians a checklist. He says live in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
more literally behave as citizens of Heaven So there's a checklist for Paul. There's a checklist or to do for the church at Philippi. Is he talks about what it means to live the worthy life?
Read with me in Philippians 1. I'm going to be getting back at verse 21 so that we can more tightly see the connection Paul says this phrase that we know well for for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain if I am to live on in the flash that mean fruitful labor for me yet. What shall I choose? I cannot tell him. I'm hard-pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with the Lord.
But that is far better.
But you remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Don't miss that and so convinced of this. I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress. Enjoy in the face. So that in me, you may have ample claws cause to glory in Christ Jesus because of my coming to you again and we pick up here today only let your life be worthy that your manner of Life be worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see you or an absent, I may hear that you are standing firm in one spirit with one mind driving side-by-side for the faith of the Gospel not frightened in anything by your opponent's this is a clear signs of them of their destruction but of your salvation and that from God for it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ. You should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake engaged in the same conflict you saw that I had and now here that I still have
like to pray together before we continue. Whether I'm so thankful for your word.
Cuz my confidence and preaching is not based on my wit or or my ability. My confidence is on the authority that you are word has. our confidence in listening well is any Authority and in the wisdom and in the In the fact that your word is alive. It's not a textbook though. There's a lot of a lot that we learn. At that instructs are mine. But it is in fact life and so we read it and it cuts. And sometimes that's a good cutting and we're receptive and we're ready to put it into practice.
And what I stand at the front of the line to say that I don't always want the cutting or the Revelation that comes to my heart when I receive your word.
On a grand scale. I know I do but in the moment it just is painful in the moment it brings fear. not because it's fearful, but because I I'm so short-sighted so often. I
we often cling so tightly to the things that we want the things that we feel make us comfortable. Can you remind us here today that we're citizens of Heaven not called to be comfortable on Earth. We need a wartime mindset. Not a vacation mindset. Answer to that and father we pray that you would help us. Lord that the cutting that happened here today would would be from your word through the holy spirit for your people and specific enough to help each and every one of us know exactly how we need to walk out of here today. So I may know more specifically some may may not and may need more time in prayer and reflection this week asking you to unveil Pull the scales off of our eyes their eyes so that that we know exactly. How we are to put this passage into practice?
We depend on you we look to you we rest in you. and even as we find ourselves engaged in this struggle
We thank you.
We thank you that our relationship with you depends not on how well we perform but on how well Jesus performed which is perfectly.
And we can rest in that. And follow you in faith by your grace in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Hey, man, I want you to notice the word only at the beginning of this passage. The only let your life your manner of Life be worthy of the gospel of Christ. No, no don't rush over that word only too often. I would encourage you to see this is a specific point that he is making this is not a conditional statement. That is very important. It's very important to recognize as he says I desire to go and be with the Lord because that is far better for to die is gain.
To live is Christ because I know that that remains fruitful labor for me as I stay and I minister to you only let your life matter of Life be worthy of citizens of us of Heaven let your your manner of Life be worthy of the Gospel. So what are you saying? Is this I know and I have decided because of the work of the spirit of God in my life that I will remain.
So let's make it worth it. Let's spend our lives for the kingdom of heaven and sand and you make my staying words that you make my investment in your life worthy of the gospel of Christ as you live and move as as as citizens of Heaven.
Only let your life your manner of Life the worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come to you or I am outside. I may hear that you are standing firm.
Colossians 1:13 says that but he has delivered us from the Dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. If you versus early in Rainbow Six Siege said that he who began a good work in you to the church. That's like a y'all he who began the church he who began a good work in you all will be will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. But he says your greatest priority in every decision is to live as Heavenly citizens. Is echoing what Jesus said in Matthew 5 a city and you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden Paul has his book and effect. You'll notice a lot of what happens in chapter one also happen that happens in chapter 4 in the book of Philippians. He says in Philippians or or in this case 3 verse 20, but our citizenship is in heaven. And from it. We are way to save your the Lord Jesus Christ friends every decision that you and I make Is to be influenced by the fact that you and I fly the flag of Jesus Christ.
Why is this his Focus pay attention? to what he says in verse 27 so that Whether I come.
Whether I coming to you or whether I'm at the absent, I may hear that you are standing firm. Well, how are we to stand firm? What would a stand firm in one spirit? and in one mind Church would it be unified? Do you know that a whole lot of what happens in Ministry of subjective? Who are what happens in church ministry is subjective, but there are some things that are that are rock solid black and white. And they're gospel issues. The fact that our our priority is not to be comfortable with who we are as a church.
