Sunday, December 8th, 2019 - PM - Glorious City of God (Ps. 87)
Take a ride one. Join me in Psalm 87 for just the moments. We have remaining. A Psalm of only 7 versus but a song that is just beautiful nonetheless.
every nation has a national anthem they have something that they they saying for their national pride and we have that as Americans We Stand Out of reverence for the Pledge of Allegiance and we place our hands over our heart when we sing Our National Anthem and go I was never there in the words of Francis Scott Key. I can relive that very much are reminded of the great sacrifice that it took to have our country. The foundation was laid in the blood.
What's an American I can relate with that patriotic ceiling? But as a Believer, I have another anthem. And this ain't the my sing. It's from Psalm 87 John Newton understood this Anthem one of the most familiar hymns hero depart from Amazing Grace was one that we opened with when we sing. It's taken right from this song. He cannot move the words just a little bit but you can see his praise glorious things of thee are spoken.
If we're not. In tune with the psalmist much of what is said about Psalm 87 reading it remains an enigma as I was studying for the message. I read it. I read an account in a we do scripture readings in our Sunday morning services and so will have someone coming and read while there was another church that was doing a scripture reading and and the preacher that was going to preach that day. I was preaching from 87 and the man from the congregation get up and the preacher said, you know, I was a little not sure what in the West when he was getting ready to preach as an evangelist and he's going to cover Psalm 87 and the man approached the pulpit and you had a real Burley look to in the guy described him as almost like a Marlboro man kind of look real graphing and a Husky and Andy approaches the pulpit and he gets ready to the scripture reading and I can't remember all that. He said word for word, but the essence of what he said was Last night I read through this song today. I read through it.
I read through it again this morning. Before I came and it still didn't make sense. And by this time, you know the preachers come on. Oh, no that surrounds the well, I'll just read it and let you determine for yourself and so he reads to the song. So let's do that. Let's read through the song and read Psalm 87 together the seven verses. A song or song for the sons of Korah, his foundation is in the Holy mountains. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob glorious things are spoken of thee o city of God.
I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me and tire with Ethiopian. This man was born there. End of Zion it shall be said. This and that man was born in her and the highest himself shall establish her. The Lord shall count when he ride us up to people that this man was born there Sheila. As well the singers in the as the players on instruments shall be there. All my Springs are in z
So the man got done reading.
Now you figure it out and stepped. And set the preacher at his hands full because now the you know, there's no pressure right? He said he's got to deliver. And hopefully I can help you understand the song a little bit better than that gentleman that did that scripture reading that morning for that congregation. So maybe 7 the Enigma that shrouds and I think it will put on our R Us scripture glasses and we'll see some things that are better here prophetically. I think the song will become near and dear to our heart like it was John Newton when glorious things of thee are smoke are spoken of our god. What is this sign to be able to travel to earth will not be able to stand in the streets of Jerusalem and walk the streets of Jerusalem and I can share stories with my time there, but I think just to leave it on an Earthly level and not realize the spiritual truths that Lord has brought us would be to to not reach the levels of the deepness of the spiritual truth of this song Because as I said, there's a city whose Builder and maker is God now that song is an artist rendition of of his dream that he went to the city called Glory. And he begins to talk about some of the things that are there and I want to encourage you to think about a Jerusalem that John writes about coming down from the heavens Adore by coming from her chamber Here Comes. The Bride here comes the beautiful city of God in all of its Splendor and all of its Glory. Let's look at Psalm 87. The mayor of Jerusalem at one point time. His name was Teddy kollek. And his co-author Express natural wonder at the surprising greatness of their 4000 year old city. Listen to his words. Archaeologists and historians have long wondered why Jerusalem should have been established where it was and why become great.
