John 1:19-2:12 "A New 7 Days"

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I. The Beginning of New Creation

A. A new first Seven Days
B. Beginning of confrontation between gospel and Jewish authorities

II. In Bethany with John the Baptist

A. Geography matters -- each major section of John (1-11; 12-21) begins in Bethany and ends with resurrection
"House of Figs"
B. Fig trees a sign of New Creation

III. "The Jews"

A. Turmoil between Jews and Christians in Asia Minor
B. Rulers of "old creation" most resistant to inbreaking of New.

IV. Questioning John the Baptist

A. Make a 70-mile trip, demonstrating the impact he is making
Fearful of rebellion against Rome ()
"Who are you?"
B. Are you...?
The Messiah (anointed)
The Prophet ()
Elijah ()
Jesus says he is ()
Why is John hanging around the Jordan River?
C. "I am not"
Nature of witness: point to Jesus ()
Origen: John is "the voice pointing to the Word"

V. Who does John think he is?

A. Voice of one calling ()
Return of God to the Temple ()
Calling all people to return (; )
B. Baptism points to return
Washing in OT (; ; ; , ; ; ; )
Washing enables to make sacrifices (Mikvah)
Sign of New Age coming ()
Qumran community
C. Everything about John demonstrates expectancy!

VI. First appearance of Jesus

A. "Lamb of God" as champion of God's flock
1 Enoch 89:45
Testament of Joseph 19
Takes away the effect of sin (exile) through purification in repentance (; )
B. Spirit descends as a dove
"Come down" -- the source of Christ's authority (7x in 6:33-58)
"Remain" ()
C. Christ will baptize with the Holy Spirit (signified by water)
Spirit "poured" (; ; ; ; )
Spirit and washing ()
Water as a image of the Spirit (2:6-10; 3:5; 4:7-15; 7:37-39)
Difference between John's baptism and Jesus'? ()

VII. John sacrifices his disciples

A. John believes in Jesus' superiority
B. Intimate tone
"Come and see" ("come, reflect on...")
Changing Simon's name
C. Witness points to following Jesus (recognizing His voice 10:3-5)

VIII. Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael

A. Moving to Bethsaida
B. Jesus witnesses to Himself, then Philip witnesses to Nathanael
C. Can anything good come from Nazareth?
D. "Come and see"
"True Israelite" with no dolos
Saw under the fig tree?
Susanna ()
E. "Truly, truly..."
Heavens opened (; )
New Jacob at Bethel
"Son of Man" ()
Jesus is the ladder

IX. Water to Wine

A. The story
Cana -- family connection?
Wine running out
What is Mary asking?
"My hour" => the Cross (7:30; 8:20; 12:23, 27; 13:1; 17:1)
Stone water jars
Done in secret
B. The significance
Aspect of covenantal blessings promised from God ()
Blessings removed when Israel failed ()
Prophets prophesying doom (; )
Prophets providing hope (; ; ; )
All things are being made new
Water removes ritual uncleanness but does not bring life and joy
Jesus' new water will bring new birth (3:5) and eternal life (4:14)
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