Reife im Leben eines Christen

Thierry Fender
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CHRISTIAN MATURITY ZÜRICH - JAN 2020 MATURING CHRIST… 1. Luke 8:14 The seedINthat fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 2. Eph. 4:13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. 3. Heb. 6:1 Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be • "And I will give you shepherds according to my heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and understanding » Jer 3:15 1.Dealing with hurts 2.Identity phases 3.Faith phases 4.Conclusion WHAT KIND OF HURTS ? 1. Betrayal 2. Rejection 3. Abandonment 4. Humiliation 5. Injustice 6 FIELDS WHERE WE CAN BE HURT: 1. Loving relationships (family & romance…) 2. Social relationships (incl. church) 3. Our body (health…, abuse) 4. Work and working relationships 5. Identity & culture 6. Relationship with God HOW WE REACT When we have a deep hurt, there are 2 ways to react : 1. To repress 2. To tell Dilemma : if I say it, I may loose the relationship !! If I don’t say it, I may loose myself !! Objective of the church: create an environment where people feel really 7 WAYS/LEVELS/ROLES OF HELPING PEOPLE WITH YOUR 1. Testimony: sharing fromWORDS your personal life. 2. Walk side by side as a friend, listening… just being there. 3. Encouraging people: you don’t talk about yourself… you use appropriate words (and/or Bible verses) to encourage… « peer relationships » 4. Coaching: helping someone define and reach his objectives. 5. Pastoral talk: deep meaning of life, help them understand who God is and how to be close to God. 6. Christian counseling : using appropriate tools and techniques to help people overcome some deep hurts. Need education and training to do that. 7. Psychotherapy: using tools & techniques + going in the « subconscience ». Only for professionals. Deep hurts, Talk to God… Talk to friends… Jesus: Peter, James & John… METHODS HEALING Until 1950 (2003 forOF us): every problem comes from a sin. The solution: repentance and forgiveness… Paul Tournier (Swiss phd - works 1940 to 1980…) : We have to consider the physical, psychological and the spiritual aspect of the person. Today : « you have the solution in you »… we can give you tools… you’ve Soul Body Psyche Pastor Psycholog ist Doctor Spirit Shepherdi ng or pastoral counseling Body Psyche To do good pastoral counseling, we need theology but also some understanding of psychology and biology (the brain, DNA…) For example: the brain… KEY SCRIPTURE Gal. 6:1-5 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one Identity phases normal « maturity » development • Who am I ? • 0 to 8 months: «I am my mother » • 8 months to 3 years: « I exist » • 3 to 5 years: « I am what I have » • 6 to 10 years: « I am what I do » • Teen years: « I am my body » Identity phases normal « maturity » development • 18-25 years: « I am my ideals » • 25-45 years: « I am me » (and I want people to like me) • Mid Life Crisis: Identity positioning: questioning everything… • 50-70: Authenticity phase (if healthy MLC) • 70: I don’t have time to do what I wanted… mourning • 80… : every day is a blessing Moral law maturity phases normal « maturity » development 1.Obey by fear 2.Obey to seek rewards 3.Obey to be « part of the group » 4.Obey rules and authority « because it’s written » legalism 5.Moral « contract » : rules are not an absolute to obey 6.Universal principal : Love « FAITH » phases normal « maturity » development 1. « Fusion » faith 1. 18-25 years: « I am my ideals » 2. Copy / paste faith. 3. 2 foundations : God’s love & I have a place in God’s family 2. « Operational » faith 1. Asks good questions 2. « I do things » to « become »… « FAITH » phases normal « maturity » development 3. « Concrete » faith 1. 30-40 years: « I am me » (and I want people to like me) 2. Commitment; taking responsibilities… 3. Want to follow (and please) his « heroes » in the faith 4. Imitates his mentors,… the charismatic preachers… 5. The world is in darkness, but thank God he is in the only small river that leads to paradise 6. End of this phase: realizes that there are some dead « FAITH » phases normal « maturity » development 4. « Arguing » faith 1. Mid Life Crisis: Identity positioning: questioning everything… 7 to 10 years 2. From myth to reality… will push him to question and to « re-affirm » what he believes 3. No more out of context verses… looks for depth 4. Is moving from doing to being… 5. Age of maturity 6. Sadly many leave the church at this phase (don’t look for answers in the right place) « FAITH » phases normal « maturity » development 5. « Personal » faith 1. After MLC 2. Paul : « I know in whom I believe » 3. Understand « paradox » 4. Not at war with others any more 5. Now really lives in « freedom in Christ » 6. Is more interested in being than doing « FAITH » phases normal « maturity » development Problem In church : all 5 phases represented Need for appropriate « spiritual food » & guidance Not same advice when you are in 1st phase and 4th phase… Some people get stuck in a phase (2, 3…) Big challenge : phase 4 and MLC… CONCLUSION "And I will give you shepherds according to my heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and understanding » Jer 3:15 We all need Jesus because… John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 1Pet. 2:24-25 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. BREAK
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