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prayers of call Open Mic Night Vision Center

So we walk them everyone to our faith live audience today. We are talking about Lucas still continue to hear some word. The series called bold and vote it in it in his word because our new series so So bone into Series today people we went we want to be courage and brave and are a superhero movies. They

they strive to be characterized by fearlessness confidence and power that Captain America and Ironman. Is empty of Raven robideaux? When not in the way God intended me and Pastor Joby Martin as we take this 3 weeks 3 weeks Journey will use scriptures to teach us to be desired to be bald or not allowed for purpose. They were created to play a part in God's Redemptive work in the world and live Kurt Kurt courage's curse Lee. Courage of the for the cause of God's kingdom God has Empower us to live a life of bonus bonus interfere with their words to share the true and prayers because our God is so powerful today people who follow Christ and live fully in the world. So I like to walk the most of the people that join us on our lives stream on Instagram.

Where did I get into this?

So we're going to church to our Bibles to the Book of Romans chapter 1 verses 16. Turn to your holy Bibles right now Guide to the Book of Romans chapter 1 verses 16 of the English Standard Version. Which is the ESV version?

And there's a lot of person if you want to use your pyro, that's okay, but it will save different things on there. But it makes the scripture said in the Book of Romans chapter 1 verses 16 size for I am not ashamed of it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek So he's talking about the righteousness shall live by faith.

So he's not a shame because he expresses a high degree of confidence in the gospel. Is confident that the whole he has placed in the gospel message will not be disappointed and in the Book of Romans chapter 5 verses 5. We also talking about the power.

The power means the Greek word used here is dynamic it often refers to the miracle. It's work but just scriptures like the Book of Matthew chapter 7 verses 22 The Book of Matthew chapter 11 verses 22 Book of Mark chapter 6 verses 2 and hear it refers to God's ability to deliver his people from sin and future judgment in the book of Exodus chapter 9 verse 16 The Book of Romans chapter 8 verses 2 through 3 the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verses 18 and a book of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 5. Power also relates to the power of the Holy Spirit, which is in the Book of Romans chapter 1 verses 4.

We're talking about salvation. The Greek word use here is tyria reverse to deliverance from the final judgment. I also might revert to the deliverance from sin and a result of sin and death of alienation from God.


so the light on this scripture is Juju for the Jews first and also to the Greek Paul uses reference to both Jews and Greeks or gentiles. Compass all of the humanity. I know the gospel messages applies to all people Paul describes it as being directed first toward the chew because God gave the Jews the comet and Promises to which the Constable referred referred to the Book of Romans chapter 9 verses for the party of the Jews in God's Plan of Salvation of anti shut. This is the discussion of Israel's future Row in chapter 9 9 through 11.

so the next scripture says and the book of

in the Book of John


The Book of John chapter 19 verses 30 And the scripture says and I welcome to so you just joining us. anyways

So I like the Walker know so you just join us of my services here in the Book of John chapter 19 verses 30. It says when Jesus had received the sour wine. He said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. So it's talking about it is completed So Jesus, no.

Dolls that God's plans for him has reached its completion. He has done what he came to Earth to do in the Book of John chapter 17 Verses 4 and 5. This is likely a citation of a Psalm chapter 22 verses 22 the whole chapter 22 verses 31 30 and 31. Jesus is claiming that he is with the ultimate suffer for God's people.

so in the book of Acts

chapter 3

so we're talking about Peter speaks in Solomon's for Puerto Rico. So in the book of Acts chapter 3 verses 11 through 16. It says to Peter and John all the people all curly. I shot two shot founded ran together to Shazam in the end of protocol call Solomon's

So if verse 11.

Fertility protocol is called Solomon's right so a s*** area along the eastern wall of court of Gentiles. It was used for conference teaching and our conversations act later records that Christian sometimes gather information by

In the Acts chapter 5 verses 12 Oaks play more of that.