Where to be where to be continually pressing outward moving outward in our Circles of influence in fluid loving those that we come in contact with not telling them that they need to behave like citizens of Heaven before they actually become citizens of Heaven We love people we build relationship with people we welcome them in here regardless of what they look like and I'll tell you your family. I'm thankful for the many many times. I've heard people say that Oak Grove Church is a very very welcoming church family and that is true. But there's also a challenge in here for us because it is very easy. And I don't I don't want to take any credit away from y'all. It's really not yours. Right? It's really not ours. It's the Lord who works in us and through us to do his will but It's much easier to become a friendly welcoming church. And then after a few Sundays, it can actually become very lonely. In a church that's welcoming as people enter in. But that aren't exactly sure where to go or what to do or how to connect your how to get embedded in relationship.
Which is why we try to form smaller pockets of community around the church and they may look like different thing. It may be a men's group or a ladies group or a journey group or a community group or somebody that is engaged in Ministry together. It can look like a like a lot of different things. But our goal is to help people become more embedded in relationship because where we find friends who are on the same mission that we are we will we're more likely to stay connected and and committed. That's what it's important for us. We need to be standing firm in one Spirit as a church. You're going to have a distant disagreement with how I try to go about something. I may have a disagreement with how you're about to hear you're going about something and as we do that, we need to filter these things through a grid of priority agreed of importance. Is it just a matter of my opinion and your opinion? Because if that's the case I need to I need to hold this with Open Hands. I don't need to close my grip tightly on something that is important for me because I think it ought to be done in that certain way unless it's a gospel issue. If it's a gospel issue friend, we will in prize fight until the day is over because we need to always be fighting and contending for the faith. But as we do ministry together, there's an ebb and flow to what we do and how we do there may be some years were engaged in one Ministry and then it in in in over the course of time that Ministry may change because life changes and circumstances change. I'll tell you is I'm preaching this right now. I don't have any particular issue on my mind. I genuinely do not have any particular people in my mind if you're sitting here thinking. Oh, he's talking to me. I'm kind of frustrated. He's Talkin at me. I'm not maybe the holy spirit is I don't know. What I know is that we are to be standing firm in one spirit. I want you to hear what Gordon fee says. It makes a very compelling case that this is the holy spirit. This is the flip user to stand firm in the same sphere. That is the sphere of the of the the the mo of the Holy Spirit. Read Ephesians 4:1 through 3 is a very very close parallel. There is Paul called the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of their calling as Christians by being eager to maintain the Oneness or the unity that is produced by the spirit of God. you know, I grew up an Air Force brat and moved up a lot of different states and countries and one of the things that I'm so thankful for is in the different places. I've lived I have found very very close kinship. In the body of Christ are all gone. It's not cuz I'm not great. I know you got my thick of it close friends in many many places in the country and it's not just about me. I have friends that I consider deeply deeply close Brothers and Sisters in Christ. in several States Because of the unity that comes through the holy spirit, so we're to stand firm in one spirit with one mind and we are to be striving also in chapter 4 verse 3 striving for the faith. What are we striving together? Would it be pulling together? And so what do we do what we relinquish some of our opinions? We relinquished some of our perspective as long as it's not a gospel perspective. Why? Because we're not here to get our own way with here to get God's way. We're here to minister to one another and we're here to reach the world with the gospel of Christ. Jesus. Paul says in Philippians 4:1 there for my my brother's whom I love and I long for my joy and my crown stand firm in the Lord Mighty love.
We're not to be frightened by anything or not to be intimidated in anything by your opponents looking at verse 29 and following here. Standing firm in one spirit and not frightened opposition can cause us to second-guess our decisions or our convictions. Even if only momentarily have you ever been engaged in a conversation with someone and you begin talking about spiritual things and you begin talking about the Lord and that the conversation sort of moves through this kind of funnel like process, right? We begin to understand a bit of who they are, right? What's their what's what are there presuppositions where they believe to be true about life, even if they may not know it we have you a high-level can a loose conversation then and then we begin to Horn in a little bit more. It may happen in one conversation may happen over several conversations and sometimes over several years. But as we begin to funnel down and we begin to get to the heart of the issue would begin to talk about Christ.
And the fact that because of our sin every one of us needs Jesus.
And they say do you mean to tell me that Jesus is the only way to heaven? all of a sudden we're kind of like I like it like that for a moment. There might be a hesitation that does sound kind of exclusive.
