How Christian Self-Care & Discipline can Deliver You

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We have seen that the church gets so easily side-tracked, was so in Epehsus -withthese false teachers - there big deal wasn’t Christ or the gospel and the resulting transformation - the godliness, but “super spiritual teaching ofireverent, silly myths, old wives tales - not a dig at women, but education of women usually stopped at amrriageble age of mid teens, and Paul compres the genalogical, fanicufl myths, connectd with - rigorous asectisicim, don’t marry, dont’ eat meat - here’s super spiritual path to fulfillment obey our rules, and it short circutis wreally turning to the lliving Christ, and apllying the gopsel of fogrogibenes,s adoption, indwelling of the Spirit,… in short instead of relying on Jesusand the benegits by Spirit and word, hanging on to the promises He has for this life and the life to come, they are relying on false teaching and dead wroks! This is no different than the message that John would deliver them right from Jesus twenty years later in
Revelation 2:4–5 ESV
But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.
In the verse before Jesus acknowledge their faith and salvation, they are believers who hold to His name; they are safe for eternity, but something is the matter with how they are living out there Christian life. In Saradis also find the same thing though it would seem that some there never really came to faith and had wandereed compeltly from the gospel:
Revelation 3:1b–2 ESV
“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. “ ‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God.
A. Diagnosis: False-teaching stops progress in on-ongoing salvation
Now what I want you to see to these churches 30 years later in 90 AD is that Jesus Christ himself diagnosis the problem in much the same way Paul does - you are influenced by false teaching so much that though you are still children of God, you are not living in a growing relaiotnsihp with Christ and with Christ-likeness. This has got to change, and the precription Jesus gives is so similar to the one Paul points out to TImothy and the Ephesis too. The diagongoiss here is about wrong Christian living, Paul and Jesus are not correcting views of our intitial and full salvation - justification. At htis point they are going after how we live out the Christian life. Look at Paul’s goal for Timothy in
1 Timothy 4:15 ESV
Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.
Look for the word THAT, SO THAT, in your Bible Reading - gives purpose or result, and often logical key of passage. Paul gives a whole lot of instruction about doctrine and practice, truth and godliness, your faith but also your love, orthodoxy that result in orthopraxy. But then reason is that people will see TImothy’s progress. Keep that word in mind. But then he give s the reason again at the end here for Timothy himself, but also all the Ephesian Christians.
1 Timothy 4:16 ESV
Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.
You need to understand that being saved really comes in three tenses. Paul obviously doesn’t think TImthy’s salvation is in jeopardy, nor the true believers in this ailing church. That’s a future tense, you will save yourself and your hearers. When well , not the saving that only God can do in Christ, that’s the slavation in the past for thsse foldks, like Pual the worst of sinners. 1st Trustowrhty saying, but the dleivering the saving that the Holy Spirit and God’s Word works in the present in a believers life. Do you know that the deliverance from sin’s presence and power in your life, sure can’t dominate you doesn’t own you any more, but you need an progressive deliverance and on going cointning deliverance, being saved from sin. And only as that sanctification which is incluced and begins in your conversion, only as that comes to competleino through your life on earth, and ulitmately when see Jesus made like him in your glirfication - only then wil you be saved in the future. So this saving yourself and this savin gyour hearer is about a present deliverance - we all need. And its a bout a progress - that can be stooped and had stopped in Ephessus and Sardis, could stop in your li fe and mine, and even in TImothy’ life this progress was in jeoopardy.
And it is in this sense that the prescribed self-care and self-discipline must save you and positively influence those around you. And this Christain slef-care and self-disicpline must be done in two areas. Faith, doctrine, teaching, and practice, character, action, service. And they are two different things - your faith and your practice - but the essential thing in Chrtistain living is real doctrine can’t be known and grown without practice and real Christian practice can’t be done if it doesn’t rest on the teaching of Christ. Paul’s goal in self-care and self-discipline is EDIFICATION, and both doctrine and practice the need the help of the other, as Chrysostom says, to complete edification.
Key Truth: Self-Care & Self-Discipline in our doctrine & practice can ‘save’ us.
You have the prescription, But before I give you the prescription, I want you to pay close attention to the patient, for he may be a bit more like you and me than you ever thought.
