John 4 | Finding True Fulfillment In Your Life
I will have our first half of the Bible reading for today sermon today and we're reading from John Chapter 4 verses 1 to 26 and not that's on page 588 the Pew Bibles and if you do look on your Bibles, you probably want to keep them open.
Reading is from John Chapter 4 verses 1 to 26. Low. In fact, it was not Jesus who baptized but his disciples so he left you there and went back once more to golladay. Now he had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in America near the place of ground Jake and had given to his son. Joseph Jacobs & J's is Todd as he was Ben the Journey Down by the way, it was about noon. When is Samaritan woman came to draw a water? Jesus said to her would you give me a drink you are a Jew and I'm a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink for Jews? Do not associate with Samaritans is a gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living. So the woman said you have nothing to draw with and the Willie state. Where can you get this living water than our father Jacob who gave us his sons in his last stroke. Jesus said everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of water I give them a spring of water welling up to Eternal lie. The woman said to him, so give me this water so that I won't get Tuesday and have to keep coming here to draw water. He told her that I told you a husband and come back. I have no husband. She replied Jesus said to her you arrive when you say you have not husband the factors you have had five husbands. And then what you have just said is quite true. So the woman said I can say that you are a prophet our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but you choose kind that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem. Woman Jesus replied believe me a time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem you Samaritans worship what you do not know we worship. What we do know for salvation is from the Jews is a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the father in the spirit. And in truth for the other kind of worship was the father seeks God is spirit and his worshipers must Worship in the spirit and in the truth, The woman said I know that Messiah cool Christ is coming when he comes he will explain everything to us. Then Jesus declared. I the one you taking to I am he take a seat and we'll have the second half about Bible reading. So, please open back up to John chapter 4.
1 John 4:27 242 continuing on from Helen's first Bible reading Justin and his disciples returned and was surprised to find him talking with a woman but now and ask what do you want? Why why are you choking with her? Then leaving her water jaw, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, see a man who told me everything I ever did could this be the Messiah? They came out of the town in night. They white told him. Meanwhile, his disciples urged Rabbi ate something. But he said to them I have food to wait that you know, nothing about. When is disciple said to each other? Could someone have brought him some food? My food said Jesus is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Don't you have a sign? It's still full months until Harvest. I tell you open your eyes and look at the fields that rock the Harvest. Even now the one who reaps rules of wage and harvest a crop for eternal life. So that is sour and the repo may be glad together. That's the sign one size and another reaps is true. I sent you to reap what you have not work for others have done the hard work and you have reaped the benefits of their labor. Many of the Samaritans from that town believes in him because of the woman's Testament pissed in a mini. He told me everything I ever did so in the Samaritans came to him to stay with him and he stayed two days and because of his words many more became Believers. I said to the woman we no longer believe just because of what you said now we have food for ourselves and we know that this man really is the savior of the world.
Well, thank you. I talked to your warm welcome. It's really good to be back with you again as we continue on looking at John's gospel. So before we do that come before the Lord in prayer, let's pry. This road. We thank you. We have the privilege of coming and looking at your word to die will be prideful Spirit to be upon us as we look at your word for between courage board and to apply your word Travelodge in Jesus name, I mean
What person wants to Squad life as being like an onion? You peel off of the Lion. I need to discover the end that there's nothing in it except cheese. Don't think it's a good chance that the woman of Samaria would have agreed with that sentiment. From the little let's wait all about her in John's gospel. So hard to imagine what she was like. How many people she was looking for happiness? But happiness seemed to go on eluding her. We told him the story that she'd had five husbands. And the man that she was now living with a spouse.
I'm sure if we read between the lines. She was probably a person of heart that love and marriage would like a lot with wall. The love and marriage will give her loss meaning and direction.
Somehow every relationship up to the present to turn Sarah on Her. It's no different to die.
People feel bored and like purpose in their life. So they throw another marriage. Now the relationship other job, but there are any a temporary of Skype. I think this condo utilities also present amongst a younger generation room sometime. The guy was so by being done in one of the high schools. Showing the boredom and drug-taking with two of the most frequently mentioned problems amongst teenagers at the school.
