Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
As we walk through this month of January we know this is the first month of the New Year, 2020.
And while it might seem like any other day, I want you to know it is a time of not resolutions, but commitments.
It is time to re-focus our lives on the person and work of Jesus
Now I use the word re-focus because it is like looking through a pair of Binoculars, you find of get distracted and you field of vision can get blurry, but you look more intently and search with your eyes then taking in the whole scene you are looking at...
Our field of vision should be the whole person of Jesus.
Not just this piece or that one.
but the whole, we are obligated to the whole gospel not just the sections that appeal to us.
I say that because many people pick and choose, they like this but do not like the Bible telling them how to live or act in this way… They are like Marcian… Jefferson did this too...
This evening I want us to look at the gospel of to begin with, Mark proclaimed to us that Jesus is God’s son.
As we need to be reminded of that all the time, but especially as we set out on a new day, a new week and a new year.
Look at
Jesus is the Son of God.
Mark, the writer of this second Gospel, announced that truth to begin his book ().
The first of all that Jesus began to do here on earth, that is where these pages start.
The beginning … refers to the beginning of his earthy ministry, His work and his teaching.
It is not His beginning.
He has no beginning or ending.. Hebrews 13:8
And of course we have the wonderful testimony of
The beginning of that would be our beginning… the Word, Jesus was there, He was with God and He was God.
Mark, here in chapter 1, verse 1 says that He is the Son of God.
So Mark reminds us He is the second person of the Trinity, He is God’s Son.
The perfect, sinless Son of God, born of a woman born under the law.. .
And then if you look a little further down in Mark chapter 1, verses 9-11.
So right here we see that Jesus is come to be baptized by John, and as this happens we see something so wonderful taking place, we see the Father proclaiming that this is the His Son.
The scene we see here is truly one of the most for the Trinity is displayed.
You have Jesus coming up out of the water, the Father is speaking and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove.
I wanted a little more information, about the whole Idea of this descends like a dove…
The Holy Spirit is not presented as or compared with a dove in the MT or the LXX, but the use of the piel participle of רחף (“brooding” or “hovering over”) to describe the activity of the “Spirit of God” (רוח אלהים) in * may have given rise to the idea.
- A Commentary on the Gospel of Mark
The Holy Spirit is not presented as or compared with a dove in the MT or the LXX, but the use of the piel participle of רחף (“brooding” or “hovering over”) to describe the activity of the “Spirit of God” (רוח אלהים) in Gen 1:2* may have given rise to the idea.
The Holy Spirit is not presented as or compared with a dove in the MT or the LXX, but the use of the piel participle of רחף (“brooding” or “hovering over”) to describe the activity of the “Spirit of God” (רוח אלהים) in Gen 1:2* may have given rise to the idea.
It might be that the Holy Spirit has come to as a prophetic voice come true where the the Lord spoke to Isaiah the prophet
And if you go down a little further we find that another proof of Jesus being the Son of God..
Look at verse 12-13
Now Mark doesn’t give us as much material about the event as we know that other NT gospel writers share with us, but we know that the account is the same
Jesus after his baptism and the very beginning of His public ministry that the Spirit leads him, out into the wilderness.
And it is here that the Satan comes to tempt the Lord.
Satan comes especially because of who this is, He comes to the Lord in the hopes of defeating Him, or trying to overcome Him.
But Satan cannot overcome the Son of God the one who even brought Him into existence.
The angels and fallen angels are the creation of God, as such they had a beginning and can have an ending of the Lord chooses to end their life....
Only God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is eternal.
And then if you go down a little farther, verses 23-27
Verse 21 tells us that Jesus is in Capernaum, that home away from home for Him.
And this day they are in the synagogue, and Jesus is teaching and they are astonished in His teaching.
And verse 23 tells us immediately there is a man with a demon who comes out of the synagogue.
The demons cry out to jesus, you know why?
They are subject to Him, they are His creation.
Jesus rebukes them, and casts them out and tells them to be quiet and they obey precisely .
The cannot be disobedient to Him, because He is the Son of God, God himself.
And then another point to consider is as the son, Jesus spent a great deal of time in communication to the Father.
Three times, Mark records Jesus’ praying (Mark1:35; 6:46; 14:32), with speaking of prolonged praying very early in the morning—“while it was still dark,” in fact ().
Jesus, the Son of God, so loved and followed the Father that He deliberately and persistently pushed away from the work of ministry in order to spend time with Him.
That commitment sometimes necessitated meeting with Him long before others were awake, but Jesus kept that commitment as primary.
When I think of all the times that Jesus Prayers it reminds me more and more that we should be people who pray.
And at the beginning of this new year, we should seek to pray more and more.
To be like Paul, be persistent in prayer.
Do I live like I genuinely believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
If not, where do I need to repent?
Jesus is the Son of God.
Mark, the writer of this second Gospel, announced that truth to begin his book ().
The Father proclaimed that truth as well at the baptism of His Son ().
Even the demons understood that truth, even if they had no intention of following Him ().
Jesus was the One through whom all things were made (), and all of creation points to Him.
Three times, Mark records Jesus’ praying (Mark1:35; 6:46; 14:32), with speaking of prolonged praying very early in the morning—“while it was still dark,” in fact ().
Jesus, the Son of God, so loved and followed the Father that He deliberately and persistently pushed away from the work of ministry in order to spend time with Him.
That commitment sometimes necessitated meeting with Him long before others were awake, but Jesus kept that commitment as primary.
Do I intentionally set a side time to be with the Father each day?
Do I live like I genuinely believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
If not, where do I need to repent?Do I intentionally set a side time to be with the Father each day?
PRAYER: “God, I pray that this new year includes a deeper commitment to You.”
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