B. The Patient: Timid Timothy
Timothy went with Paul and Barnabas from Lystra where he was from in the year 50 AD (2nd missionary journey} and now it is about 65 AD. 15 years which is roughly as long as I’ve been a pastor of two churches. To me it seems like a long time. Now put yourself in Timothy’s shoes, 8x Paul talks about “these things” the apostolic teaching, and Timothy for 15 years has heard, taught applied these things. But he is to show up in Ephesus the place where Paul knew the people the best, elders that were Paul’s age, twice the age of Timothy who must be at least 30 or 40 , which is the military wrod that Paul uses for I Timothy being a youth, one up until military training done at 30 or 40. But it seems these older elders are not accepting TImothy’s because of his youth. Maybe pulling rank, I heard 7 apostles or I even heard the preaching of Jesus. And Timothy for his part as find out in 2 Timothy has become timid. And this isn’t just about his personality, but he’s settled into a position as a company man - he’s living in a spirit of fear - in terms of pleasing people. With this false teaching, these is such a temptation “to just all get along” , you’ve got your spirituality, here ‘s mind, let’s let everyone make up their own mind, and as long as we mention the name Jesus, not salvaiton isssues so we shoud all be happy! DO you understand what Paul is question about TImothy? Look at
Timothy is to be a pattern to them that believe. It is an objective genitive. He is to be such in word, that is, in what he says, including teaching and verbal instruction. The word “conversation” is obsolete English for “behavior, manner of life.” “Charity” is agapē (ἀγαπη), the love which God is and which the Holy Spirit produces in the heart of the yielded saint, a love whose constituent elements Paul gives us in
Tinmothy went with Paul and Baranabas from Lystra where he was from in the year 50 AD and now it is about 65 AD. 15 years which is rougyhly as long as I’ve been a pastor of two churches. To me it seems like a long time. Now put yourself in Timtohys shoes, 8x Paul talks about “these things” the apostlotic teaching, and Timothy for 15 years has heard, taught applied these things. But he is to show up in Ehepssus the place where Paul knew the people the best, elders that were Paul’s age, twice the age of TImothy who must be at least 30 or 40 , whiciis the miiltary wrod that Paul uses for ITmothy being a youth, one up until miliatary trainign done at 30 or 40. But it seems these older elders are not accepting TImothy because of his youth, and Timothy for his part as find out in 2 Timothy has become timid. No that isn’t so much about his personality, but he’s settled into a position as a company man - he’s living in a spirit of fear - ionterms of pleasing people. With this false teaching, these is such a temptation “to just all get along” , you’ve got your pspirituality, here ‘s mind, let’s let everyone make up their own mind, and as long as we mention the name Jesus, not salvaiton isssues so we shoud all be happy! DO you understand what Paul is question about TImothy? Look at
1 Timothy 4:14 ESV
Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you.
There are a couple ways to give an iorder inGk, and the grammar of this one is that someone is doing something right now that’s got to stop. NOt that a child might run out into the stree , you must look both ways. But his one is more like, You are habitually shaking your leg , doing int now. stop that. So Paul is saying, Timothy you are neglecting THE GIFT - a gift accompanied with prophsying - not new teaching but insight and proclamiation oas if God is spekaking the gospel the word to people. And Pual has TImothy think back to the moment of his “oridination” - something has changed,… return to that - symbiotic picture of the empowering of the HOly Spirit… that kind of proclamaiton with God’s uthoity has stopped… ISSUE Q! Paul is encouraging Timothy you have the authority of God’s Word and that is completely sufficient. Man Up to playing the role of God’s minsiter of Word - warnings, encouragments, promises, corrections, teachings, authroitzed by Jesus himself to give. And you giving that Word and the people of Ephesus receiving it in HOly Spirit power - that will resut not in man-made religion, or enightment - it will result in salvation - real deliverance!
Now, can you relate to Timothy - time of controversy - so easy just to push for your own way our opinion, so easy just to seek “peace” at all costs, even if not real peace. Think of times here, or in our dneomintation over women in office, or any conflict.Paul will have intruction later give instruction on how to do this: and lots of experience himself:
2 Timothy 2:23–25 ESV
Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth,
So Paul is not saying, be a bull in china shop - and just clobber them with your authority. He’s saying God’s WORD has power and as a steward of that word - got to apply it to false teachers - apply it to those waivering, appyly to those in every situatio, but don’t shy away from proclaiming it! May not be that you have the gift of prophesy - but Scripture equally clear that all are given a gift in Christ’s church - not for individuals benefit, but to offer it to the fellowship and the minstiry of the gospel here.
1 Corinthians 12:8–11 ESV
For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.