I wonder that too. I've been there. There's not much around there. So listen to his explanation. He says it enjoys none of the physical features which favored the advancement and prosperity of other important cities in the world the head of no Great River. It overlooks no great Harbour it commands. No Great Highway. No Crossroads. It's not close to any abundant sources of water off in the major reason for the establishment of a settlement the one main natural spring offered a modest Supply. It possesses no mineral riches is off. The main trade routes it held no strategic key to the conquest of vast areas prized by the ancient warrior indeed. It was blessed. Neither with neither special economic North topographic virtues, which might explain why I should have ever become more than a small Anonymous Mountain Village with a fait in different from most contemporary Villages, which
What's so special about Jerusalem? Even the mayor know that all these things that are against its. Remaining even to this day. And yet I submit to you that of all the cities of the earth. There's no City more precious than Jerusalem. Jerusalem what makes it so special well, the reason for its greatness of course is found right here in this song His foundation is in the Holy mountains the Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. There's nowhere else that Jacob could have pitched his tent but in Zion that the Lord would have loved more. Be'er Sheva now Horde no. Nebo no Jericho know no other place
Jerusalem is where he chose to put his name there. So you want the answer to the question? What makes Jerusalem so great. There's no other explanation except God did it. Is that not amazing is that not such a tribute and a testimony to the inspiration of scripture this obscure out of the way little city that that becomes something because God decided to set his name there. This is the god that we're dealing with. This is the god that that all the other gods. There's no comparison. So maybe 6. Us about his income per bility in the fact that God said his name there makes this an amazing City you think about what God has done Even in our day since 1947 more recent history if you will on on this city. Jerusalem city of our God Zion founded by him
I've got a home in gloryland that outshines the Sun. We sing that hymn. Do you know that home in gloryland is heaven your destination. Are you looking for a city whose Builder and maker is God? So many 7% many beautiful facets of this idea of Jerusalem. Now if you study through your Bible, you'll find the first time Jerusalem really is mentioned is in the Book of Genesis. So it goes back to Antiquity. We're talking thousands and thousands of years. This this reason this area Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem, how much is in the news today about Jerusalem? We had some pretty exciting things recently about Jerusalem. How many of our previous presidents have committed in promise to move the US Embassy to the recognized Jerusalem and how many of them accomplished that feat? The current sitting president is done that. And we'll meeting presidents before I'm sure it's not that they didn't mean what they said or promised, but it just took some. Some action to recognize and to actually move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv and make the ascent to Jerusalem Jerusalem. It's always been in the news. And old John Phillips said it's the most important city on earth. Do you agree with him? Is there another city on the face of the globe? That's more important in Jerusalem. I submit to you there's not keep your eyes on the Middle East Washington Washington, but is it as a promise is it is important in Prophecy is Jerusalem now, it's not Paris London Tokyo Peking Moscow all across the globe and Jerusalem Center. If you were to take a map for instance in Bible times to welaka text early when this song was written if you were to take a world map and chart out the known cities of that day Babylon Egypt, maybe North up to Syria and you go right to the middle of that map. and put a pin guess where you going to be very close to if not right on top of Jerusalem and so it is Center focus even of the world today where eyes are all fixed on what's going to happen in the Middle East Jerusalem the true World Center and God said of Jerusalem.
And so you take that list you draw a circle on a map with Jerusalem in the middle. You find a radius of about 900 miles. It'll take I take you just about anywhere in the Middle East. So within that radius is going to lie Athens Istanbul Antioch Beirut Damascus bag tag, Alexandria Cairo, Mecca In Jerusalem right in the middle.
The city itself is mentioned by name more than 800 times in the Bible. It stands were no city has any business standing it was mentioned by the mayor itself. No River no strategic Highway roads, they lead straight into the desert from Israel. Unusual. You send up to Jerusalem from Jerusalem and all these slopes Rocky outcrops divide one area from another. Bally's running in here. They're not the best train to try to get get by on foot less, you know where you're going pitted with rock tombs everywhere and sliced up by Valli's on either side all the way around the most prominent thing that's in Jerusalem. Today is the side of the temple and the temple Institute is there and is done everything to get all things ready for this tablet shipment of their there today Temple that that will be there. They have everything. The ephod candlesticks all the furniture they all of the all of the necessary means to function. The only thing they're waiting for is the ground to do a know as soon as I get a green light to build a temple and have a holy place. They'll be offering sacrifices again, and it'll be much Bloodshed. I'm sure once again because they've missed the Messiah what all of this will move and work towards prophecy. When Titus demolished Jerusalem be left standing one segment of the wall to show future Generations the power that room had now we call that portion of the wall the Western Wall today used to be known as The Wailing Wall, but it's not known by that