Good morning family. How are you doing this morning? This afternoon. I did it. I did it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
It's only going to happen three hundred more times.
All right. Hey, look we're going to do our second half of our lesson. We started last week last week we talked about conform. And today we're going to talk about transformed we talked about.
We talked about how it's not always bad to conform to a good thing. There are good things we can conform to we have many Christian examples in our lives of things that are good and beneficial and we can say I want to be more like that and you can do those things and you will be conforming to a Christian model and that's not bad your life will probably be better if you can form to a Christian model. I guess I'm a minister. I have to say that but That's not this that's not what God's ultimate plan for you in your life is he doesn't want a bunch of people that have conformed to a good image. He wants people who are his image and as image Bearer, we can't do that in our worldly. So we have to be transformed to into the image of his son. And so we are going to jump right back into the same verse we talked about last week. Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve. What God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will gosh. I love this verse. What's funny about this verse and this is not you don't get this right away. This verse is an amazing little snapshot at the gospel message and you might look at it. A lot of like salvation language in there doesn't talk about being forgiven of your sins or anything like that and I get it but surprisingly this is the gospel message. We'll get into that in a little bit my goal this morning is that some of you have experienced transformation and that this would be a reminder and kind of here's what you should be looking for on that side of transformation. Some of you may have never experienced this type of transformation My Hope Is that you could be like, hey, I want that. I don't want you to feel good that the the biblical narrative God's plan through his word is to show us how that actually works. It's not like I said, you should transform instead of conform now go figure that out on your own. That would be a bummer honestly, if that's what the Bible said, but the Bible gives you a Clear Vision for what that actually looks like in your life. So start with this renewed mind. Do not conform but be transformed. by the renewing of your mind and it would be very easy for this to get a little Esoteric metaphysical a little up in the cloud and not very practical but the reality is this is super practical. The renewing of our minds is extremely practical you've heard it boom is preached to actually listen to the sermon where she said almost everything. I'm going to say, so just know I'm not making anything up. This isn't about repentance primarily, which is funny because there's no repentance is not a word in that verse. Romans 12:2 doesn't say repentance and yet it's so much about the idea of repentance. And so we're going to talk. I don't know if you've ever read the book repentance by 15 years ago. It's a great book highly recommend you reading it.
This book helped me kind of shake off. Some of my religiousness ideas of Christian of repentance in the Christian faith. Like I grew up going to church every Sunday and I thought I had a pretty solid idea what repentance was and then you come to find out. Oh I have I'm thinking wrong about a lot of things when it comes to repentance.
My understanding repentance was honestly if it was feel bad about how bad you are. If you feel bad enough about the bad things you've done you have repented and then if you want to take it a step further its will do something about it make up for it. That's where we kind of penance do Penance like it's not just not just good enough. If you steal something. You can't just feel bad about it, like take it back or pay for it.
That is not a Biblical understanding of repentance whatsoever. And we're going to we're going to dig into that. So repentant the word repentance in the Bible when we read it. That's a very strange word. That's kind of been translated and transliterated and kind of morphed over the years and the word repentance. Is it in the Bible? That doesn't come from the Greek for anyting the word we read when we read repentance is metanoia.
And some of you this is old news and some of you this is brand-spanking-new. Metanoia Greek word. Whenever you read repentance in the Bible, you're either reading metanoia what it means in a nutshell. You're going to change the way you think. And so, you know, we have like Metamorphosis we change shape. We have you. No paranoia or double-minded Wilmette is changed.
And you might be thinking. Well, that's awesome. I change my mind all the time.
I put on this shirt and then I decided I don't want to wear that shirt so I put on it for sure. That's not the same as repentance.
I think you know that you get that but so what is it? What is metanoia and why is it so important? What we need to change the way that we think about repentance so that we can repent. So that we can change the way we think about everything. So we're going to Dive Right In Your so when you read the word repent in the in the New Testament of the gospel because of a versus like this. This is how Jesus started his ministry from that time on Jesus began to preach repent for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near
So what does how does that fit if repent means change your mind? It makes more sense. If it's pay feel bad about the bad things are doing because the Kingdom of Heaven is coming near. But Jesus says change the way you think. And it makes perfect sense when you realize he was talking to people thought one way about the kingdom of God, and now they're going to need to think differently about the kingdom of God. So Jesus says change the way you think about the kingdom. An infant next year we're going to do a whole series on the kingdom where you are all going to be challenged to change the way you think about the kingdom. But this was the introduction to Jesus his ministry repent change the way you think repentance is also the introductions for the church because a knack to it starts with repent Peter replied repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And Peter the people he preaches a sermon at Pentecost. He like Jesus was the Messiah and you killed them and they have a very emotional reaction Brothers what she cut to the heart. What do we do? And Peter didn't say. Oh nothing you feel bad enough. I can see your emotional reaction that admits the need. So your good he said you need to repent. You need to change the way you think about the Messiah cuz they were convicted that they killed the Messiah. He's like no you have to repent and you you wanted salvation from the Messiah. I'm going to tell you how to get that. We have to change the way you think so this was the introduction to the church repent my question is, how is your thinking? How how is your thinking? And that's kind of strange question. You might be like, it's fine, bro. Leave me alone. But repentance is not just changing your mind here is how I make sense of repentance in my own life. My way of thinking is like this God's way of thinking is like this.