First first 12 says and when Peter solid he address the people of Israel. Why do you wander at this or why do you stare at us at what fault but our own power and piety we have meet him walk. Show is talking about on the power and authority of Jesus on any Supernatural tribute. to the apostles

verse 13 says

the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob the god of our fathers glorify his servant Jesus whom you've delivered over and denied in his presence of part of a pilot when he had to release him. So he's talking about the guy or just the phrase recalls God's covenant promises to Abraham a faithfulness to Israel turning making Israel a great nation and blessing the entire world in the Book of Genesis chapter 12 verses 1 and 3 in the book of Exodus chapter 3 verses 6 in the book of 1st King chapter 1830. Verses 36. He also mentions servants in this word means the Greek word used. Here is Titus. videos of to the suffering servant mentioned in Isaiah chapter 52 vs 13

So the great Gorge dialogues Empires our vote translate often as servants in English filed a lot more often in the New Testament in the book of Acts chapter 2 verses 18 The Book of Romans chapter 1 verses 1 to book of Romans chapter 6 verses 16 the book of Galatians chapter 1 verses 10 to book of Ephesians chapter 6 verses 5 to book of Philippians chapter 1 verses in the book of Titus Chapter 1 verses 1 and the Book of Revolution chapter 1 verses 1 as a distant for the suffering servant in Isaiah Peters use of the term would suit his audience. remember to serve it in Isaiah who Compass is God's will through his suffering and Resurrection in the book of Isaiah chapter 52 verses 13 and the book of Isaiah chapter 50 through the book of Isaiah chapter 53 verses 12 in the end the servant becomes the Conquering Hero who rules in the book of Isaiah chapter 53 verses 12 through Israel 6, but it but his victory over death. He restores the nation both spiritually in the book of Isaiah chapter 53 verses 10 through 12 and physically in the book of Isaiah chapter 54 verses 1 through 3.

So who would hand it over and denied Peter recalls the betrayals that occurred during crisis trial and execution and his audience invocation in. Many days. Are you here in Jerusalem in the Book of Matthew chapter 20 verses 19 and Book of Luke chapter 23 verse 1 so we'll get into verse 14 now.

Is there a spot you deny the holy and righteous righteous this one and ask for a murder to be granted to you and you will kill the offer of Life whom God raised from the dead to this we Are Witnesses. So we're talking about the Holy and their brightest has one ever swore teen Isaiah frequently described as to Holy One to show God's District distinctive character as well as Israel's guilt in being unfaithful to him. In the book of Isaiah chapter 1 verses for the book of Isaiah chapter 5 verses 24 to book of Isaiah chapter 10 verses 713 by giving Jesus to tidy Isaiah uses for God Peter Enterprise implies that most of us ideas Divine character in status. Isaiah also speaks on the work of suffering servant that makes him righteousness or just and the perfect sacrifice is giving him and the grounds to bring both Jewish and non-jewish people into the right relationship with God the father in The Book of Isaiah chapter 53 verses 5 through 11.

So we go to first 15. Maybe I did gif. Oh, baby, I did.

The first 35th annual killed the author of Life whom God raised from the dead to this. We are the witnesses. So we're talking about the originator, which is the Greek term use here is our Eagles RV goals Can mean leader Grant or sores compared to the book of Acts chapter 5 verses 31. Jesus is not the only serve the God but Master alive from who anyone received their meaning and Tim home all old and a lot of g a lot against alario allergens He also mentioned raise aloe in their Rebellion two people.

Crucified the only one who could give them by Jesus Rex Resurrection for claims that God's grace have to find a word. Just ask Jesus restoration results and interest in distractible die for him. So he becomes the one who gives the life of others who put their trust in him compared to the Book of John chapter 3 verses 16 through 17.

So now we go to 416 our last first of this side. The sign says in his name five days in his name. He has made this man strong whom you see and no and no faith. That is through. Jesus has given to man does perfect health and the president of you all. So we're talking about the witnesses here lies the apostles in the Border Christian committee ARCA missed by Jesus to testify continually to his resurrection and its implications and the book of Acts chapter 1 verses 8 in the book of Isaiah chapter 43 vs.

I'm already we're taking the first 16. Okay. I just re-read first 15 Study Bible, okay. We're talking about faith. That is through him. This could mean either. The man understood what Peter's words mad and place his faith in Jesus or he place is Hope in the promise inherent in Peters Peters word and was given favor from Jesus which we write that in the Book of Matthew chapter 17 verses 20 last week.


We got a new scriptures. If you turned stay on the same chapter of the book of Acts chapter 3, we're going to talk about versus 17424 the scripture verse 17 says and now Brothers, I know that you acted in an orange as fit. Also your rulers you're talking about you acted in an orange. Is that his bail juice did not have complete knowledge other actions and crucifying Jesus while he does not excuse their says he does not decide to show. dumb God's Mercy by offering them perdon in Jesus and calling them to repentance and faith in the Book of Luke chapter 23 verses 34 says that Explains that we also talked about your rulers Peters claimed that the leaders were wrong in need of repentance and will later draw the anchor in the book of Acts Chapter 4 verses 1 through 2.