anymore. It's the Western Wall. That's the proper way to call it and Turman because they're not weeping there any more necessarily as much as praying and looking in face toward Messiah missed him because he came in Christ. So the Western Wall, you can see that it's huge. You can go approach to it and it runs along the the city now. I personally believe that that was a portion of the fortresses in Antiochus that was there. And so it was a Roman Fortress. I think they've got some things off in their geography as far as where is everything would sit but I mean, what word is just the tip of the iceberg when we went down underneath the city, they're still Excavating in unearthing and digging out a portion large portions underground of structures that have been buried because you have layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of History that's there and you go down Into the Depths and you find they're still digging still finding things. You know, they've Unearthed seals that date back to Hezekiah and and seals that date back to Isaiah and used Ian and he's Bible times that we read about in the Bible and all of it is just magnificent is amazing and just leave Mom. Wondering about you know how to fall out in DayZ. They're still you know, working digging things out. Moving Earth underneath and working to try to get to the place where they can have their Temple Jerusalem. The first time it appears in the Bible is after the great battle of the Kings the Confederacy were Abraham lot from being kidnapped and on the way after it was all said and done we meet a character and I think this is amazing person in the Bible. I wish we could have heard more about him from the right or to the Hebrew. But we haven't we haven't scripture in this man named milk is a deck is the king of righteousness. He's the king of Peace because he's the king of Salem. What a picture of Jesus Christ we have milk is a day without father without mother. There's no genealogy to him. And so this goes all the way back is sold as the Bible is and as far back as we can think we had this idea of Jerusalem in the city where the high priest would come who's also the king the king of righteousness the king of peace and Abraham communing with him and having red wine with him and giving him Tides worshipping Melchizedek. There's coming a day where there will be a king in Jerusalem the king of righteousness in the king of peace and his name is Jesus. He's the son of David and he'll fulfill all the promises of the davidic Covenant will fulfill all the promises of the abrahamic Covenant and he's already fulfilled all the promises of the Mosaic Covenant. In all of these things meet together in this new covenant that God makes with Mankind through Israel this New Covenant that we can all come by faith through Jesus Christ the King. Hey, can I call him the king of Jerusalem? The king of Salem the king of righteousness the king of peace. No city on earth has suffered more attacks. No city on earth has been seized more and had more sacks against it then Jerusalem Devastation after Devastation and then Revival and Revival. City Pawn City in history upon history buried right there on that mount of Jerusalem nine of these sieges in revivals are mentioned in the bible alone. But I mean history records at least 34 instances of Jerusalem.
Egyptians Babylonians Assyrians Greek parthian Romans Arabs Europeans
interesting account of how it came to be. Why what's so special about Jerusalem? Well, it says in verse to the Lord loveth the game more than all the dwellings of Jacob. He loves it. He has set his love upon this piece of ground because it's a picture of a city to come everything in the Old Testament was a pattern the thing that things that Moses was given instructions to build for the Tabernacle was a pattern of the things that are in the heavens and so it helps us understand and learn more about our God the god of the Bible when we observe some things about Jerusalem the Lord set his love upon this and woe betide
And in days gone by more recent history in modern terms. There was a time when a British general Lord Allenby, he delivered Jerusalem from The Wretched rule of the Turks. Remember that history account when the British sent a force of bombers to Circle over Jerusalem. This was during World War II you don't remember cuz you weren't there, but maybe read about it.
World War 1 and what happened? Will the Turks decided it's time to leave because they saw these bombers flying over and they don't have intercourse at that time. There's nothing they can do. So rather than by the bombing that would happen if they didn't because we can compete with that as Muslim people. So sacred to them is it is to Christians in the juice you go there and it's just amalgamation of world religions colliding down at the music the Denver Museum, of course, we won't go there the talks about the the intersection of the three major religions. And so basically the by the time you finish watching that movie you would have quetta if you didn't know anything about any of them and you Game with a fresh slate in your mind. You would walk away thinking that Christianity is equal with Judaism is equal with Islam.
That's not accurate because Jesus Christ makes the difference between real Christianity and religious mechanisms and ritualism a real walk with God because you've been born again by faith through his shed blood but I'll tell you their rituals man. They put their celebration movie where they're carrying these crosses down the Via Dolorosa they put out because they're excited about what they're what they're doing in their worship.
I think we should learn some things don't you lift up our voice and sing Newton another great hymn writers. You don't know anything about Jerusalem. Well, you can sing of a Heavenly Jerusalem and you can know that there is a greater city of maker is God about this morning. Sew-in out the story of of Jerusalem getting back into British.
They surrendered without firing a single shot. They marched out though. They left the city in British hands and December 9th. Hey, what's today's date?
