James 3:1-2 (Part 8) The Importance of the Tongue
The Importance of the Tongue, 3:1-2
Commands concerning the tongue in James
• James 1:9—slow to speak relative to hearing
• James 1:26—no reality if you can’t control the tongue
• James 2:12—in relation to accountability
• James 3—a full-blown account in 12 verses
• James 4:11—speech in relation to other people
• James 5:12—speech in relation to truth
The tongue reveals who we are
• If a man does not stumble in what he says, he is mature, 3:2.
• Revelation of maturity
• Reveals our level of self-control
James 3:1-12
• The importance of the tongue, 3:1-2
o The number of teachers, v. 1a
o The accountability of teachers, v. 1b
Due to the nature of the work
The instrument used for teaching (tongue)
• The power of the tongue, 3:3-6
• The insubordination of the tongue, 3:7-8
• The inconsistency of the tongue, 3:9-12
Unfit teachers
• The sincere but ungifted
• The insincere but talented
*As far as the Word of God is concerned, we stumble with our tongues and stumble is synonymous with sin.