1 Corinthians 12:8–9 ESV
For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,
1 Corinthians 12:12 ESV
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
- build others up - and all of us equally endowed by the HOly Spirit who gave it, and can’t negelct your particular figt - been set aside to use it for service! You have a post and a gift and you must develop that gift of ministry - through wholehearted use
- build others up - and all of us equally endowed by the HOly Spirit who gave it, and can’t negelct your particular figt - been set aside to use it for service! You have a post and a gift and you must develop that gift of ministry - through wholehearted use
1 Corinthians 14:26 ESV
What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.
Now let me ask you this, you can understand Timothy’s reluctance. But do you think Paul does? It is amazing that so much is at stake but Paul doesn’t seem angry in his tone with Timothy. Urgent yes, but high regard for this middle aged man. And yet, he has no problem saying, in your faith and doctrine TImothy you are in danger of stalling - instead of pressing on and what’s the key word PROGRESSING you’re standing still. And instead of progressing in practice of Christain love - maybe out of fear - you’re not stepping out in practice of holiness. Stalling in faith and practice. And Timothy you can’t teach what you’re not learning. Paul is under no illusion that Christin’s are perfect - don’t struggle stumble both in doctrine and practice, but what he does command is gprogress! Progressive sanctification. That word Progress is a techinical word that Stoic Philosophers used advance that a noive student would make in ethics ofr philosophy And Paul seems to be saying - look I don’t expect perfection, but I do expect direction. Ask myself and you and I together - what progress direction, in doctrine, truth, teaching of Jesus this month? What progress, only goign sanctification in your holiness, in your practice of Christian living?
Do you know that saying? of John Newton, one time searing drunken, saileor, slaver - I am not what I ought to be — ah, how imperfect and deficient! I am not what I wish to be — I abhor what is evil, and I would cleave to what is good! I am not what I hope to be — soon, soon shall I put off mortality, and with mortality all sin and imperfection. Yet, though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say, I am not what I once was; a slave to sin and Satan; and I can heartily join with the apostle, and acknowledge, "By the grace of God I am what I am."
This is where things get treally practical for Paul. TImothy you can’t just roll ito Ephesus and pul rank. But you know if you come with the authority of the Word, empowered by the SPirit, you know TImothy you’ve got to become a model - not just of good teaching of the Word, but of the word in action. That word example, , imprint, pressed mold. And this combination of grace empowered growth in doctrine and practice - truth unto godliness will win over those looking down on you. They can argue with opinions, even with God’s Word twisted in contraversy, but Paul says, can’t argue with a tranformed life!
Now Paul wants Tinmothy to be saved from the error of the false teachers, and from shipwrecking his and his hearerers ongoing Christian living, their deliverance from sin and error, growth in truth and love and holiness. So do I don’t you. Well, this then is why Paul gives Timothy himself very direct instructions on the life of self-care and self-discipline that must go along with, negatively exposeing eroor and postiively preaching the truth of the gospel. The Prescription for Lack of Courage, Progress, and ONgoing -Saving Going on in our LIves:
And so that is the
C. The Prescription: Diligence in the Word & Diligence in Life
Chrysostom says our faith and our living need each other both necessary for edification. James says, impossibility of faith that doesn’t work. All these commands Paul energetically gives aren’t so we can be born again and saved, but because we’re born again and saved. This is how we now must grow and this how the gospel gains credibility with others!
Paul commands in two areas: in , he begins by ordering Timothy with aa militray word - you have got to command, and teach these things Timothy. The WORD of God, is not a take or leave it affair, it is what brought the world into existence, and its what bring the new creation, new birth, salvation, into existence. Words of the King of the Universe, not opnions or as Peter puts it none of this came through private interpretation - men spake from God moved by the Hoy Spirit - decalare and comand the Wor dof God.
Paul commands in two areas: in , he begins by ordering Timothy with aa militray word - you have got to command, and teach these things Timothy. The WORD of God, is not a take or leave it affair, it is what brought the world into existence, and its what bring the new creation, new birth, salvation, into existence. Words of the King of the Universe, not opnions or as Peter puts it none of this came through private interpretation - men spake from God moved by the Hoy Spirit - decalare and comand the Wor dof God.
In v.11
1 Timothy 4:11 ESV
Command and teach these things.
Kenneth S. Wuest, Wuest’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament: For the English Reader, vol. 7 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997), 73.
2Kenneth S. Wuest, Wuest’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament: For the English Reader, vol. 7 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997), 73.
1 Timothy 4:12 ESV
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:11 ESV
Command and teach these things.