December 9th 1917 Market, well tomorrow would be the anniversary celebration of this Allen be marched into the city dismounted from his horse and he walked on foot through its Gates down streets and did so out of his personal respect for Jerusalem. He dismounted his horse and walked in and out of reverence. The city whose streets have been tried by the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ Our Savior. Jerusalem Jerusalem Dow that kills the prophets Oh Jerusalem. What affection as the Lord sits outside the city that he put his he decided to love and put his name there knowing that they were going to put him to death right there in Jerusalem. Are you connecting the bigger. Jesus Christ coming? Where was Jesus Christ crucified out of all
He set his face to go to. Zion city of our God you see this city are Redemption hinges on this location. Because without Christ and the crucifixion death burial resurrection and Ascension of our savior from this city from this point. We don't have our face.
L&B was it about Christian? He knew the Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. So he had no wish to write a war horse through the gates and pass on. The Lord Jesus Christ, his savior had walked on foot.
as we look at the psalm some simple observations you can make regarding the song notice first off Zion the Glorious city of God in verses 1 through 3, and secondly the new life being born again if you will the grand privilege of citizens reader To be able to understand understand some of the things about the song. We need to understand its place in the book of the psalter as we continue savoring the Salter and many ways. This is a Messianic Psalm. In fact, I believe it was Baxter in his Explorer the book listed this song as a Messianic Psalm in the list of the categories of Psalms he gave I agree with him. This is a very Messianic Psalm it has much to say about the Millennium and if we understand better Revelation and some of the perfect things that are going to happen in other prophets of the Bible in a different because we start to see things intersecting come together.
And so I do take a prophetic approach to this song. It looks down the ages to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to rain in power and glory to a time when he'll set up again the Throne of David in Jerusalem, and he'll rain as the Bible says from the river to the ends of the Earth are Christ will rain there you'll destroy the armies of the beast at mighetto Hill Purge the world of the ungodly in the valley right there outside Jerusalem. He'll send a remnant of the Nations back to their ravaged land renovate the planet restorative Splendor to set up Thrones in Jerusalem.
The Twelve Apostles who judge the tribes of Israel the Jewish people they're going to be his Ministers of State his ambassador to the nations of the world the XD Executives to the throne.
His people will be that in the 12 apostles in the church in essence will be over them and then Christ will be over all and that's laid out for us in the vision of the New Jerusalem in Revelation. As foundations it has Gates and their distinct one from another but the apostles are said to be judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel with the Lord Jesus Christ ruling and reigning with a rod of iron in so, well Israel will be his representative on the earth will have a part to play there as well as Believers not confusing the two and making sure we understand we have the right glasses on as we mentioned in previous song with in the Lord's going to take a roll call of the nation's is old and his commentary to be written in those born in the city of Jerusalem. It'll be said is poured into this song this and that man was born in her. Hey, where were you born? Did you get the pic that place? I don't know if you did we need to talk cuz I didn't get to pick the place where I was born. I was born in some obscure County In the Backwoods, Georgia, not really the Backwoods cuz it's a bustling City now. But where were you born? You didn't get the pic that place you see this as part of the sovereignty of God. As to where you were born and for someone in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ to be able to say I was born in Jerusalem, what a privilege because there's no other city on the earth going to be like that City when the Lord Jesus Christ rules and rains there from the Throne of David and so right after that you can divide the song by the to Silas. There's a Cielo after verse 3 and a Cielo after verse 6 and so you can see the verses of the song right there and that's a good place to stop and think Isn't So by Holy Spirit inspiration we have the word Selah added. Hey, what do you think about that just pause for a moment? Think about Zion and what that means in a millennial reign of Christ.