I'm the one that needs to change. I need to make my way of thinking line up with God's way of thinking. Is another way to say it. I need to see things the way God sees things. And then when you frame it like that. And you start to think okay. Will God sees something this way and I see it a different way and that distance that difference from that flows all my sin.
Because cuz I'm not seeing the world the way God sees the world. And so for me repentance, it sounds like I'm letting everyone off really easy cuz I say all repentance is just changing your mind you like that's it. It's really serious.
So let's go through some examples.
I have possessions and money and things. And God sees money in a certain way. And yet I see it in a different way. And that that difference we call greed or materialism or consumerism, but the sin of greed is because I inherently at a basic level. I don't see myself the way God sees my stuff I see it is mine. I bought this ironed it as much I put in those hours. I got that check my God, like none of that is yours. Are you up nothing, but I didn't give you you need to repent you need to see yourself the way I see your stuff. About relationships with other people.
You know when I look when I look I'm going to really real when I look at a woman. Other than the way God looks at her. We call that lust at its best week all that lust.
And so we have these think what I Dollar Tree when I look at a person as being able to provide more than they can honestly actually provide for me. I looked them up and I say you you have all this power over me and I'll give you everything at the Dollar Tree.
I'm not seeing that person the way God sees that person. You're going to talk directly to the men men. You don't look at women the way God looks at women.
And their flows your sin. And so what is repentance repentance is not stop doing bad things. Although that's a part of it. We're going to get to that repentance is see that person. Do you think about that person the way God thinks about that person? No getting your thinking in line with God's thinking repent. And then you can move forward. Do you see lordship? Or even just humility as a whole as a sign of weakness. Do you feel like I do if I'm too humble people take advantage of me, even though it says the opposite in the Bible. Do you think that if I'm to Humble people take advantage me you need to repent you need to change the way you think about humility. Do you see things and people as things that will serve you? You need to change the way you think.
Ask someone who knows you. Is there any area of my thinking that is not in line with God's thinking? And don't be upset when they tell you the truth. Cuz they will if they love you. And then the answer for a lot of these is in the Bible and we're going to get some of that but my repenting by Renewing Your Mind you start the process of transformation the whole process but you start the process of transformation. And so this is one of the big differences between conforming and transforming is that when I conform I can think whatever I want. And I can live a life where I look good on the outside and the inside is all off you no limits. Don't tell me anything. I'm putting in my time. I'm looking turkey enough. We're good. And yet transformation has nothing to do with just the way you look on the outside.
And it lets me want a number to let's talk about butterflies. All right, I love this. And it was actually my mom a long time ago who taught me about how caterpillars become butterflies and it blows my mind. If you've never looked this up look it up not right now wait till we're done but look up how caterpillars become butterflies do butterflies.
They start out as caterpillars and then they go through a pupa phase where if you're a moth is called a cocoon if it's a butterfly chrysalis and then you come out something different. Right and for the long in time as a little guy like I thought the caterpillar went into a cocoon and grew wings and now there's a butterfly and here's what shockingly insane about how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Caterpillar doesn't grow anything in the kitchen. Caterpillar does all of its growing up until he forms the pupa. And then once once he's in that cocoon, he literally digests himself into nothing. He becomes nothing like if you crack open a cocoon, you won't find a half caterpillar half butterfly. You'll find poop. There's no caterpillar phones. There's no caterpillar. Eyeballs. There's no caterpillar brain. There's no caterpillar. There's no part of the caterpillar is left. It breaks down to nothing. Literally. There's like Caterpillar protein shake of DNA. The science is blowing. These little groups of cells called and those things are they they contain the code that will become a butterfly or moth. And yet there is no caterpillar left.
and so you go into the Cocoon and you die. And then you are reborn as a butterfly or moth.