And Timothy
1 Timothy 4:13 ESV
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.
The salvation spoken of here cannot be the salvation of the sinner nor the preservation of the saint in salvation, for the reason that both of these are a work of God for man. The Salvation referred to here is understood by a study of the context (vv. 1–3), namely, being saved from the teachings of demon-influenced men. That is, by the reading of the Word, by exhortation from it, and by a clear explanation of its meaning, Timothy and his hearers will be saved from becoming entangled in these heresies.
There are 3 public accitions we all must be engaged in the Christian life. Scripture is to read, we’re to assmeble like a great flag in middle of battle field of lke - rally there - commander going to speak to us - God does that Lord’s Day by Lord’s Day. Very oracles of God … early church realize that’s what the HOly Spirit - meant when in Jesus said, the Spirit cause the apostles to bring in to remmberance all Jesus taught, and teach all things - not rocket science and ancient history - ut all things - compeletioin of the teaching on Christ Messiah’s rdeath, reseucrration, the gifts of the SPirit till he comes agin, the rshape and function, and mission of the church. So like OT people - first activity to hear the reading of the WQord of God. But then what think of it ithe synaggogue based on Nehmemiah 8 model. We get this word, and what does Paul a tthe end say is done with the read Word - it is taught - the emaning back then and the signficance to us now - expository preaching.
It is not enough to hear ancient words read, and then a few stories and jokes and a little inspirateion, we ae to study this word, come to know it, master it, like Jeremiah was commanded - eat this word. Don’t live by bread alone but every Word, hang on it, take it aparat digest it, until understand, lie Love letter acreoss ocean of the univrese. But merely hearing the anient word, then having it explained like a lecture - that isn’t enough either, what is the centre command there. EXHORTATION. That word means encouragement. REal biblical preaching, aim not only at the head, , nor just the heart, but it moves the whole persons life to application - lively living thing, word of God - goeihng out - encoutner you like JOnah THE WOR DO THE LORD HAPPENED TO<...
Listen to how the Shorter Catechism describe show the WORD received by you and me is to become activated and effectual in our lives: WSC 90 That the Word may become effectual to salvation, we must attend thereunto with diligence, preparation, and prayer ; receive it with faith and love, lay it up in our hearts, and practice it in our lives
That is what you and the Ephesians are called towiththe word, but look what Timothy and every servant ordained to real gopsel preaching is called to, in order to read, teach, and exhort like that: a
1 Timothy 4:16 ESV
Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.
1 Timothy 4:15 ESV
Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.
Do you think that Timothy after all that teaching could imbibe the false teaching - do you think oI could in our age. I tell it doesn’t get easier to resist false teaching, that tickeles itching ears and appeatrs to be what’s really reelevant, its’ so tempting to substitute God’s Living Word with coolest latest ideas whether pyschology, philosophy, orr just common sense in life about our culture. No saying no truth there but its not gospel truth, tranfomring truth saving truth! And Paul uses another milatry word, ever watch someone dog or cat, get out - one thing. ubut imagine assigned a prisoner to watch - sentry duty - The Preacher is to be devoted and diligient and prgressing in the doctrine of this word! Remmeber not just human ideas when God’s wrod is twisted, but behind it tall is the teaching of demons, Stanic lies that keep people from Christian living, and even from salvation!
b. But equally important is part two of the prescription:. Closely watch yourself!
And this is the most beautiful part of God’s instructino to us tonight. Timothy is going to com marchingin to town, right into this fellowship with fairly deep roots and he doesn’t really know them, He’s a transplant, And though he can’t win them by his vast experience or age, he is to win them by a chracter beyond his age.
1 Timothy 4:12 ESV
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
My living can, my lifestyle, can compeltely undo my preaching. The same is true of your witness in the home and out ihn the world. The false teachers - had ireverent, God didn’t really wiegh enough to register in how they actually lived, the gospel didn’t God’s grace didn’t. But the good doctrine, the gospel of Jesus Christ does. We are to take stock of both the content of our daily converstaion - what do we talk about, but also the manner how we say it. We ‘re to actually take a step back form our living this night, this week - how have I outwardly behaveed - have I lost it, and not make it better on any one, have I lusted with a gree or sexual lust - a violated God’s good plan for other poeople, outwardly have I been lazy or disicpliedn in the dutuies God’s given. Do I reflect on what my duties are. But then Paul says, go inward too. HOw is my love, I’m not just talking about the temprature of our outward affections, lovely dovey or warm fuzzies and hugs. I am talking about - most practical thing in the world - who do I give of myself, even deny myself in order to serve. HOw much does the wellbeing of others in my family, neighbourhood, in othis church - well being of others registering with me. Do I pray and then actually act fir them. HOw about the action of faith - actually stepping out in a belief that God will work, actually trusting God for how he says I can cross next bridge in fron tof me - whetehr suffering, or service, or how to handle conflict, or stand in temtptation - what this wweek demnstrates faith in my life? And then look at that last one - purity - yes speaking of intentions sexually , but even more broadly that I am a person of integriety.