Entered as a citizen by birth of Jerusalem. I am so thankful that I am an American citizen by birth. If I wasn't I'd be the first one in line to go get naturalized and go through the process to become a citizen of America and you know, I can say well if I wasn't born there I got there as fast as I could like me to pay people say about Colorado. I'm not a native but I got here as quick as I could and those who were here before that I don't you leave as quick as you have heard that too and I pray for Colorado. I I pray that God will turn Colorado around in many ways God's not finished and Raines Special Touch Of Glory Glory is as common as a sunlit sky Phillips in
Where were you born? Where were you privileged to be birth and show the Lord's going to take the census? He's going to do the count the Lord shall count when he write us up. The people that this man was born there Selah and so as we look at Psalm 87, I hope that you can see there's a very prophetic element to this song. It looks ahead to what God has yet to do. So there's going to be ranks in God's kingdom. What rank will you have will the department determines it'll be determined by how you live your life for Christ down here. There's going to be ranks the Jews that rule the world Twelve Apostles ruler JuJu's The Churchill rule in the heavenlies Christ reign supreme. That's how the ranks will fall out. In one of the honored ranks in the Kingdom will be to be Jerusalem born. Oh that I was born there. Well that's talking about physical Jerusalem, but I'm thankful to tell you that the Bible says if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and come by face to him and John chapter 1 verse number 12. It says as many as received him the Lord Jesus Christ to them gave he power or authority to be called the sons of God. We sing that song. My name is written. There is your name written down on those roles. Are you on the Lord says your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. If so, then we read in the Revelation where the 12 apostles have their names inscribed on the on those Gates and twelve tribes and Foundations. The names are written. So God has a role book and he has a census book that he's going to take and all my Springs are in the all my Springs spring speaks of a life-giving source. And where do we find but through Jesus Christ who died in Jerusalem? And that hadn't even occurred yet. When the psalmist wrote this song is for word looking to what God would do there in that place that he chose to say his name now, there's some things in the song that distracts probably too much time trying to wrestle things about to make him sit where we are trying to be logical interesting verse. But if you'll notice verse number for there's something that sits right in the middle of the entire thought who is Rahab here. I've read all kinds of ideas. My personal ID is that location? So I was in Jericho, so I have no problem seeing this as a location of Jericho and then Babylon and you're talking about all these other cities. But Rahab has also been a you can translate it from the Hebrew as as some sea creature that the Lord conquered it also talks about dividing the the the sea when he conquered the other gods of the World by The Exodus that's been mentioned about Rahab. So but because of the Hebrew word, I simply means Pride or proud and so who was proud against God will the devil fell because of his pride and so Rahab I'll make mention of Rahab and the whole entire was Ethiopia and note this spray. This man was born there number 5 and Shelby said this and that man was born in her. Do you see the phrase was born in her? And then look at burst number 6 the Lord shall count when he write us up. The people that this man was born there. So icky to the structure of the psalm is noting the words born there. Was there as as a Soleman Folds he says the Lord loveth the gates of Zion glorious things are spoken of what of the note the words of the inverse 3 and then notice the words in verse number 7 at the very end. All my Springs are in the if you can understand those as the bookends to the song you'll be on a good direction to see the structure of how the song unfolds. But the Center focus of it all is where are you born? You have a physical birth. But Jesus says except a man be born again. He shall not see the kingdom of God. And so have you been born again? Do you know your birth? Do you know your father? If you've never been born again, then Jesus told those who would die in their sense that they would they were of their father the devil. God forbid that anyone that we love or no should have to die in their sins and pay for their sins for all eternity how much rather should we not do everything we can to help them understand the aspect of being born again? This man was born there vs. Number for that's the very center of the whole song. Where where were you born notice this glorious city of God. There's a firm foundation inverse. Number one. God has set his steadfast love on her inverse number to and there's a resounding praise that goes out through the ends of the Earth for this City versus number three, and then we get to consider not only sign but life through being born and having the privilege Ephesians chapter 2 talks about our citizens. And so we have a citizen jury. We have a citizenship that you know, I have a dual citizenship. I don't know about you but as a Believer and I'm a citizen of the United States of America. This is where I live on this Earth, but I have another citizenship and my passports the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen, and I'm going to a city whose Builder and maker is God. I'm just a pilgrim passing through this world. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond beyond the blue and so I have another citizenship. But I'm on the roll call there and we see that that roll call being given by the Lord verse number for you have this list of all these surrounding Nations at one point in time. These are all enemies whether you look at Rahab is being a sea creature or Jericho Jericho was an enemy to God's people and the walls came tumbling down. The sea creature that was destroyed if you want to look at it that way from ancient literature Shurfine will the sea creatures no more and that speaks to the glory of God because he's greater and all of these will one day be brought you read through that list which nations which nations are still functioning today.