This has everything to do with spiritual transformation.
because the spiritual transformation is no less drastic. I mean it is as drastic. If not more metamorphosis is not a makeover. There's actually a book. I'm not going to name names but some like religious really really got that sells a lot of books. He had a book. It was like I can't remember what it's called was like being your best you or something like that. And that's the religious World take me where I'm at add something to me to make me better. Show me plus Jesus equals Maple Jesus, right? That's not Jesus has planned for you, though. God's plan is you minus you plus Jesus equals an image Bearer.
And it would be very easy very easy for us to reduce repentance down to pay. You just filled you feel bad. You can you can move on. Okay good image to conform to now you look good on the outside and what we do as a church is hand out butterfly wings. to all these caterpillars Come in. There's a butterfly wings play the part. Okay?
And yet that is not God's plan for you. He doesn't want caterpillars walking around with butterfly wings on.
Metamorphosis is not a makeover. We're not even in the business of growing wings in the church. Honestly, and this is this is like the sad truth of it all we're in the business of breaking down our self. And we understand that self is so dangerous to the life cycle. If if our life cycle that God has planned for you includes transformation. We have to get rid of self. We have to get rid of this thing that I'm the most important thing is you can add some nice spiritual stuff to me. I won't lose myself and I get it and I totally get it.
Tell me a Christian in the Bible is quoted the dying. So what's up with that when Christians died that went to sleep already.
Becoming a disciple is like death.
If you were to say, well you're a preacher isn't your job supposed to be like throw the church in like, you know, we want to get it. But if our job is to fill seats in the first step would just be lower the standard a Biblical discipleship and let people know but I don't want to hang out butterfly wings. I want to fellowship with butterflies and caterpillars in one of your butterfly. And we're going to talk a little bit more in a little bit about the lifecycle thing. Alright, so
this is important. Okay. Julie. You're either one or the other.
And this is the one thing I wish I could gloss over. And yet I feel like I have to say it. just like there's not a caterpillar that's growing into a butterfly that they're not like picking and choosing what parts of the butterfly they want. They're dying and then they're being reborn. And then once a reborn they're not a caterpillar anymore. They don't eat like a caterpillar.
And so here's my semi controversial statement morning every single person in this room including me is either on one side of the transformation or the other. And there's not this tiptoeing back and forth. You're either on one side of the transformation or you're not now if you're not if you haven't been through transformation, you're a bad person you are on the life cycle that God has you on you haven't entered into that cocoon yet. But that's God's plan for you is that you will do that. and it would be very bad of me or anyone to try to help you sidestep that. dangerous spiritually My job is to help people through that transformation.
God has designed a point in everyone's life where you stop being you. And you start being the person he knows you can be. And yet we want to like phase it in like slow. I want to evolve into. the Christian version of me I'm just saying that is not God's plan for you. If you don't know what side of the transmission you're on, please talk to someone. All right.
I love this 2nd Corinthians 5:17. Therefore if anyone is in Christ. The new creation has come the old has gone. The new is here. This is describing. But it's not this evolutionary process. You stop being a caterpillar you start being a butterfly and then rejoice in that fact. Okay, but if I got it I got it. Okay. So what how does that look? What does that mean now if I am? A butterfly. Well, it looks like a renewed mind living the renewed life.
So this is my last one point or three the renewed life.
Don't you think that's something as drastic as metamorphosis would look different than the way it did before and he kiss her is. Yes. Just like a caterpillar and a butterfly or two different animals. And if a butterfly tried to walk move see think eat like a caterpillar it actually wouldn't survive.
A butterfly can't act like a caterpillar anymore or it won't make it.
So what does the renewed life of someone who has gone through transformation looks like well, it's funny because we read in Romans 12:2 about this painting beautiful. It's scary but Vivid image of what A Renewed life looks like read that this week. Sometimes read Romans 12 13 14.
Because he finishes he says, you know. Don't conform to be transformed.
And then what? I'm going to start in. verse 9 just as I read this think about the butterfly. Come out spiritually you lived one way you died to yourself. You made Jesus Lord of your life. And then what is life supposed to look like on the other side of that? Just listen to the words of Paul. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourself never be lacking in Zeal. But keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord be joyful in Hope patient in Affliction faithful in prayer share with the Lord's people who I need practice hospitality. Let those who persecute you bless and do not curse Rejoice with those who Rejoice mourn with those who mourn live in harmony with one another do not be proud to not be willing to associate with people of but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone if it is possible as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone do not take revenge. My dear friends, but leave room for God's Wrath for it is written it is mine to avenge. I will repay says the Lord on the contrary if your enemy is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him something to drink in doing this you will Heap burning coals on his head do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good That is what the renewed life looks like. That's intense.
