The Shepherd is Not to Fleece the Sheep
The Shepherd is Not to Fleece the Sheep
1 Peter 5:1-5
The Exhortation
I appeal - Peter’s method of persuasion
To those who are Elders
Not advanced age but seniority and character
Assumption: with age should come maturity and strong character
The context here establishes that this is speaking of elders in an official sense.
By looking at verse 5 it is clear that this word doesn’t use it original sense of age
a. Fellow elder (presbuteros)
Peter’s call from the Lord. Feed my sheep!
b. Witness of the sufferings of Christ
Eyewitness or one who bears testimony to what he accepts as true
c. one who will share in the glory to be revealed
This is a reference to the unveiling of Christ’s glory at his return
Here is the hope again
Their Duty
Shepherd GOD’S flock
Exercising OVERSIGHT (Episkipos)
The task of the elder
Character and Responsibility
The Proper Motive
Not . . . But . . .
1. Because you must Because you are willing
2. Greedy for money Eager to Serve
3. Not lording it over Be an example
Those entrusted to your care
1. You must
Not external constraint, or by compulsion
Why anyone would get into the ministry because some one talked them into it is beyond me
Do You Love Me - says the Lord
2. Greedy for money
Joseph Stowell tells the story of going to preach at a banquet several miles away from his home. He waited, and he waited, and he waited, and I even helped them take down the tables.
Is God sufficient!
Respectable and stimulating way of gaining a livelihood.
Seminary: Is he going for a bigger church
3. Lording it over
This again indicates that there is an exercise of authority. However, it is not to be the misuse of authority.
Lead not drive
The Reward
Crown of Glory
Christ was crowned with glory and honor and he will and he will reward his faithful under shepherds by sharing with them the crown of glory.
Not diadem but stephanos - the crown of the victor
To the Other Members
Be submissive
Walk in humility
17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. G
pastor joel richards October 5, 2008