On that list, but the Bible talks about the day when Christ will come all the nations of the earth will be United under him. Once he purchased and judgement in the tribulation is over all the nations and the Gentiles particularly is what this is a reference to the the Gentile nations of the world will be under Christ and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father. So there's a manifold there's a diverse citizens re if you will of this heavy metal blood is that the ground is level at the at the foot of the cross to the weekend and we can have our name written in the Lamb's Book of Life that country a greater country and it's a manifold a diverse citizen reverse number for
But how more important would it be in the day of the psalmist when he's riding it? Where were you born from whence Dost thou hell that's how they used to say in the Middle Ages train from whence Dost thou hell we don't talk like that anymore.
Hey where you from? And that's a great thing to talk about it and I'm I'm not ashamed of where I came from. I'm not ashamed of where I was born because God chose that I would be there and he chose the family that I will be part of the birth was was that you know, the whole reason I'm here is because God gave conception and life came through him and now not only do I have physical life. But as I said, I've been born again through Jesus Christ. Notice, this is the the praise that it shall be said that's future tense. There's a prophetic future this and that man was born in her and the highest himself shall establish her who's going to do this God. Will God will do it. Who's going to take the census in the Bible in our country?
And now you read about the book of numbers. That's basically a census of the children of Israel coming out of Egypt David took a few counts. One of them was sent because of the his his adversary stood up against provoked him and tempted him to number and to go forth and his own rather than trust God and he'll take a perfect senses. Unlike the one that's about to roll out here in 2020. I'll let that Sleeping Dog lie too late. I woke him up when he write us up. The people that this man was born there. He just stop and think about that think about the millennial reign of Christ. As well as the singers and the players on instruments shall be there. I love my King James Bible a man. It says singers and it says players. I know David danced to dance through the streets when they brought the ark into Jerusalem. That's one of the key moments in Jerusalem history by the Without David we wouldn't have God's name being on Jerusalem. Would we see it all works for the sovereignty of God Bible says singers and players if you want interpret that as dancing. I don't know if I'll go along with you on that too much but singers, can I just summarize at this way whether you're singing or playing or yah, Hebrew person. I mean you go to Jerusalem. Now you seem dancing in the streets the song dancing to the bar mitzvah that we watched a little snippet of a video and they just get excited about that make a big deal of it that we think of is dancing today that you know, I would agree with old Billy Sunday on we need some more strong preaching against that kind of dancing. Amen because that damned things of the world that dancing is is is nothing but lust of the Flesh and less than the eyes and pride of life, but when you're celebrating and you can't help but but just be emotionally moved by what God's done for you then you're in a state of Celebration. And that's what we're seeing here and all the world will celebrate under the reign of Jesus Christ because then we'll be done with and he'll rule with a rod of iron all my Springs are in the handfuls on purpose old Smith pointed out some verses about the the spiritual life that's here. He says the Springs the spring of spiritual life the spring of spiritual power spring of spiritual life, according to Ephesians 2:1 and you wish were dead in trespasses and sins has he quickened and we have a spring of life through Jesus Christ the spring of spiritual power you shall be Witnesses unto me in Jerusalem in Judea and Samaria under the outermost part of the earth the power of the Holy Ghost. Where does that come from was Christ at Jerusalem? The spring of spiritual nourishment Luke 4:4 talks about the word of God the spiritual nourishment that comes from there the spring of Eternal. Joyment Romans 5:11 talks about all the enjoyment. We're going to have spiritually through the Lord Jesus Christ the spring of spiritual expectation. What is your blessed? Hope? What do you hang all of your face on it ought to be on the word of God the spring of spiritual expectation 1st, John 3:2 every man that has this. Hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure boy. What a privilege to be loved by the father as We've Been Loved There's a millennial census and verse number 6 verses 5 and 6 but the song closes with a Messianic celebration and I invite you to celebrate with me. The fact that Jesus Christ is coming again and through his work. We can say formed thee for his own Abode. Where does the Lord of Buy? He abides where he sets his name. Where has he chosen to set his name? Jerusalem Jerusalem, oh what a name city of peace We're not there yet. Are we the one day the king of peace and the king of righteousness will come and if your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you can rejoice and celebrate with us that one day all the Earth will know his peace not as the world gives but the piece which pervades and last Zion the Glorious city of God, you understand the great privilege that you have to say that you have your citizens re there whether it said the Gentiles grafted in Bible Lisa Rabe receiving all the spiritual blessings that way or whether it was by the sovereignty of God because you were born at you as person. You still come by faith through Jesus Christ. Recognize that he is the Messiah. He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.