I know what my life before I was a disciple looks like it looked nothing like that. Who's completely self-serving? I was better than everyone. I didn't care about anyone.
It's to go from who I was to that requires. transformation Requires having a renewed mind and living the renewed life.
And not only that but living this way is how we reach a lost and hurting world. You can't say we are disciples and yet live like everyone else.
You will be telling everyone.
Which is what I did as a religious kid who went to church all the time. My dad was a minister and yet I would be like hey. You know, my relationships are not pure manipulating people. and yet I'm telling everyone that I am the example to follow.
When I came to this I was like wow God. Thank you for sparing me. I did not deserve that Grace that you gave me all those years. art A Renewed mind will always lead A Renewed life. And that's a bold statement always bro always because that's what repentance is.
It's so remember repentance is not that you feel bad or that you you know. Try to make up for your sins. It's better that you think and see the way God thinks and sees and if you think and see the way God thinks and see if you don't do the things he did when you thought for yourself and saw things the way you thought they should be. it so you might say well I have the renewed mind but not the renewed life and I would say we think that spend a little more time Renewing Your Mind. Before you assume that you're all good. and like I said, you're either on one side and transformation on the other so when I got baptized I was like
I started sending again. Like man, I want it. I want that. I want that redo again. I want that reset button on my sin. God's like everyday that's what repentance is. You renew your mind and you live in the renewed life and then at some point you decide I want my life back. I don't want Jesus to be Lord of my life anymore. I want to be Lord Of My Life.
and the guys like I got you you need to renew your mind and live the renewed life in Acts Paul describes this in Acts Acts 26 20
He's explaining his ministry and he says I preached that they should repent. And turn to God. And demonstrate their repentance by their deeds, you might remember some old version say prove their repentance by their deeds.
And this is Paul saying the same thing repent change your mind turn to God transform and then demonstrate your repentance live the renewed life.
once you're on this side of transformation You live a life of metanoia. You live a life of repentance. Everyday I get to wake up and decide am I going to think the way God thinks about the stuff?
Hopefully the answer is yes. I want to be in line with my creator. So I don't care if you are like brand new never heard this before or this is all old hat. You might be having a problem. With repentance, you might be having a problem with transformation. And so it might be one of these three things. Okay. The first one are you renew in your mind, you might have a repentance problem you maybe and it would not be your fault. If you grew up your whole life in the repentance is just feeling bad. I get it. But I'm here to tell you that the Bible says repentance is changing your mind and getting it in line with the way God thinks and sees things. And if you're if you're struggling with a certain sin, break it down to that and get help ask someone I can't stop this. What am I not seeing or thinking right? Let people help you. If you are not Renewing Your Mind. Let someone Show You Through the Bible through Godly counsel what that renewed mind looks like it might you might be having a transformation problem. But you have been trying for a long time. To become a better version of yourself and yet never choosing to actually die to yourself. There's a funny thing. There are some animals that don't go through the pupa phase like a dragonfly just grows wings. Okay, it starts out no wings and a crow's Wing, but the semi scientific name for metamorphosis. Cuz it just grew some wings. It's the little one looks just like a big one but with wings and sides. It's like an incomplete metamorphosis. You have to go through that Pupa phase where you die and then become something else for you to be called an actual complete metamorphosis. I don't want dragonfly. I don't want people for trying to go through an incomplete metamorphosis, and that's not what God wants. God has the life cycle for all human and it includes this. complete the metamorphosis And then the last thing is just maybe you're still conforming. Are you living the renewed life or are you still just trying to like shape yourself around a Christian image? And I stop saying bad words and isn't that good enough great, but that's not transformation. That's conforming. They said I shouldn't drink this. I stopped drinking this they said I should quit doing that. So I quit doing that. That's great. But that's not transformation. So I want you to understand you might be you might still be conforming. Until finally transform do not conform but be transformed. I hope today is that if you are visiting you will desire. to pursue this more and you will want to know what life on the other side of transformation looks like
Or maybe you're one of the old crusty Christians who been human at this a long time. And yet you forgot that you should be living a renewed life. The answer is metanoia. The answer is repentance, and then you with that renewed mind. You can move on to live the renewed life. I meant I love you guys. Thank you so much for your time.