Do you find yourselves in that moment on your heels all of a sudden beginning to play defense and more concerned that they like you? I'm not giving carte blanche Freedom here for saying it doesn't matter if they like you or not. Just tell him the truth. Then don't be caring. There's none of that here. There's none of that in the in the gospel. All the sudden week we feel a bit defensive because we face opposition. I love what Chelsea said about those who are opposing them on Facebook. The first thing that they do is they pray. For they formulate a response and what happens if it's there? begins to be morphed into grief I don't get me wrong. There. There's an appropriate. There's an appropriate idiot logical anger for those who are manipulating for those who are who are taking advantage of those who are unable to defend themselves those who are too young to know any different in their they're there their they're moved or tossed to and fro by the wind and waves of the doctrine of the world and there is a righteous anger there but every individual in whose eyes we look, The gospel lenses help us see beyond the argument to what may be going on in their heart. So how do you deal with these doubt this the second-guessing as you face opposition?
We may take that our our our our mission is to make money to raise nice kids quote on quote who are contributors to society. We might think we might think that our our our mission on this life is to work hard to show ourselves as reliable because our reputation is on the line, but that depends on your motive isn't about your reputation that you're concerned over or is it about the reputation of the Lord? Which is why Colossians tells us what we work for the Lord not for men to be kind to others. And again, I would say yes, but motive is Everything. Jesus was not necessarily nice. He was kind tender-hearted and compassionate. But always with the name to speak the truth in love. Two other our mission friend is to be Gravely courageously striving side by side for the gospel with one another we got to be driving with one another. Because we're going to find opponents. We're going to offend folks. to disagree and we should not be surprised by that one at one of my sisters has a
A great mindset about a lot of things she's encountered in life when we were in high school. She was making pretty good choices and well I wasn't. And she had determined in her mind beforehand. If I'm presented with this challenge this temptation. Here's what I'm going to do. She was determined to follow Christ.
Do you realize that that in your hands you hold the answer to life?
you're going to come into contact with people in the Lord's already at work in their heart and it just seems easy in a sense. They're just looking for the answer. The Lord is prep them and you get to tell him. In other instances, you're going to share the gospel. You're going to you're going to communicate your heart's desire for them. They may not be ready to hear it. They may not ever, but they may be Several days weeks months or years down the road.
Chelsea's message is really the message of the gospel and it hits home for me. because there was some years in high school where I was a follower of Jesus. Not engaged as a citizen of Heaven. I wasn't behaving as a citizen of Heaven. I got into a relationship. It was not a christ-like relationship.
And I told Sophia follow me here. On the other side of every pregnancy is a man.
And I was at man for my girlfriend. No of a sudden I was overwhelmed and swept by the fact that I had allowed my desire for an easy life on Earth. an easy season of life for myself relationship relationship that wasn't according to God's design with it was a quarter to my design to color my entire perspective. I had gospel lenses as a follower of Jesus, but I took them off.
Cuz I was focused on myself friends. We are either striving for the gospel or we are walking away from the gospel because any time we drift. We never drift toward Jesus Sweet drift in complacency, and we drift away from the Lord and I was drifting in fact, I was paddling.
I found myself in this situation. I found myself caused.
This very very painful situation and Circumstance. I remember I remember sitting with my mom. in our kitchen And she just was weeping. She was a hateful and spiteful she was grieving. And she sat there. weeping
So, what did I do? That was my fault. She was weeping. Sorry, I put my arm around her and I thought I would come for her and you know. My mom's were to push me away, but not in an unkind or in an unloving manner. What you communicated was?
Hug won't fix this.
We'll make decisions friends and it as we make decisions. We think that's what we can come back and we can capture it and redirect it and by God's mercy we can at times. But many times the words that come the actions that proceed from our lives cannot be redirected immediately or often even by us. My mom went on to tell me how much she loved me.
How much the lord loves me?
But a side hug wasn't going to fix it wasn't going to solve it. I knew that was true.
And so she had an abortion and in that context as we were sort of I want to be cautious and how I say this because at that point we were striving to counsel her and her family not to move forward with an abortion. I said cautious because it would be wrong for me to paint them as the ones who are wrong and meet us as the ones who are right A righteous because my sim got us into the mess. I just want to feel like I need to say that carefully for you.
for me
and if we had conversations with her parents. As I began to lay out a case as I begin to plead please don't do this.
She said you're a hypocrite. And I said you're right.
because I was
Many years later. I got a phone call in college.
from Mike's girlfriend That she shared. That the Lord had use some folks in their life to get ahold of her heart. I want to tell you. I both grieve and I spill over with gratitude. Could you see I had a gospel opportunity. in that what began as a friendship?
And I squandered that opportunity.
I squandered that opportunity because I was focused on the here and the now and myself.
But God in his Mercy.