So how do you overcome the problem of meaninglessness and futility in your life? How do you hope all is fine meaning and purpose? I think we get an answer to this question in John chapter 4. We read about Jesus encounter with the woman at the well.
This conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well is the second conversation that John records first in his gospel. In the earlier conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. John said that they were not able so good and you in today's Story shows the opposite there another table so sinful that they cannot be changed through an Uber.
John chapter 4 verse 7, which hold of the woman to whom Jesus Park was the Samaritan woman.
So what are we know all this Samaritans? What are the peace in the Old Testament is Samaritan's for a group of people of mixed Jewish descent that been living in Samaria since the fall of the northern tribe of Israel to the syrians in 722 BC? You can call them half juice if you like next to the country of Judea.
The knife is of the Jews. What are the 200 years until the coming of Christ? It was hydrogen has animosity between the two groups.
Samaritans were treated like Gentiles for the Jews. Samaritan's with limited access to the inner courts of the Temple Even marriage between the two groups is favorited. And because of this the real Jews avoided Samaria like the plague. No, Charter got out of there. Why robin Reese contact with the Samaritans?
And yet despite the Jewish antagonism towards the Samaritans. With all the Jesus had to go through Samaria. That Jesus could have easily taken another route on his wife. Why is the Galilee? Jesus chose to go through this despised area of Samaria.
This meeting with the woman of Samaria was no changed matter. It was a must about it. Woman had no idea that she would make Jesus. When she does she's surprised. Richest is aroused by Jesus opening remark. Will you give me a drink?
Is it she replies you were doing on the Samaritan woman? How can you ask me for a drink? The Jews down to side with Samaritans. Reason for the surprise is simple. Jesus was flouting too deeply embedded social conventions of his dying. Is ignoring the hatred that it kept the Jews in the Samaritans a pop two centuries. Is ignoring me Middle Eastern custom of the dye. We should regard to get us in proper for a man to have a private conversation with a woman in public. Especially a woman of her nationality was such a pool moral reputation.
Is Alison Krauss and what Jesus did he? She's just not bothered by who you are what the world thinks of you. He's not hampered by discrimination on sexual or racial grounds. He doesn't avoid you if your reputation is being tarnished over cuz you'd better filed badly in the past. Play Ronnie Spector Nicodemus. Who's the Jewish aristocrat? How are you speaking to a female Samaritan president who lived in the morrow lost star? He treated by Nicodemus in the Samaritan woman.
I think that's a bright encouragement. So it doesn't matter who you are what you've done what you were like now. The story shows that Jesus is interested in you spot your background. Is accepting of those who in the world Rejects? but the woman of Samaria at the well
Jesus didn't leave it there. This is growing quickly dispenses of the small talk. He challenges the spiritual emptiness in This Woman's life. He said he understand if you knew the gift of God and who it is the last you for a drink. You would have asked him you would have given you living water.
Auburn Charles to divert the focus of Jesus remarks Jesus points to himself as a source of eternal life and so he says in boost soda and whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again. Weather drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Did the water I give him what will happen him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
But how many of you have enjoyed Bush walking? Now when I was younger, I went hiking with a university called egg on the roof done track and then use it on apps. On the last diabetic shake it was a really hot guy. We were really thirsty.
remember coming across a crystal clear Ice Cold Mountain stream refreshing
Smith Lockwood, Jesus says he can give to men and women and in the fountain or bubbling fatality spiritual first. What do swans the time Italy? a song that easy answer
This is an award at this woman saw.
Can you accept Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord he gives you his living water. Jesus doesn't sign this passage. What do you mean by living water refill? Look at chapter 7 verses 38 and 39 you find at the living water is explained as a coming of the Holy Spirit. Nothing something similar is mad he? Jesus speaking of the new life that he will give through the woods of the Holy Spirit which leads to eternal life.
instead of living for yourself state of living for this world Jesus called you to leave in a new relationship with him and that brings the Deep satisfaction. Cuz you know that you're living in a robot relationship with God. And you can look forward to eternal life with him. This is Jace is my clear to the woman in verse 10. Salvation and eternal life is not something that we strive for a room. It's a gift of God.