So we'll go to first 18 on this scripture says but one God foretold by the mouth of all the prophet Lance that he is Christ would suffer. He's Al's the field. He's talking about the prophecies Peter speaks brought Bradley of the Old Testament attesting to the messiah's suffering in the book of Acts chapter 2 verses 30. He has eluded High married to Isaiah throughout his sermons. Which is in Book of Psalms chapter that you can see that in first 14, but also in Book of Psalms chapter. 22t also fulfill in the book of Isaiah chapter 53 verses 12 that he speaks of the suffering and death of the submarine servant being a cowboy's. Well Peter is likely drawn on this passage since he is still a Bromley riding of his point in in the book of Acts chapter 3 verses 17 that crucifixion of Jesus ultimately in God's will that is Jesus even those who really killed him by find Salvation?

in the book of

Acts chapter 3 verses 19

It says repent there for a turn back that your sins may be bought blotted out load it out. So it's talking about repent

Southern call to repentance is always included in the gospel message and realizes that the extension place of repentance and replacing the salvation of Christ offers in the acts in the book of Acts chapter 2 verses 38 Now we're going to go to our last first, but just first 20 says that scripture says that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord in the appointed for you Jesus.

So we're talking about refreshing the great word. Use here is Anna visit which it is for first to read your future windynation recalling the Old Testament promise after restauration of all creation of the days when kingdom comes in the Book of Genesis chapter 49 verses 10 through 11. The book of Isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 through 10 The Book of Joel chapter 3 verses 17 through 21 The Book of Micah Chapter 4 verses 1 through 8, those who take part of the Gods review of the world in the Book of Romans chapter 8 verses 22 and the Book of Revelation chapter 21.

so next scripture Show us the Book of Genesis.

return to the Book of Genesis chapter



so the Book of Genesis chapter 1 verses 27 says so God created man in his own image.

So he created man, right? What about females females are women? That's the same thing right men and women. I don't believe when they know what the scripture says here is God created man and woman in his own image and image of God created him. Which one is here? Is it the Messiah or Lord?

Or is it male or female? And then the next one says female and male and female he created dub. So so God created male female. So who created God or the Lord Jesus Christ? So I'd say that the likeness of God.

Thin credit of the image of God District you just people from all other three Creations God image is not described as being positive in the park or given gradually rather. It is an Emirate meditated.

Or hear it part of the Being Human. The image of God like does not refer to any scientific abilities and talents challenge a list. Search is emotional coppices City Freewheel or Sentra. This one would result in a little problem. Since human beings did not process these abilities quality likewise connecting the image of God to the turn on makeup of the human being. Pie filling to the application of the Hebrew word for stall orrell you a spirit or people does not resolve this issue as both terms are used to describe members of the animal kingdom writer. It refers to our creation. As God's image is aneke representative on Earth. People are the Scots agent functionally as he would if he were advised Jesus as the ultimate image of God in the book of Hebrews chapter 1 verses 3

So we're talking about male and female here. There is no stylist distinction among bearer of the Divine image. They are equal while having a distant capacities a rose in fulfilling the Divine meditate to Stewart the Earth. He created the people refused here is far off is the same word use in Genesis chapter 1 verses 1. However d'aprile decoration is make and first 26 he's as different verb to verb for make ask if warm Yasir are elsewhere with Farro to refer to God's work as career in chapters 1 through 2 in Choppers to yet. Another Ferb is used to fashioning of us are these words are synonyms compared to note on first one. song next verse for tiny valve Genesis 2

The Book of Genesis chapter 2 verses Starman

we're talking about what scripture says the Lord God formed a man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils nostrils the breath of life and the Man became a living creature. So he's talking about formed used here is your answer.

We're at different forever compared to the decoration and action in The Book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 through 27.

I know he's talking about man, which is the Hebrew word used here is Adam. Which is also using the Bible as popular name for the first man Adam.