Is faithful God is faithful when we are faithless that that can never be a license to do what we want to do. but what it ought to do is always help our confidence in God and in his purposes to soar. And she repented.
She confess Jesus as her savior. And was walking and that moment. And faithful obedience growing is a new believer. And she needed to call me because she felt like that was part of what she needed to work through in her following Christ. And the Lord allowed just a wonderful is the last conversation we had.
Why do I say I got to tell your friends that I debated? I prayed I agonized over what to share with you today. Because like I said earlier very nervous that any of that would come across like I was arguing for the right thing because the only reason I could have been is because I put us in a situation. That would have required.
So why say it I think the Lord that this text came on this day.
Because in those moments I ceased striving for the right one. And I was living as an Earthly citizen.
I wasn't standing firm with my youth group for the face and I had an opportunity to go on a short mission trip after that and it was a season when I was standing out in a in a in a fire escape old old building don't think some Buddy Guy dangerous fire escape just was out on this really wide old building in Chicago Fire Escape. And as I was praying I just needed to be alone. My youth group was gracious. They were supportive. They were they were they wanted to be available and I just kind of needed some space to myself and I went outside and I prayed one of the best prayer times I've ever had in my entire life with the law.
And if they were looking for me, they couldn't find me somebody realized where I was.
Any hotel, I saw this kind of plant. That's cuz I'm moving in the window and didn't think much of it until I realized that that my youth group had lined up 2 by 2 in every window. They knew that I needed to be alone that we're coming out to comfort they weren't they just said let's just pray for the guy and that's what they did. the prey
and I would not have told you this at the time because I had no idea but in that moment the Lord grant to my heart. for the local church
It was far from a perfect youth group. LR youth group youth groups just like church that are strengths that are weaknesses if the Lord Jesus who holds us together, but friends in verse. I think it's 29. Paul says it has been granted to you that for the sake of Jesus. You should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake. Do you hear that? I want you to catch it. I don't work. I know we're wrapping up here and we are in case you're wondering what I want you to catch this you have to catch this. We must catch this Vision. It has been granted to you. If you can go to the next slide. It's like a certificate. You've been given a certificate to believe and to suffer for Christ. Don't be surprised by it. Welcome. It don't don't create it because of an obstinate perspective. or Manor
But welcome it. Thank the Lord.
That a servant is not greater than his master. you Are counted Worthy? As a child of God to suffer opposition. funny looks being ostracized being picked on even physically injured as Christians in the world even today are being persecuted for their faith. You have been graciously. granted privilege of believing and suffering for his sake because y30 we're engaged in the same conflict that we saw Paul had and And realize that he still has as he pins this letter. from a cell
if we are to have 20/20 gospel vision and see clearly. the Press on we need to be engaged. In the ministry that God has for us.
And I don't know what that means for you there over a hundred and twenty or Thirty people in this room. So what does that mean for you? I don't know but what I would ask you to do is take it to the Lord and ask the Lord. He is faithful he will tell you each and every time what it is that you need to be doing but I will say there are times when it's just easier to gripe about our church or gripe about our pastor or gripe about our friend then
strive side by side
with the one who is only next to you. because the Holy Spirit unites you that's gospel friendship. That's Fellowship in the gospel. And that's why Paul started let it just let her by saying I'm so thankful for you.
As we celebrate communion it is a celebration.
There may be a somber component to this as you think about any reflect on your own sin, but we don't or not ever left to stay there because in Jesus, we push forward through that to Thanksgiving. We remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. We look around ever thankful for the brothers and sisters old and young that. God has placed around us we give thanks and we remember And we look forward as we Press On Together father. We love you. We're so thankful for who you are for what you've done on our behalf. Would you have a vision for our church family? You have a direction for our church family and and and I don't always know every detail of it. The elders don't always know every detail about the deacons don't know every detail of it even has members of the body of Christ. We don't know exactly how it's supposed to flow exactly what it's supposed to look like and so we we do our best and we pray and we seek you and we work together and sometimes we get in one another's way, but wait may we not getting yours? Mini Les I pray that I know that nothing will get in your way. Nothing will prevail against your plan and we thank you for that Lord. We praise you for that. And father we pray and we ask you both lie to do a work at Oak Grove Church to do a work at other churches in our community that are proclaiming your name. A saving Souls. I want to see people just bouncing between Church's we want to we want to see you using our lives and our lips and our mannerisms as children of the Gospel citizens of Heaven. speaking and bringing life People around us for your sake and for your glory Lord, may we go to heaven spent? Not retired, but engaged until the day you call us home. In Jesus name we pray amen.