Sadly many Christians have not really experienced much of this living water. Why is this?
Well, I will draw benchley guys Joy if not water is drawn from it. Sing the song why we need to be show the way tapping into God's spirit by reading his word asking him to pay filling us with his spirit. And that's why I was drawn to the Lord himself in the spirit.
the still a problem of sin to be dealt with Jesus knew that the Samaritan woman couldn't trust him as his Savior and Lord. until she Drew painted dog has seen change the reminder Augustine sister her. You're right. When you say you have no husband. The fact is you've had five husbands. The menu now have is not your husband. What you just said is quite true.
Send me the case of mini table would like to receive the gift of eternal life. Blessed with this woman. You can't become a genuine believer. Come to a point of asking the Lord that you need his forgiveness for the sin in your life. Some people drink a lot and I see Christian message and say come to Jesus and everything will be okay. That's true to some extent from this is a repentance.
from the date of the all life coming to Jesus makes little sense.
Show me when you realize that what Jesus has saved you from the Joule conversion will be genuine.
Jesus knew that the woman at the well needed to be confronted by defected to the Romero lost star. Video conversion to be real recognizes sinfulness to Anna wife from it. Jesus and put his finger squarely on the woman's problem. You made her aware of the need in the Lord. Can you tell someone what you really need to know for her salvation?
United of the woman's remark that you use a massage I was coming Jesus sitting verse 26 I who speak to you and hoodie? 3 stipend for Jesus comes across in a far more powerful. Why original brake wear John Rod Jesus? I am the one speaking to you. To this woman that's time. It would be mind-blowing. Samaritan's accepted the first five books of the Old Testament and sell their Willow where the accounting Exodus chapter 3 verse 14 when Moses at the burning bush house called to tell him his name. He God replied I am who I am. This is what you are decide to the Israelites. I am has sent me to you. So Jason is here is no.
He claims to be God himself. And he gives a sloth giving himself to us. It's a majestic stipend this eternal life that he's been talking about this water that will satisfy us is found in a relationship with him. the living one
Look at the effect it has on her with all the chi you left toward a job. She went back into the town and she told the townsfolk will about Jesus. How much are the mini Samaritan's bleeding priced because of the woman's testimony and because of Jesus words?
plus if you who believing Prost Society how many thousands of people like that woman?
Can make them practically anywhere. Some Christians say the answering Revival Revival comes to God and becoming Christians. The story shows that the Harvest was already there.
the mini Table Rock This Woman every way you don't have to wait for anything special to happen. You simply have to top stop talking to them like Jesus did. the steps to simple showing acceptance of famous people coping news helping them to say they need to repent of this scene in the crossed challenging them to personal commitment. I just think if every believer will need one person to prosper you and discipling is Newville. Athas. We might need any other form of evangelism. Sorry for your loss is empty. Don't pretend you're a Kai. commit yourself to Jesus He doesn't ask to to abandon your cultural identity. He doesn't hasta to keep a long list of rules. It simply says come to me ask me for the Water of Life. I mean It's Prime.
movie thank you for how Lord Jesus what's so often? Regress at the menu of Los. Sometimes I lost seems futile and empty. Sometimes you quit get Court often difficult relationships and difficult circumstances in their lives. But the Lord help us to see who Jesus is. It has come to give us your holy spirit is living water. What we think you did your love just so much should you sent Jesus into our world, but I need that but he paid the penalty for a scene on the cross. So he restores to you. Will help us to trust in Jesus the one who provides Living Water.
movie Pride we moderate scenes We might accept him as a sovereign Lord continue to walk in his wise to show his light to the world. And as your messages, we pray that we might be faithful and telling the good news of the Gospel to all of us to Die 2 mod have a opportunity to respond like this woman at the well, and so we'd probably seems a Jesus name I mean