Which is in the Book of Genesis chapter 3 verses 17 in the book of 1st Corinthians chapter, 15 verses 45. So they're talking about the Breath of Life. The Shero phrase used here is Nesmith claim yam. Occurs only this one time in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis chapter 6 verses 17 that uses the hero phrase Rodger Clyne here, which is the regular translated of breath of life in the Book of Genesis chapter 7 verses 22 has a close parallel that combines 12 Nesmith ratchet you can lean which is also often translated as fretful life the branches refers to Raleigh to animate life, which is naturally shown by breathing. are there other living creature of chapter one pulses live only with humanity is LifeLink the breath from gum disconnects human live with the God's own life at does the description of humankind of the image of God in chapter 1 verse 27

Sorry guys.

next scripture

Genesis the Book of Genesis chapter 3 verses 15

Where the scripture says I will put enmity between you and the woman. And we between your Offspring and your and her Offspring he shall bruise your head and you should bruise his heel. Return your hospitality House of the year.

The word refers to Huss hot holes in tile of the host of totality not fear. But after its language beats between a server and it's all its ways and the woman and her Descendants the serve. It is a Divine enemy of God rather than a member of the atom animal Keto.

Ask touch this text contains a privacy indicating that the AMA most of the city and spiritual war will assume between the servant. and Humanity in the New Testament the Osprey at the devil or a quartic quit to live evil doors who post God's Will and the Messiah Jesus.

Now we're talkin about The Offspring hear that the Huber word. Use here is Sarah which baby learn to be rendered by seed. Can refer to one person or many? She will strike you on the head.

I know he will text says that the singular pronounce he referred to collectively to the afreen of the New Testament that Jesus asked the ultimate human to sit it Aviv who defeats Satan in the devil and compares to Paul who seems to refer to reference this line when he tells the Roman Christians that God will give them the power to crush Satan.

next scripture we go to the book of John and we're going to stick to study Wednesday. I'm not going to give you guys some stuff to study for so if I want you guys to study the book of Exodus chapter 12 verses 1 through 28 the book of Exodus chapter 20 verses 1 through 17 and the Book of Leviticus chapter 1 through chapter 7. Scripture all your talk about is in the Book of John. chapter 1 verses 29

we're talking about Behold the Lamb of God, but here's what the scripture says the next day. He saw Jesus coming toward toward and said Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

So retarded about the lamb who takes away the sin illusion to symbolize. over Passover Lamb

So Jesus is the Lamb of God the lamp Fred if I got to load atone for the sins of the world in the way. No animal ever could this reference foreshadows Jesus at the ultimate fulfillment of the Anna animal annual Passover sacrifice? Severally the Apostle Paul Jesus with the ultimate Passover sacrifice in 1st Corinthians, 5:7 the lamp and taking away sin alludes to the servant and Marjorie and Isaiah 53:12 Silvia Gant use the same Greek word as I'm not but it's land used here. In Exodus 12 etraveli is commanded to sacrifice a lamb without blemish eating on the 14th day of the first month.

the blood

on the doorposts in internal of the tire of each house that Israel's household for the Judgment of the death of the firstborn. The lamb was killed and cook whole John symbolize Cleary places Jesus in the Passover Lamb recruiting the day of his death and the treatment of his body. And I say this guy's as I close this out.

Okay, turn my iPad down. I say this guy's do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you need help and your suffering right now? You need Jesus in your life. You're having problems in your life right now, and you can't control it. I'm here for you guys. I love everyone and anyone here to help them to get to Jesus Christ. I say this to drai's. Please if you if you don't have a church, if you have a church still continue to leave your church, but if you don't have a church check relevant LA. Or they will help you contact them meet with them. I will talk to you we will pray together. We will connect with you. We will connect with people that can help you go through Christian life together and live better. We

But hear me out guys. Stripes RV date

GE changed me cuz I used to be a problem in the past when I was a Catholic but now since I was baptized did it's a different world now. It spiritually you're not listening to Satan. You're not to listen to the Saints. You're not listening to everyone out there. You could you could talk to them and all that but you got to do it in a Christian way. So make sure you guys. Can I ask for Christians? Okay, don't believe what people say out there because it's really true. So.

The people that doesn't go to church. I can't I cried or people for pretend to be Christians and I realize not so So I just say if you met with somebody connect with them talk to them be your friend could help people homeless people. There's a lot of homeless people out here. So and it's getting worse. So and I feel like I need to help homeless people. Can't do that. I just got to work. So but we still continue to pray for 9 and we'll pray for anyone out there right now talking to you right now. I'll pray for you. We'll talk.

I still looking for my blue. So I've been asking God for that.

or partner in crime Saul

Who else I can say?

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