I don’t think Tiothy was that different than me. I bet he wasn’t perfect in these areas and neither are you. I’ve had these written above my desk since starting minstering here. Now if your were to jot those 5 areas down - which is the lowest stave, which is there good progress in? Paul’s oint is not that Timothoty or you or I have reached perfection in htis life in these areas, but these areas matter greatly - whaerhere the gospel is lived out. And he says they matter so much because they set an EXAMPLE! A model. Old word for striking a blow and then the impression left on the thing or the person. Paul is saying, we need peole like that in our lives, Paul says:
1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
It is how we learn. The goal of Christainity is not just truth, or just feeling and experience. The heart of Chriatinity is the Person Christ and the goal is relationship with Christ, It is that you reconciled to God live in relatinship with HIm in love and with others reflecting and nejoying that love. So
Romans 8:29 ESV
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
The false teaching in Ephesus not only needed to be corrected by true teaching, but it had to be countered by a a good example Timothy is to be a pattern to them that believe.. It’s no different in our lives in Barrie in 2020. And as Paul is so close to leaveing this world, Timothy is losing a model he had followed but at some point stalled. A Paul says, you’ve got to keep track of this in your life, because doing the gospel withthees folks, you don’t have to be an old man, but you follwoed the mold of Christ, so that this way of life gets impressed on others. If all church was was good teaching, may as well all just stay home and listen to good sermon s on the internet, or beam them in - but we need models of how the truth applied to the particular life stage were inhte particular sins that trip us up, the partiuclar opprotutnites you and I have for witness. - how that truth is to be lived, how we are to become holy. What kind of impression in speech, conduct, in love, faiht, in purity leaving on those around you? Paul says as much as you throw yourself into good doctrine and teaching, exhorting, throw your self into living well in these areas.
Conclusion: Sin in false teaching and sin in living. Evil teaching, evil living. And do you know from A &E to King Saul to you and me, what the default mode is when we become ware of sin - excuse - blame shift .. Do what David did… I sinned. PERIOD>. Against you only … own it, and like Timothy and Paul - yes I can move on - press on pay attention - service to God’s truth, gospel, to holiness…
Congregation tonight we are called to some self-care wihtout which there is no counter-example to false teaching of our age. We are called to discipleined gospel living - as mucha s discipled growth in doctrinal knoweldge. Word of God encournters us tonight, word without the Spirit dry up - just dead doctrine. But the Spirit wihotut the word we’ll blow up - But the Word with the Spirit , we will grow up - Truth unto godliness. AMen
The salvation spoken of here cannot be the salvation of the sinner nor the preservation of the saint in salvation, for the reason that both of these are a work of God for man. The Salvation referred to here is understood by a study of the context (vv. 1–3), namely, being saved from the teachings of demon-influenced men. That is, by the reading of the Word, by exhortation from it, and by a clear explanation of its meaning, Timothy and his hearers will be saved from becoming entangled in these heresies.
Translation. Keep on paying careful attention to yourself and to the teaching. Constantly stay by these things, for in doing this, you will both save yourself and those who hear you.
Word Study:“keep on becoming.” “Example” is tupos (τυπος), “the mark of a stroke or blow, a print, a figure formed by a blow or impression,” in a technical sense, “the pattern in conformity to which a thing must be made,” in an ethical sense, “a dissuasive example, pattern of warning, an example to be imitated.” The last mentioned meaning is to be understood in our Timothy passage.
Timothy is to be a pattern to them that believe. It is an objective genitive. He is to be such in word, that is, in what he says, including teaching and verbal instruction. The word “conversation” is obsolete English for “behavior, manner of life.” “Charity” is agapē (ἀγαπη), the love which God is and which the Holy Spirit produces in the heart of the yielded saint, a love whose constituent elements Paul gives us in
Kenneth S. Wuest, Wuest’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament: For the English Reader, vol. 7 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997), 76.
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